
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 66

Nott, the two Inquisitors, and the Jaws of the Jackal boarded a Scout Ship after gathering some supplies. She had brought these ten members of the Psian Jackals since they were the best snipers amongst the Yautja besides the Purebloods. But since they wanted to keep a low but visible profile, these were the best choice as they could simply change out of their armor. So with the group together, they activated the cloak on the ship before taking to the sky and activating their hyperdrive.

Once they were clear and out of the Yautja territory, Nott started to inform them of their mission.

"Our goal is not to grab several Sith Artifacts as you were first told but to retrieve several artifacts as well as take out a target. We dropped these artifacts off on the planet to lure the target there and eliminate them. 

Our true mission is off the books. Once it is completed, we will speak a word of this to no one. Not even Master," Nott told them, stressing the secretness of the mission. 

Caina frowned when she heard that. She knew that Nott was trusted by Jial with a large amount of power for the Inquisitors but they at least reported the honest facts of the mission back once they were done with a task. She had never concealed something before. 

"Grand Inquisitor," Caina said, wanting to warn Nott of the consequences. "I do not think it is wise to keep the Emperor in the dark. If he were to find out about this..."

"Then I shall deal with the consequences, Second Sister," Nott replied. She felt guilty about keeping a secret from Jial as well but if he found out that she had done this, he would be disappointed in her and may even lose trust in her. 

'Please, Father. Just this once. I promise that I will be the best daughter for the rest of my life and never keep a secret from you again. So please, forgive me just this once,' Nott prayed to herself, begging Jial for forgiveness. 

After giving her silent prayer, she returned her attention to the other members aboard the ship.

"Our target is the Sith Lord. You can weaken him by any means but the final blow goes to me. And even if the apprentice interferes, we are not to kill them. If we do, the Force will be out of balance," Nott told them

The Dark Side organizations in the universe were far weaker than the Jedi, not to mention the other Light Side organizations. The Sith were pretty much keeping the Force in balance. But Nott had prepared several contingencies. She had identified several Dark Jedi who were interested in becoming Sith so she would pass on the original Telos Holocron to them if they did end up having to kill the apprentice. 

As for what happened afterward, she didn't truly care. 

So the group flew for a few days until they arrived just above Korriban. Caina and Nott looked out the front window to see the beautiful planet below. Even though it was considered an abandoned world with less than 1,000 people on it at once, the natural landscape was still amazing to look at. The Sith always had a better sense of style than the opposing Jedi Order. 

The ship landed in the middle of the desert, several kilometers away from the location where they had planted the artifacts. All of the Storm Troopers got out the Lasguns that Jial had put in storage so many years ago. Even though he had replicated the tech, he had yet to implement it on a large scale.

The 10 members spread out on the ridge while splitting off into groups of 3 with the captain remaining with the main group. They set up cloaking fields that protected them from most sensory technology and even caused issues with the Force. All eyes were on a small temple that housed the Sith Artifacts they were there to retrieve. 

"Are we to wait here, 2nd Sister?" 4th Brother, a Kel Dor, asked. He was one of the few members of the Acolytes and Inquisitors that used the Light Side of the Force exclusively. 

"Yes. If anyone comes beforehand, myself or you will go down and cut them down before pretending to hide their bodies," Caina told him the plan. They could not use snipers because if someone was being used as bait, they would give away the positions.

The group waited for several days, killing off quite a few raiders and privateers that came to try and retrieve it. Each killed was made in a way that made it look like the Sith Artifact was the thing that killed them, as they were unworthy of it. 

So when the Twi'lek and his apprentice arrived, they saw the various bodies around the area and a large amount of Dark Side energy was present, but they did not think anything of it. They had truly fallen for the trap.

Just as the Twi'lek reached the middle of the field, he felt that something was off. But it was too late.

4 beams from the Lasguns came from different directions, destroying all of the Sith Lord's limbs. The apprentice saw this and backed away in fear. He tried to run away but a figure wearing black robes and a mask made of metal blocked his way. The only identification on them was a small circle on his chest with an IV inside of it. 

"Do not move," 4th Brother spoke coldly while igniting his white lightsaber. These were the lightsabers they brought on missions to hide their identities. 

Nott and Caina also appeared in the area. Caina walked inside the temple to grab the artifact they had dropped off while Nott stood above the Twi'lek. 

"Do you remember me?" Nott asked

"Heh! You are a coward who hides your face! How could I possibly remember you?" the Twi'lek asked

"True," Nott admitted. "You can't tell with my features hidden. But tell me, oh intelligent Sith, do you know why people keep their identities hidden? It's because they know there will be survivors."

Nott ignited her lightsaber and cut off the Sith Lord's head. She rummaged through his robes and found the Telos Holocron before tossing it to the Bith. 

"Take it and leave. And teach the next Sith apprentice that you don't mess with the Yautja. Otherwise, you shall face the same consequences as him and his master before him."

The Bith nodded while picking up the Holocron and running off. He didn't want to risk angering these few so he simply left. He was also sure to add the threat that the Yautja had given him into the Holocron to warn all future Sith of their new greatest enemy.