
Star Wars VRMMO

First and foremost: Yes. I drew the cover myself in Microsoft Paint. It is a masterpiece. You're welcome. This is my second work. I thought I'd give a shot at one of those game novels. I've always had a dream of there being a video game where it was kinda like a combination of an MMO and GTA but with Star Wars themes. You'd be able to travel the whole galaxy and have progression that relates to the story. I think it'd be quite interesting. Essentially, I am going to be creating a universe so this is going to be a really fun experience for me. There is gonna be no bullshit with reincarnation. Just pure exploration and luck. I might experiment with different POVs throughout the work but who knows. Lastly, sorry if I make mistakes with the math. I am going to try and keep it as simple as possible. Here is a preview: The year is 2086. The VRMMO market has been taking off in the last 20 years. Each title is more advanced than the previous. Finally, an unknown entrepreneur is creating a game that introduces an AI that fully manages the game independently. This unknown investor has partnered with Disney to create this game within the story of Star Wars. Tyler Sandberg is a 17 year old boy living in New York, USA. He lost his father in a space exploration accident and he has been living with his mother since that happened. Unfortunately, the two have been struggling financially ever since his father passed so they live a modest lifestyle. Since his father was an astronaut, he was always super into sci-fi content. Star Wars was his favorite. After finding out that there was a mysterious VRMMO Star Wars game coming out, he swore that he would make it big in the game and get him and his mom the lifestyle they deserve. DISCLAIMER: All characters, companies, and events in this novel --even those based on real world entities-- are entirely fictional. All representations are made up ... poorly. This novel contains coarse language and due to its content it should not be read by anyone.

N3wman · Games
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Battle of Christophsis Part III

(So I just learned something about Christophsis. Tyler will have any part in the Hutt affair. There is something much more important. Sorry to disappoint but this should be pretty interesting.)

Tyler raised his wrist comm to his face and pressed a button. "Blaze, is everything in place?"

Blaze immediately responded. "Yes, general. Waiting on your mark."

Tyler smiled. "Feel free to get started then."

Blaze replied. "Immediately, sir."

Suddenly, a barrage of heavy artillery fire flew past Tyler's position. Down the road, there was a formation of separatist tanks and an army of droids. The cannon fire collided with their ranks and demolished chunks of them.

The humming of machinery could be heard as the GAR forces made their way down the main avenue. Loud clunks could be heard each time a walker took a step and continuous explosions lit up the street.

Tyler turned to his group and whispered. "Is everyone ready? They are about to pass us."

Everyone nodded. Tyler turned around and made an okay sign to Anakin and his group that was across the street. Anakin made the okay sign back.

The wall of droids marched past them without any suspicion of them being there. Even some players were mixed in. As soon as the droids went past and the tanks were in front of them, they made their move.

Tyler pressed a button on his comm and a light started blinking. One last barrage of cannon fire went off and then it ceased. This was their signal.

Their small group rushed out and assaulted the tanks. Anakin and Tyler each took their own tank and the remaining clones and players rigged up the tanks in groups of three.

Tyler rushed up to one of the farther tanks and ignited his lightsabers. He jumped upwards, slicing off the cannon and landing on the top hatch in the process.

A droid opened the hatch and popped up. "Uhhh, how did that happen?" He then noticed the Jedi standing over him. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Tyler dropped into the tank, letting his lightsabers sink through the droid. Once he landed in the cockpit of the tank, he spun around, slicing up all 3 droids that were sitting inside. He then took his two sabers and sent out a flurry of strikes to cripple the controls and render the tank useless.

He then jumped out and noticed that Anakin had just finished and that the rest of the group was running away from the tanks. Not wanting to fall behind, he jumped, high over the other tanks, and linked up with the rest of the group.

Tyler looked at the rest of the group. "Is everything set?"

They all nodded as they ran down the side street. In response, Tyler pressed another button on his wrist comm. Behind them, the thermal detonators that they all placed exploded, destroying the tanks and blocking the enemy's retreat.

Tyler pressed his comm. "Weapons free."

Blaze replied. "Yes, sir."

Within a few seconds the artillery fire resumed.

Suddenly, Tyler's comm lit up. "This is General Draco speaking."

A voice responded from the other side. "Draco, you're gonna be on your own for a bit. They somehow gathered reinforcements and we are being forced to retreat. It took long enough for us to break through their jamming just to contact you."

