
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 84

Unlike what they were originally expecting, the trip to Coruscant was rather peaceful. But they didn't realize that the closer one got to the core, the fewer pirates and other criminals that would act openly.

It was another reason why the Outer Rim hated the Mid Rim and Core Worlds. Both groups pretty much flushed all their waste/criminals to them while taking anything valuable they could find out there.

Like shitting on your neighbors lawn then taking their holiday decorations.

Both ships landed next to the Senate Building, one with much more security due to the menacing weapons over the other, but both were right next to each. The groups descended from their ships and were greeted by the welcoming parties.

On one side, there was Senator Palpatine and the Supreme Chancellor Valorum along with 12 guards that were meant to protect the Supreme Chancellor.

On the other side, was a small group of 5 individuals but their presence easily overwhelmed the other parry. Besides Talon and Kroq who were already on the planet, Sektor, Jial, and Mira had all come from Yautja Prime to hear Sice's report in person.

None of them knew that the Inquisitor brought back another surprise in the form of two former slaves with one of them being the Jedi's chosen one.

"Master," Sice cupped her hands and bowed before motioning for Anakin and Shmi to do the same. They were a bit slow but repeated her actions.

"Greetings, random woman and child. Sice, can I talk to you for a moment?" Mira asked while walking over to the side

"Of course, Lady Mira. What's up?"

"I just, ugh. Um..." Mira tried to find the right words but she was getting frustrated. "Why did you bring two slaves with..."

"Former slaves," Sice interrupted. "I bought their freedom."

Mira looked at her in disbelief and then in realization.

"Yep. This bitch is definitely someone my sister recruited," Mira chuckled, trying her best to not unholster her blaster. "Why did you bring two FORMER slaves when your job was to just guard and monitor the princess?"

"Cause the boy had a Mid count of 22 thousand and some change," Sice smiled as she dispensed the piece of news.

Talon, Jial, and Mira were all shocked while the other two who knew nothing amount Mid count looked indifferent.

"Is he?"


"Do they?"

"Seems like it."

Mira looked at Sice in a new light. She began to slap her shoulder with joy.

"Good job! Give us the full report back at base!"

Meanwhile, Queen Amidala was greeting the Senator and Supreme Chancellor. They were all tired so they got into some speeders and to leave for the senator's residence.

Before they could go, Padme called out to them.

"Do you mind if I bring Ani with me? Just for the night?"

Sice looked at Jial who nodded. The Jedi couldn't kidnap the boy. He also planned to have some of the blooded Purebloods keep watch over them.

"That is fine, handmaid. Just be sure that he doesn't get harmed. He is our newest recrukt," Sice spoke loudly to annoy Qui-Gon Jinn

The older man looked over to her before turning away. He said something about needing to report to the Jedi Council and was the first to leave with Obi-Wan right behind him.

Once they were gone, the next to leave was the Naboo group plus 1 former slave boy. Last to leave was Jial's group that boarded Sice's starship.

They flew back to the Colosseum's spaceport and landed without having to worry about security checking out their ship when they weren't around.

Shmi was dropped off at a temporary room they usually gave out to guests. Once she was settled, the 6 made their way to the basement where Sice began her debriefing. She reported every detail and handed over the notes that she took as well.

"And what is your opinion of the boy?" Talon asked while looking over the notes

"He will be... worse than Boxe and Mira combined. Arrogant, stubborn, foolish. But he will also be powerful. From what I have seen, he learns incredibly fast on his own. With the right teacher, he would be even more powerful. This boy is clay that can be molded by us."

Sice ignited her lightsaber and blocked several blaster shots from Mira while slowly retreating until she made it out of the door.

Mira was panting heavily while Talon and Kroq were laughing their assess off.

Mira lifted her gauntlet and typed in a code before her sister's image appeared above it.

"Sister. You seem angry. Did you lose a Titan fight? Again," Nott indifferent voice came through the comms, only further infuriating her sister

"No, I haven't lost a Titan fight! I'm working. And I hate your Acolytes!"

"Oh," was the only response she could muster. "I'm in the middle of recreating Battle Fate. Is there anything I can actually do for you?"

"Train your people better!" Mira screamed at her

"Nope," and then her image disappeared. Nott's skill at torture and psychological attacks had not weakened in the slightest.

Mira let out a scream of frustration before pounding the ground with her full strength, creating cracks in it.

"Kroq. To the arena!" Mira commanded to which Kroq happily complied. He loved to fight Mira since she always brought a new weapon that he had to adapt to.

Both quickly left the room, leaving behind Talon, Jial, and Sektor.

"Sektor. I need you to- and he's gone," he noticed that the android had already left.

"Where do you think he goes?" Talon asked while kissing Jial's neck and moving her lekku through his dreads

"Not sure. Everytime he comes back, he is out of missles and there is blood on his hands," the Feeorin pulled her closed to him wnf kept his hands on Talon's hips.

"Hmm. Makes you worried?"

"No. What makes me worried is that we have the chosen one and no one seems to care!" Jial felt frustrated. In more than one way since Talon had stopped kissing him and stood up while looking at him with a dark glint in her eyes

"You have a Sith Lord who is supposed to be long dead making you living weapons of war,

me who should not be born yet, otherwise I would definitely be in the Telos Holocron, two daughters that could probably take on a hundred Jedi together, and 5 or 6 living mountains that can decimate entire armies by themselves. And all of the above are immortal.

No matter how much potential the chosen one has, pretty sure he is not catching up to anyone in the next 50 years."

Anakin may have had potential but he didn't have strength.

Jial was in his thoughts when he noticed Talon had left a trail of clothes behind her while she hid her body behind the bedroom door.

"Anyway... do you wanna keep talking about that kid? Or do you wanna join me in the bedroom?"

Anakin was therefore thrown to the back of Jial's mind while he had a night of passion with his lover

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