
Star Wars VRMMO

First and foremost: Yes. I drew the cover myself in Microsoft Paint. It is a masterpiece. You're welcome. This is my second work. I thought I'd give a shot at one of those game novels. I've always had a dream of there being a video game where it was kinda like a combination of an MMO and GTA but with Star Wars themes. You'd be able to travel the whole galaxy and have progression that relates to the story. I think it'd be quite interesting. Essentially, I am going to be creating a universe so this is going to be a really fun experience for me. There is gonna be no bullshit with reincarnation. Just pure exploration and luck. I might experiment with different POVs throughout the work but who knows. Lastly, sorry if I make mistakes with the math. I am going to try and keep it as simple as possible. Here is a preview: The year is 2086. The VRMMO market has been taking off in the last 20 years. Each title is more advanced than the previous. Finally, an unknown entrepreneur is creating a game that introduces an AI that fully manages the game independently. This unknown investor has partnered with Disney to create this game within the story of Star Wars. Tyler Sandberg is a 17 year old boy living in New York, USA. He lost his father in a space exploration accident and he has been living with his mother since that happened. Unfortunately, the two have been struggling financially ever since his father passed so they live a modest lifestyle. Since his father was an astronaut, he was always super into sci-fi content. Star Wars was his favorite. After finding out that there was a mysterious VRMMO Star Wars game coming out, he swore that he would make it big in the game and get him and his mom the lifestyle they deserve. DISCLAIMER: All characters, companies, and events in this novel --even those based on real world entities-- are entirely fictional. All representations are made up ... poorly. This novel contains coarse language and due to its content it should not be read by anyone.

N3wman · Games
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71 Chs

Church of the Force Part II

There was one gap in their encirclement that led right to the entrance of the tent. A hand reached out and lifted the flap of the tent. A woman walked out. She had black hair, pale skin, and the yellow eyes that gave away a Sith. She was dressed in a long, black robe. Underneath it was a body that could only be described as god like.

She had large, firm breasts that drew the eyes. They were accompanied by a small waist, pretty face, and a big bank. Tyler was truly hating on a bitch. She wore skin tight black pants and a dark brown fitted top.


Tyler quickly looked around to weigh out the situation.

Crathious, 21 years, Sith Acolyte

Level 68


Mikhael, 21 years, Sith Acolyte

Level 71


Bianca, 25 years, Sith Acolyte

Level 70


Kana, 22 years, Sith Acolyte

Level 67


Asuka, 17 years, Sith Acolyte

Level 72


Boros, 35 years, Sith Acolyte

Level 73


Mun, 21 years, Sith Apprentice

Level 78


Tyler smirked. "Girl, are you congress? Because I wanna breach you."

A few of the people surrounding them choked to hold in their laughter.

The woman quickly contained her rage and smiled seductively. "Lord Draco, how nice of you to join us."

Tyler bowed. "Thank you for the warm welcome. Who might you be?"

The woman entered a pose reeking of grandiose. "I am Mun, apprentice to Darth Sidious and Vice Guild Leader of Forest."

Tyler shrugged. "So, you guys finally mustered up the courage to rear your heads again or Eric sent you. Am I supposed to be intimidated?"

Mun was enraged. "Not even breaking a sweat while surrounded by Forest's finest. You must be delusional if you think you're getting out of this alive."

Tyler shook his head. "I believe that you are thinking about this backwards. You may have the numbers, but you are pathetically outmatched. Anyways, I wanna know something before I cancel your life subscription. What are so many Sith doing in one place?"

Mun was furious but spoke in a calm tone that had venom in each word. "Such utter disrespect. This is no way for a servant of the Dark Lord of the Sith to be treated. All of us are here on his direct orders."

Tyler chuckled. "So it is something important. A weapon, maybe?"

Mun shook her head. "You won't get anything regarding the weapon out of me."