Tyler sighed. "That makes no sense. There is no way that just the control of a hyperspace lane could warrant enough resources to overwhelm your fleet."

Mcree shook his head. "Indeed. I will do my best to gather reinforcements to get you out. We can not afford such a huge loss this early. Godspeed."

The transmission cut off as they had presumably jumped to hyperspace to flee the reinforcements.

Tyler turned to his group. "Let's pick up the pace. We need to regroup yesterday."

They quickly made their way through alleys and side streets. A few minutes later, they joined the main group. Once they were back, Tyler ordered a full retreat. The entire group pulled back to a safe area towards the edge of the city. It was across a bridge so there was a chokepoint to defend. They spent about an hour setting up their defenses and then settled in.

Once that was one, Tyler convened an emergency meeting with all officers present. General Kenobi, Commanders Anakin, Kai, Cody, Blaze, and Captain Rex were present. He also invited the higher ups from any guilds that were present since they could provide reinforcements.

Tyler sighed. "Before we get started, there are a few things I need to fill you guys in on."

Obi Wan shook his head. "This doesn't sound good."

Tyler nodded. "Yeah… so the fleet had to retreat and communications are now jammed."

Obi Wan shook his head in disbelief. "What?! I mean, how? I thought we had dealt with their blockade."

Tyler nodded. "I was under the same impression. They gathered reinforcements and forced us out. We are stuck here until we receive help. Guildies, ensure that your available forces cooperate with Admiral Mcree."

Suddenly, a distant humming could be heard and a red light became visible on the horizon.

Cody pointed at it. "Sir, I believe that is the city center."

Tyler sighed. "And now they have a ray shield. FUCK!"

Kai tilted his head. "Master, why don't we just get back on the transports and leave the system?"

Tyler shook his head. "The acclamators are not meant for naval combat. We would be sitting ducks for their battleships. With that shield up, they will be able to safely advance. Let's sit tight for a bit and see what the enemy does. In the meantime, there are some Jedi matters that need to be discussed."

Obi Wan raised his brow. "This should be interesting."

Tyler nodded and gestured to the three Jedi present. "Aside from you three, everyone is dismissed."

The four Jedi began to walk off to a secluded part of the encampment to avoid being heard.

Tyler suddenly stopped and turned around. "First, this is a top secret matter that can not be discussed in the presence of anyone not on the council. Second, this is all speculation at this point so take this with a grain of salt."

Obi Wan got serious and put on a firm expression. "What is this about?"

Tyler sighed. "There is something else going on here. This battle is not as straightforward as it seems."

Anakin raised his brow. "What other use could this system have other than controlling a hyperspace lane?"

Tyler smiled. "That is my question exactly. If this was just a battle to control a system, they would not have been able to justify gathering so many reinforcements in such a short amount of time. The question is, what is on this planet that they need?"

Obi Wan was very confused. "Christophsis doesn't have any major resources aside from metals that can be useful in a war effort. There must be something else that they want and it must be valuable."

Tyler nodded. "Indeed. The information on this system does not have anything like that. As the one with the most experience, what do you think we should do"

Obi Wan paused for a moment and thought. "If they are diverting this many resources to this system, then clearly there is something here that is worth the trouble. We must find out what it is and then see what the council will have us do."

Tyler nodded. "I agree. However, we do not have the ability to do a thorough investigation until some help arrives. We must first focus on the problem at hand. Under the cover of battle, we can investigate properly."

Obi Wan nodded. "This is true, but troublesome nonetheless. Let's get some rest. We need to be in good shape to deal with this."

A few hours went by that were quite uneventful. The sun had traveled through the sky and it was now mid afternoon. The only noises that could be heard were birds, the talking of troops, and equipment being moved.

Suddenly, the engines of a ship could be heard. Everyone looked in the direction it came from. Instinctively, Tyler ran to find Obi Wan, Anakin, and Kai.

As he found them, a republic shuttle flew overhead. Obi Wan looked at Anakin. "Looks like help has arrived."

R2 rolled up and beeped in excitement as he spun his head.

The group of them walked towards the landing shuttle. Tyler sighed, knowing what was about to happen.

Obi Wan turned to Anakin looking relieved. "Our cruiser must be back."

Anakin gestured with his left hand. "Which means we'll be able to get our reinforcements."

