
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 7

Once the lights started flickering, the squads were prepared to act. They each began counting down from 10 while preparing all of their weapons, ready for the assault. When they all reached number 1, the various squads led their assaults with Squad 1 & 2 unleashing a wave of rockets at their targets while Squad 3 made a mad dash toward the building.

Squad 3's assault was the least intense of all the battles. Even though both sides had the largest numbers fighting one another, their weapons were very lackluster as were the combatants. Many shots were missed on both sides which was also why Jial had told his forces not to use blasters. If it was Sidon or the Mandalorians, he would have trusted them to eliminate the enemies without harming the product but since he was only able to bring so many capable people, he decided to focus his forces on the other two factions. 

Squad 2's battle was much flashier. Their group was outnumbered and outgunned but they had one key factor that helped them hold the line and slowly wilt down the forces of the Zor. 

Sidon Ithano.

The warrior's skill with his sniper rifle was extremely impressive, easily capable of earning him a spot in the Galatic Olympics. Each shot of his hit their targets and never needed a second one to finish off the person. 

Even under the volley of heavy fire from powerful blaster rifles, Sidon did not falter or hide. He would duck and weave through the storm of blaster bolts while returning shots at the same time. Even as he jumped through the air, Sidon was still able to land his shots.

Seeing his actions raised the morale of all those fighting with him. The 2nd Squad was able to push back their opposition in a matter of minutes until they were all dead or injured on the ground. All those injured were killed the moment they twitched or someone else thought they were still alive. 

"Reporting in, Boss. All the enemies have been eliminated and the base is secure. We will wait here for backup."

Squad 1 actually had the easiest time out of all 3 squads. Jial had underestimated just how dangerous the Mandalorians could be. 

The Spar Clan shot the rockets from the air and in multiple different directions, easily breaking through their defenses and entering the main building. Once they were inside, the three were able to easily dispatch the members of the Toxis group. The other 4 individuals that had accompanied them hadn't even been able to make it past the front gates before they were eliminated. 

Boxe stood atop the building while waving at the other mercenaries with a blaster pistol in her free hand. 

"Pretty late, guys. Everything is all wrapped up," Boxe teased them before lifting up her pistol and shooting all 4 of her former allies dead. She then pressed down on the communicator on her forearm.

"Boxe, reporting in. The traitors have been wiped out and the shots look like they came from the Toxis while the facility has been secured."

During the recruitment process, Jial knew that he would have several bad eggs mixed in. If not for his companion tab informing him of their low loyalty stats, he might have been fooled by them and ended up losing the battle for Wyne. And they were even smart about it. Each person that these 4 had contact with was not directly linked to the 3 groups but had instead contacted an intermediary who was promptly eliminated. The only reason they were allowed to participate was to ensure that the morale of the other members would not go down or falter.

Once Boxe was done with her task, she stayed on the roof with a heavy blaster rifle in her hands, ready to shoot anyone who got too close. 

Suxon and Zilvarth returned from the inside of the building a few minutes later with their blasters in hand and joining Boxe on the roof. 

When the 15 minutes were up, Squad 1 and 2 were reinforced by a secondary group to help secure their locations. Each group had 5 silver, humanoid-looking droids arrive with blaster rifles in their hands. They stood in front of the facilities that had been conquered and looked quite intimidating. 

Another 10 arrived at Jial's location at the command tower and took up positions around the tower, securing the perimeter. 

With their arrival, Jial exited the command tower and gave them their next set of orders.

"Ensure no one enters or damages the tower. Permission to shoot anyone that shows hostility."

"Understood. The location shall be secured. Lethal force has been authorized," the droid responded emotionlessly.

In order to ensure his victory, Jial used his 20x Battle Droid Summon to create some additional manpower. And what he got, were the Mark V Sentinel Droids.

[Name: Mark V Sentinel Droid

  Description: The Sentinel droid-series was the only known series of android among the war machines used by the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire in the Jedi Civil War. Mark V variants look similar to the previous 4 versions but have the most advanced software of them all, able to take on complex orders that earlier versions would have been unable to process or malfunctioned in trying to do so. Summoned with Cinnagaran Carbines and personal energy shield generators.

  Function: Security and Military]

These were the most well-known droids during the time of the Old Republic and were used by Sith and Republic forces alike, as well as many neutral worlds. Their durability allowed them to resist several blaster bolts to the head before being taken down as well as having personal energy shields which were popular at the time of the Old Republic.

Jial nodded before proceeding to assist Squad 3 with their battle. Although he did not care too much about the drugs that they possessed, the amount of drugs they had would be enough for someone to create their own small group in town. If he wanted to take full control, he needed those drugs.

When Jial arrived, the battle was still ongoing but it was almost over. Both sides had sustained heavy losses, Squad 3 only having 3 members left who were all low on morale while the Ostren had 10 members left, including a large Wookie covered in white fur, acting as their leader.

Jial was about to activate his cloaking device when a blue screen appeared before his eyes.

[Mission: Take out Drrlevginhukk and the remaining Ostren forces without using blasters or your cloaking device

Rewards: Yautja Database]

'System. Do missions need to be accepted?'

[No, Host. Missions are given at random and are not mandatory but completing them will result in the Host being rewarded.]

'Got it,' Jial figured that this was not bad. Although he did not know who or what the Yautja were, everything else he got from them using the system was amazing. He had no reason to doubt that this reward would be as well.

Jial pulled out his combistick and extended before letting out a primal roar and charging ahead, attracting the attention of his remaining members and the Ostren members who began firing at his position.

Jial pressed a few buttons on his wrist gauntlet, activating the advanced targeting system. Although this was originally used to help him with aiming shots or throwing weapons, he figured out another use for it during his month of preparations. It could also be used to help calculate the trajectory of incoming shots or attacks, giving him something akin to the precognition Jedi and Sith used in battle to block attacks.

Using this, he was able to tell which blaster bolts would miss him by slight margins and which ones he needed to swing his combistick at in order to block them or dodge. Jial was able to close the distance quite easily before stabbing forward and killing the first of the Ostren members.

Without losing any momentum, he spun the weapon, nearly bisecting the individual that had been stabbed and cutting through 3 other individuals that were near him. Instantly, they Ostren had lost nearly half of their remaining members.

Drrlevginhukk, the white Wookie, saw this action and knew that the tide of the battle was about to change. He lifted his bow caster and fired at Jial but the latter tilted his body and spun in order to dodge the bolt at the last moment.

Jial ignored Drrlevginhukk while moving onto his next target, taking out another thug. He went through this process, one by one with the remaining members until it was only Drrlevginhukk left standing.

The two faced one another and didn't say a word. Drrlevginhukk threw down his bowcaster before picking up a virboblade from one of his fallen allies. Both sides looked at one another and let out roars before they charged at the other party.

Drrlevginhukk used his height and strength to cleave down from above while Jial stabbed forward with his spear. Both had deadly aim and weapons in their hands. But unfortunately for the Wookie, Jial could see exactly when and where the blade would land if he let it. So he knew exactly where to attack.

Jial pierced through the Wookie's hands, destroying the handle of the vibroblade and piercing through the Wookie's head.

[Host has completed the mission. Rewards have been sent to Host's wrist gauntlet database.]

And with his, Jial smirked under his mask at his victory.