Tyler smiled. "So it is a weapon. Wait!" He let on an evil grin and spoke teasingly. "I know what's going on here. The only question that remains is where."


The game had a great way to preserve RP. NPCs would not hear any information that was acquired close in time to a player's death. The player would remember said information but no action could be taken. In addition, any quests that are not labeled as continuous or long term would result in failure upon death.

Tyler quickly turned to Kai. "I'll handle this bitch and whoever joins us. You handle the others. Use the terrain and your agility to your advantage."

Kai nodded as he used the force to pull his lightsaber to his hand before igniting it.

Tyler then pulled his hands into his chest. "DUCK!"

Kai dropped to the ground as Tyler swung his hands outwards. The force exploded in an expanding ring around him. It collided with all seven Sith and knocked them to the ground.

Tyler jumped forwards, unsheathing and igniting both of his lightsabers. He landed over Mun and swung his sabers down. In the nick of time, she ignited her crimson saber and stopped the attack.

Mun was furious. "YOU FOOLS! DO SOMETHING!"

The other six Sith shot to their feet and ignited their lightsabers. Boros, Asuka, and Crathious all rushed to help their Mun. Mikhael, Bianca, and Kana moved towards Kai.

Tyler grinned as he watched the acolytes surround him. "Well, this should be fun, eh? It's been a minute since I've had a challenge."

Boros and Crathious attempted a pincer attack on both of Tyler's sides. Tyler stood up and flipped backwards to evade it. He soared through the air.

Once he landed, he put on a serious face. "COME!"

All four of them rushed forwards and launched an overhead strike. Using his overwhelming strength, Tyler swung inwards. He redirected the two outer lightsabers into the path of the two inner ones. This effectively blocked them.

Tyler sighed. "Come onnnn. I expected more from Forest's finest."

The four sith pulled back and surrounded him.

Tyler smiled. "This approach is correct. Good, you're learning."

This only pissed them off even more. They synchronized an attack from all four directions. They expected Tyler to stand his ground and defend. However, he is not one to be predictable.

Tyler rushed Crathious, the weakest link. He pulled both of his sabers back and to his right. He then swung his left saber across, blocking the incoming strike. He then followed up with his other saber, bisecting the sith. The red lightsaber deactivated and fell to the ground along with the two halves of his body.

He then spun around and grinned. "You are only as strong as your weakest link." He then rushed back into the fray.

The three sith quickly surrounded him. He used his right saber to defend against Mun and his left to defend against Boros and Asuka.

The two acolytes took advantage of this. They launched an attack from opposite sides to make it impossible to block both of them.

In response, Tyler dove forward, cutting off both of Boros's hands, before rolling to dodge Asuka's strike. He then spun around as he deactivated his lightsabers and held them both in his left hand.

He raised his right hand, palm up, in a relaxed stance. Asuka was raised into the air. He slowly closed his hand and the acolyte gripped her neck. She was no longer able to breath since she was being choked by the force.

Not wanting to give Mun a chance to attack, he threw Asuka at Boros, incapacitating both of them.

Kai then called out. "Yo, you gonna be done soon?"

Tyler looked over to the voice. Kai was currently sitting on top of the stacked bodies of the other three acolytes.

Tyler rolled his eyes. "Momentarily. Patience is key, little one."

Mun was furious. "YOU THINK THERE IS TIME TO CHAT?" She reached her empty hand out and pulled Boros's lightsaber into her hand. She ignited it and then crossed her two sabers in front of her face. "It's time to finish this, Limitless scum."

Tyler shrugged. "Hey, you guys started it. You are right about one thing though. This fight is over."

Tyler ran at Mun. She was immediately put on the defensive due to the monstrous strength and speed behind her adversary's strikes.

Once he noticed that she was getting comfortable blocking his strikes, he pulled his right hand back and launched a swing with all of his strength behind it towards the saber in her left hand.

