
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 64

Jial spent the next few days on Coruscant handling business deals while relaxing with Talon and making the initial designs on the droids for the 3 guilds. He had already come up with the basic shape of it, resembling an anorexic humanoid. The limbs were lanky and looked like a normal adult could tear them off with their bare hands. The armor was also designed for minimal defense, easily being taken down by civilian-level blasters. The droid brains were the most pathetic thing he had ever seen but they were capable of taking orders as long as they were within range of a terminal that commanded them. And they were cheap and able to be mass-produced which was the main wish of the three groups. 

Jial sent over the capabilities and stats of the droids to the Techno Union to see if they approved of his initial designs. As long as they did, he would head back to Yautja Prime to start creating the prototypes to see if they were even able to properly function.

While waiting for the Techno Union to get back to him, Jial was also contacted by the Jedi again about the trials. Both sides agreed on bi-monthly trials where up to 5 Jedi could participate. They also negotiated that he would send out weaker variants to help better ensure that the Padawans and Knights survived while they assured that the other Jedi watching over the matches would not interfere. 

Jial didn't mind letting them participate but if they interrupted the battles just because the ones who willingly went into the ring were about to lose their lives, he would just cancel the contract. 

Talon had also put on a show while he was there as well. She battled with several Dark Jedi alongside 3 of the deadlier Praetomorph variants that resembled Tyranid Warriors, the same that decimated 100 warriors the first day that Jial had arrived. 

Talon danced through the battlefield with her two blades cutting down everyone who stood before her. It didn't even take her a minute to slay all of the opponents without getting a single scratch on her body. 

The crowds roared in appreciation. Even if the match ended quickly, none of them were disappointed. Seeing Talon's flawless body and swordsmanship was worth the price they paid.

But even as the crowd was cheering for her, Jial could see that she was staring straight at him, even in his booth. The pair would celebrate her victory with dinner and coitus (yes, I said 'coitus'). But Talon woke up to an empty bed. Jial had taken off when she was sleeping so he could get back to Yautja and get started on the droid designs. The three guilds had approved.

When he returned to Yautja, he saw that everyone had already returned before him. Since he had been gone for nearly a month, they had more than enough time to deal with the battlefields that they were called to. 

The first to return were the three Mandalorians. Their army of Astartes Mandalorians that rode on Basilisk War Droids terrified their enemies, causing them to surrender instantly. 

The second to return was Nott and Sev'rance. The duo worked in conjunction with one another but did not use a single Astartes. Instead, Nott and her Acolytes attacked behind enemy lines, taking out key figures while Sev'rance commanded the Necrons under her with tactical brilliance. The pair had forced the enemies into various ambushes and traps, making them unable to resist their assault. 

The last to return was actually Seviss. His prowess at war was the weakest out of all of Jial's commanders, simply commanding the Necrons to overwhelm the enemies with brute force. Although this was effective, the progress was much slower than the others that used tactics to speed up their battles. 

But no matter what, they all had accomplished their tasks. Even Beta and Cleopatra had returned from the Hunt with only about a quarter of their Purebloods there.

'Huh. Not sure if the Praetomorphs are too strong or their training was too lacking,' Jial thought while looking over the numbers. He couldn't believe that they only had a 27 percent survival ratio. The rate of success was decreasing with each generation of Purebloods that they had created. 

'Maybe I need to adjust the bio-matter. Or I should give them some Lizardman DNA,' Jial thought to himself

He had actually based the birthing of the Purebloods off of Kroq's people. They were ancient and mystical but the basics were that the Lizardmen created pools of bio-matter with different types of genes in each one instead of actually doing it the old-fashioned and fun way. Jial wasn't even sure if they had genitals. Never bothered to check Kroq. 

After going over the reports, he went to his console where he started to input the data for the Basic 1 Battle Droids, or B-1 Battle Droids as he would officially call them. The first batch came out as expected. 

The droids had very limited vocal abilities and for some reason, kept repeating the words 'roger roger' but he did not question it. The brains he designed for them were truly pathetic. 

After he made about 1000 of them, he put them up in a battle against 100 Necrons. Both sides faced off against each other on an open field. And as he expected, the Necrons came out on top with only 37 losses to their side.

"I can't believe that I am making such shitty droids. The targeting systems suck, they can't hold heavy weapons, and they can't even take a shot from a single pistol! I gave them the shitty holdout pistols politicians use!" Jial shouted at the monitor. He hated that he was designing such a droid when all of his other droids were amazing. 

Even the Necrons that he made with cost in mind were far better than these but since they had double the production cost, Jial could do much more. Even if their armor was not the most powerful, their design made up for it. 

Jial loaded the video of the battle into a data chip before passing it to a droid to bring to Coruscant where his buyers could view it. If they were happy with such a droid, he would just rid himself of it. But before he sent out the chip, Jial designed upgraded versions of them with a 1,500 credit cost, a commando version that could be built for about 20,000 and had advanced droid brains, and B-2 versions that were much tougher with heavier weapons.

He sent them over the stats for each of those as well. 

'At least this way, I can show that I tried to create more impressive versions and they just wanted basic shit.'