Obi Wan nodded. "Then it looks like our problems are solved. Fresh troops, new supplies, and perhaps they brought my new padawan with them."

Anakin scoffed. "You really think it's a good idea to bring a padawan learner into all this?"

Obi Wan shook his head. "I spoke to master Yoda about it. You should put in a request for one. You'd make a good teacher."

Anakin chuckled. "No, thanks."

Obi Wan sighed. "Anakin, teaching is a privilege." The ship landed and the exhaust ports hissed. "And it's part of a Jedi's responsibility to help train the next generation."

Anakin shook his head. "A padawan would just slow me down."

The door of the shuttle dropped open and turned into a ramp. It revealed two people."

On the left was an Asian human male. He was tall, about 6'1" and had jet black hair that was pulled back into a bun. He was wearing baggy Jedi robes that looked more like the attire of a traditional Japanese swordsman. The robes were all black with simplistic designs on them.

The lightsaber hilt at his hip was shaped like the handle of a katana. It was made of a matte black metal with a leather webbing over it to act as a grip. The controls of the saber hilt fit perfectly in between the webbing. It also had a guard made of a shiny metal that Tyler was quite familiar with.

On the right was a young togruta female. She wore revealing clothes that covered her chest and then skintight pants under a skirt. Her boots extended up to her knee. The lightsaber at her waist was silver and black. It looked quite basic.

Obi Wan widened his eyes. "A youngling?"

Anakin narrowed his eyes. "And who are you two supposed to be?"

The human replied by bowing. "My name is Bokuden Tsukahara, Skywalker sama."

The togruta then replied. "I'm Ahsoka. Master Yoda sent me. I was told to tell the both of you that you must get back to the Jedi Temple immediately. There is an emergency."

Anakin scoffed. "Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but we're in a bit of an emergency right here."

Obi Wan nodded. "Yes, our communications have been a bit unreliable, but we've been calling for help."

Ahsoka sighed. "Master Yoda hadn't heard from you so he sent me to deliver the message."

Anakin scoffed and turned away, taking a few steps. He waved his hand. "Oh, great. They don't even know we're in trouble."

Ahsoka smiled. "Maybe you can relay a signal through the cruiser that just dropped me off."

Anakin and Obi Wan's eyes lit up at that. The four of them began to walk away.

Tyler shook himself out of his shock. He grabbed the other padawan before he could follow them. "Padawan, a few words, please."

Tsukahara nodded. "Hai, Draco sama."

Tyler led the padawan on a walk. "I didn't hear about getting a new padawan. Tell me about yourself."

Tsukahara nodded. "I am Bokuden Tsukahara. I came to the galaxy this week and became a padawan learner. I believe there is a misunderstanding. I was assigned to Kenobi sensei."

Tyler raised his brow. "Hmmm, interesting. Well, that is fine. I didn't want another padawan anyways. Do you mind me calling you Tsuka? And are you in a guild?"

Tsukahara shook his head. "That name is fine and I am not in a guild."

Being even more curious now, Tyler checked his status.

Tsukahara Bokuden, 19 years, Jedi Padawan

Level 8

Corellian Human

Tyler shot him a friend request and a guild invite. "I trust that you at least know who the top guilds are."

Tsuka nodded and quickly accepted both invites. "I am honored, Draco sama."

Tyler gestured. "No problem. Now, tell me a bit about your background."

Tsuka smiled. "I have been a swordsman my whole life. I was named after a legendary swordsman from ancient times. He was known as the Wandering Swordsman. Yoda sensei has said that I am the most promising padawan since Kai san. I doubt I can measure up to him. I have been told that he might grow to be a greater Jedi than Yoda sensei himself."

Tyler was proud. It would seem that he did a great job. "Well, I'm sure you can live up to those expectations. You will be the student of Obi Wan and have the resources of Limitless behind you."

Tsuka smiled. "Thank you, Draco sama."

Tyler shook his head. "Please, dispense with the formalities. Please call me Draco."

Tsuka nodded. "Hai."

Something interesting that Tyler had noticed over the years is that gradually, people have stopped mentioning Earth and the real world. The admin system must be modifying people's words to not break RP. It also made for less confusion among NPC's since all they know is the galaxy.

Tyler gestured and started walking. "Let's rejoin Obi Wan. He will be delighted to meet you."