She attempted to block it but the lightsaber flew out of her hand. In her moment of hesitation, Tyler used his left saber and impaled the apprentice. "Lata bitch."

Tyler deactivated his lightsabers and she fell to the floor, dead.

*Level up! You are now Level 89. You have been awarded 20 free attribute points.*

Kai hopped next to him. "About time."

Tyler rolled his eyes. "Hey, I had 4 while you had 3. Don't get snippy with me."

Kai shrugged. "I know you could have ended it more quickly."

Tyler shook his head. "Where is the fun in that? Anyways, let's check out the tent."

Tyler walked over to the entrance and lifted up the flap. The inside was quite bare. There were seven chairs around a flimsy table. On the table were three data pads. Two of them were on the end of the table that was closest to the entrance.

After examining them, they were merely procedural items. One was for the labor droids. It included information on their protocols and parameters. The other contained information on the heavy machinery that was being used for the mining and ore processing.

Tyler tossed them back on the table. "Boring stuff. Hopefully this last one will provide something useful."

He walked over to the head of the table and leisurely sat down. He then picked up the datapad. There was only one file on it. It was a bill of materials labeled Project Stardust.

Tyler stood up. "Kai, let's go. We have what we need. Someone else can take care of the cleanup."

Kai tilted his head. "What did you find?"

Tyler shook his head as he walked to the entrance. "I'm not sure that you have the clearance for something like this. We must return to Coruscant."

Kai sighed. "Very well."

They exited the tent and found the clones waiting for them. They were sitting around and their helmets were off.

Blaze looked towards Tyler and smiled. "You find anything?"

Tyler nodded. "Any word on the battle?"

Blaze nodded. "Commander Cody just contacted me. Admirals Mcree and Yularen broke through the blockade. It is only a matter of time before we gain control of the system."

Tyler smiled. "That's great news. Have you called a transport?"

Blaze nodded. "I have, sir. It is waiting outside. The clearing is just large enough for a gunship to squeeze in."

Tyler sighed in relief. "Good shit. Let's get out of here."

As they flew towards the city, they saw three more accalmators landing in the outskirts. Several cruisers were hovering over the city and bombarding the CIS troops.

Tyler shook his head. "War… war never changes. Pilot, drop Burn Company off at the camp and then take me to the High Noon."

The pilot nodded. "Yes, sir."


Two fighters dropped out of hyperspace in high orbit over Coruscant. They entered the GAR orbital sector and disengaged from their hyperspace rings. The two fighters then headed over to the Senate Building and landed in the Chancellor's private hangar.

Tyler and Kai hopped out of their fighters and rushed to the Chancellor's office. A few minutes later, they arrived.

The door slid open. Inside were only three people. Mace Windu, Yoda, and Finis Valorum.

Valorum stood up and smiled. "Draco, I'm happy to see you in good health. I hear that you have a report to make?"

Tyler nodded. "Before we start, I am not sure whether Kai has the clearance to hear this or not."

Valorum waved away his concerns. "Kai is your trusted former padawan. He may be of help in this situation nonetheless."

Tyler nodded. "Very well."

Windu looked at Tyler. "Please tell us your findings."

Tyler nodded and pulled out the datapad before putting it on the desk. "There is an organization known as the Church of the Force. They collect artifacts related to the Jedi Order and return them to the place they belong."

Windu nodded. "Yes, we have had a good relationship with them. What do they have to do with this?"

Tyler sighed. "I'm getting there. Most of what they handle are kyber crystals. Through them, I discovered a cave full of them. However, that wasn't the only thing we found in the cave. A group of Sith raided the monastery, took the crystals, and killed most of the monks. We then found them in the cave, mining the crystals."

Valorum grimaced. "This could not be good."

Windu nodded. "Indeed. What use could they have for unbonded crystals?"

Tyler pointed to the datapad. "Kyber crystals channel the power of the force. If used properly, they can create a formidable weapon. Our lightsabers are a great example of this. However, the amount of energy they can process can power something much, much bigger. I believe that they are designing a super weapon. The only thing we have on it is the BOM on that datapad there. They call it Project Stardust."

Yoda shook his head. "Troubling, this is. Look into it we must."

Valorum nodded. "Let's keep this under wraps for now. Regardless, you have done the Republic a great service Draco."

*Hidden Quest Completed: Stop the Sith*

*Rank: Legendary*

*Reward: +12000 Church of the Force Reputation, +6000 Jedi Order Reputation, +5 Levels*

*Hidden Continuous Quest Triggered: Finding Kyber Crystals*

*Rank: Legendary*

*Reward: 100,000 credits, +2000 Jedi Reputation, Random Jedi Holocron*

*Level up! You are now Level 94. You have been awarded 25 free attribute points.*

*Congratulations! Your reputation level with the Church of the Force has increased to Honored!*

*Congratulations! Your reputation level with the Jedi Order has increased to Revered!*

Tyler turned to Yoda. "Master Yoda, Ahsoka spoke about an emergency. Has that been resolved?"

Yoda nodded. "Returned to Jabba, his son has been. Pass through Hutt space, we now can."

Valorum nodded. "This is a great boon. It will allow us to fortify our position."

Tyler smiled. "Now we can commit to our strategy. We must let them show their hand before we push back. How are the preparations coming?"

Valorum sighed. "There are hold ups left and right. It has made it quite clear who is on our side though. We have even been able to root out several officials that were in league with the enemy."

Tyler sighed. "That is troublesome."

Valorum nodded. "Indeed. In other news, I was informed by Master Kenobi that Jabba wishes to speak with you. He had one condition for allowing us to pass through their hyperspace lanes and that was it. I hope this isn't an issue."

Tyler shook his head. "Talking with the Hutts is not an issue. I'm just curious what he would need my help with."

Valorum sighed. "I doubt it is community service. That's unfortunately all I know."

Tyler stood up. "Well, I must be going. I don't want to keep the great Jabba waiting. He is one of the most powerful men in the galaxy after all."

Valorum nodded. "I wish you luck." They shook hands before Tyler and Kai left the office.


Tyler was sitting in an armchair within his penthouse. He was nursing a glass of scotch while waiting on an important call. 'Well, time to see if learning how to understand Huttese.'

A hologram of Jabba the Hutt popped up on the table in front of him.

Tyler smiled and raised his glass. "Jabba, it's nice to finally speak with you."

(Jabba be speaking in Huttese but I'm gonna type it in English.)

Jabba laughed. "Draco, I'm surprised it took so long. I was sure we would have naturally crossed paths eventually."

Tyler sipped his drink. "Indeed. So how can little old me be of service to the great Jabba."

Jabba sighed. "Ahhhhh, there has been some trouble as of late and I was hoping you could help me with it."

Tyler raised his brow as he took another sip. "What kind of trouble?"

Jabba nodded. "A Coruscant based cartel has been hijacking our freighters."

Tyler sipped his drink again and thought for a moment. "That is certainly bad news. If I may, are these the above or under the table kinda freighters?"

Jabba laughed. "Surely you know that no one would dare approach any of the legal ones. If they did that, the Republic would get involved. I doubt even you would do it without hesitating first."

Tyler chuckled. "I haven't yet been forced to resort to any illicit behavior. I have a reputation to uphold afterall."

Jabba nodded. "What you have done is not easy to accomplish legally. Anyways, how about it? Do you think you can help me?"

Tyler nodded as he downed the rest of his drink. "Yes, I think I can. We'll be in touch."

He hung up the call and sighed. "This will be a pain in the ass. I have to deal with it though. I can't believe some jackass would dare to do something like this on my turf."