A few minutes later, they found Obi Wan, Anakin, Kai, and Ahsoka.

Ahsoka's eyes lit up when she saw Tyler. "Master Draco, it's a pleasure to meet you. All of the younglings hope they could get you as their master."

Tyler chuckled. "I have too much to do. Time for a padawan is something I just don't have. Obi Wan, any news?"

Obi Wan sighed. "The cruiser that delivered the two padawans had to retreat. Fortunately, we were able to hear that Master Yoda will send us reinforcements."

Tyler smiled. "That is good news."

Obi Wan shook his head. "Indeed. Hopefully we can hold out until then."

Tyler laughed. "I'm sure we can make it."

Obi Wan nodded. "Let's hope that is the case. It won't be long before those droids resume their advance."

Anakin sighed. "I'll check on Rex in the lookout post."

Obi Wan smirked. "You'd better take her with you."

Anakin looked back and rolled his eyes as he continued walking. Ahsoka followed behind him.

Tyler turned back to Obi Wan while struggling to hold in a laugh. "How did he take the news?"

Obi Wan chuckled. "He definitely lived up to his reputation."

Tyler laughed. "Oh, man. He is gonna have fun. Anyways, allow me to introduce you to your new padawan. Tsuka?"

Tsukahara stepped forward and bowed to Obi Wan with his hands together. "Hello, Kenobi sensei. I am Bokuden Tsukahara, your new padawan."

Obi Wan's eyes lit up. "I was starting to think that they had ignored my request. This is fantastic news. I can see that you two got acquainted?"

Tsuka nodded. "Draco has been very kind to me. His resources will help me in my development."

Obi Wan rolled his eyes. "I hope you're not trying to steal my padawan, Draco."

Tyler raised his hands in submission and shook his head. "Nope. Just thought he would make a great addition to my guild. Core members have access to quite the large amount of resources. Train him well, Obi Wan."

Obi Wan sighed. "You are too much. Well, my padawan, let's take a walk. I would like to learn about you."

Tsuka nodded. "Hai, Kenobi sensei."

Tyler turned to Kai after they left. "How's it going little dude?"

Kai rolled his eyes. "Aside from the nice ego boost, I am quite bored. I'd bet that you aren't doing any better."

Tyler laughed. "I think that…"

He froze and stopped speaking. A cold wave rippled through the force. There was a huge disturbance.

Tyler grimaced. "This can not be good. It would seem that several Sith have just joined us on Christophsis. One of them is undoubtedly powerful."

Kai frowned. "This is… troublesome. Do you think that this has anything to do with your suspicions?"

Tyler nodded. "It has to be. We must move quickly before they get what they want."

At that instant, his comm lit up and a voice came through. "General, an enemy shuttle just passed over the city and is landing in the enemy camp."

Tyler sighed. "Thought so. Any other updates?"

Blaze replied. "None at the mom… wait… the droids just began advancing behind the energy shield."

Tyler raised his fist in frustration. "Shit. Inform Obi Wan that he is now in command and meet me at the rear of the camp with Burn Company. We have some work to do."

Blaze replied. "Yes, sir."

A few minutes later, Tyler and Kai were standing before Blaze and Burn Company. This was a group of the most elite clones in Tyler's forces. This small group were experts in stealth and infiltration. If they were not assigned to Tyler, they would be ARC Troopers. This was their first mission with their general.

Tyler looked over their statuses.

*CT-420 "Blaze", 25 years, GAR Commander*

*Level 100*

*Kamino Clone*

*CT-7777 "Seven", 25 years, Scout*

*Level 95*

*Kamino Clone*

*CT-666 "Diablo", 25 years, Heavy Weapons Specialist*

*Level 95*

*Kamino Clone*

*CT-1800 "Corpo", 25 years, Field Medic*

*Level 95*

*Kamino Clone*

Tyler pulled up a hologram of the city. "Before we begin, this mission does not exist. I will deal with the mission report. Unless it is with me, the details of this mission are not to be discussed. Understood?"

All four clones stood at attention. "Yes, sir."

Tyler smiled. "Good."

He pointed to a spot in the city hologram and a red dot showed up. "There is some type of monastery located at this location. That will probably be the only place left in the city with locals. Religious officials refuse to leave their sanctuaries and leave their fate to whatever they believe in. We should start with them and go from there. I do not yet know what we are looking for but they might be able to help us out."