Tyler walked over to the liquor cabinet. Before opening it, he sent a message to Papi Chulo. Papi is an elder in Limitless and is the director of the Limitless Intelligence Group (LIG). If anyone would be able to point him in the right direction, it would be him. He then grabbed an extra large flask, filled it with ice and then poured in about half a bottle of cheap whiskey. At least it was cheap by his standards.

Having only learned recently that the LIG even exists, he decided to take a stroll down there. The facility took up five floors in the middle of the building. The bottom level was for the data banks and servers. The next level was for interrogation and holding. The middle level was for their equipment and storage. Three quarters of the next two floors were for office space and meeting rooms. The other quarter was a high security hangar secured with energy shields and 20 feet thick blast doors.

He departed his personal elevator on the reception floor and walked out into the lobby. It was as pristine as ever and absolutely beautiful. He took a swig from his flask and exhaled loudly. "It's good to be the king."

He then walked across the floor to the security headquarters. There was a guild member standing guard. "Can you point me to the elevators that can take me to the LIG headquarters?"

The guild member nodded and pointed at a wall with a scanner on it. "It's right over there, Guild Leader."

Tyler smiled. "Thank you." He walked over and examined the scanner. There was a flat glass panel and a retinal scanner. He nodded in approval before placing his hand on the scanner.

A voice responded after a few seconds. "Identity, Draco. Please submit your retinal scan now."

Following the instructions, he put his right eye up to the scanner. After about 10 seconds, there was a ding. "Identity confirmed."

The wall collapsed inwards and then slid to the side, revealing 4 elevators. The one on the far right opened up. Tyler walked in and pressed the button to bring him to the top floor of the LIG HQ.

After a few minutes, the elevator door opened. Across from the door was a reception desk. A man was sitting behind it typing away on a computer.

Tyler nonchalantly walked over to the desk and leaned on the counter. "Ahem."

The man glanced up before returning to his work. After a few seconds, he looked back and realized who was in front of him. "Guild Leader! How can I help you?"

Tyler smiled. "Where can I find the director?"

The man went back to his computer and typed for a moment before looking back up. "He should be in conference room A. That is right down the hall from here." He pointed.

Tyler nodded. "Thank you."

He then walked down the hall. He read the room tags as he went. "D… C… B… A! Hmmm, I wonder what they are talking about in there."

He put his ear up to the door and heard a voice that he did not recognize speaking. "From our investigation, we have determined that the most vulnerable CIS bases are here, here, and here. I suggest we assign a demolition quest to the guildies."

Tyler smirked and slammed the door open. "That sounds like a wonderful idea."

All the heads in the room turned to him. They were all curious who stormed into their meeting.

Papi was sitting on the far end of the room. He stood up and spoke in his Mexican accent. "Draco! I wasn't expecting you so early."

Tyler laughed. "Don't worry. Are you almost done here?"

Papi nodded. "Guys, just formulate those quests, homes. Follow the standard procedure and then bump the rewards just a little bit. Assign clearance level two."

The presenter nodded. "Yes, sir."

Papi walked over to Tyler. "Let's go to my office. It will be more quiet there."

Tyler nodded. "Sounds good. What are these clearance levels?"

Papi laughed. "Ah yes, Xander told me how you just learned that we even exist. The clearance levels are to restrict information. Level one is guild wide information. Level two is for elite members and higher. Level three is for core members and higher. Level four is for the elder council. Lastly, level five is information that only the vice guild leaders and myself are privy to."

Tyler chuckled. "Well then it would seem that I have some level five information."

Papi raised his brow. "Is that what we are discussing?"

Tyler shook his head. "Fortunately no. I will fill you in on it but I have more pressing matters that I need your help with."

Papi sighed in relief. "Good, I thought there was about to be a shit storm."

Tyler shrugged. "Well that is one way to put it."

Papi reached out and opened the door to his office. "Please, take a seat."

Tyler nodded and sat down next to the desk. He took out his flask and took a swig. "First, let me tell you about the level five stuff. Project Stardust, you ever heard of it?"