
Chapter 56

When Jial landed, he walked straight to his lab in the basement. The assault helped him learn about the new limits of his body but also showed its shortcomings. His entire body was different and he needed to move it differently in order to fight properly. 

The other thing he noticed was just how much he needed to change his weapon. His lightsaber/combistick had become far too small for him. He never deactivated it after using it once because he was afraid that it would take too long to activate it once more. And even in its extended form, it was unable to provide the protection that he wanted it to. The last demerit of it was that it was too light. Jial felt like it would slip out of his grasp easily.

Jial sat at a bench in his lab and separated the weapon using the Force, pulling apart all of the inner components, the lightsaber crystals, and the outer portion of the weapon. He then put the parts into 2 piles, setting aside the lightsaber crystals and components while bringing the outer portions over to a crucible and turning the temperature as high as he could in order to melt the Songsteel. 

While the Songsteel was melting, Jial began constructing a new combistick. He had studied the Yautja enough to know how to construct the weapon with his eyes closed. Jial made it much larger and thicker while keeping the lightsaber crystals as the power core. He resisted making it a lightsaber, however, as he felt that he didn't need it as one anymore. With his new strength and mastery of the Force, he could easily make up for the lack of cutting power. 

It took him an hour to get all the measurements just as he wanted them. By the time he was done constructing his combistick, the Songsteel had melted. Jial used the melted metal to carefully cover the combistick, giving the blade a silver shine to it and making it resistant to lightsabers and blasters. 

Jial looked at the rest of the molten Songsteel and saw that he had barely used a third of it. He decided to use some more to cover his bio-mask in the material as well, careful not to damage it or ruin the mark he made on it when he became blooded. 

When all of it was done, Jial had a new silver mask and a large combistick. Just as he was about to go test it on some droids, he heard some footsteps behind him. Jial turned to see Zilvarth approaching him with two cups in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. 

"I heard you got big but didn't expect you to be this big," Zilvarth laughed while placing the items he brought down on the table. "This one bottle might not be enough to fill us both up."

"We can make up for the lack of wine with good conversation," Jial did not reject his kindness. He could tell that something was bothering the older Mandalorian.

"Sounds good with me," Zilvarth poured the first round before passing Jial one of the cups. The two gave a toast before taking their drinks in one go. They did this 2 more times before Jial started pressing the man. 

"So why have you come, Zilvarth? Worried about Boxe getting married again?" Jial started with a joke

"Haha. That actually isn't a worry of mine anymore. One of those boys that have joined up seems to have caught her interest," Zilvarth said with a smile, glad that his daughter had finally shown interest in someone new. She had confessed to him that she was interested in Jial but knew he had no interest in becoming a Mandalorian while she was not interested in leaving her heritage and lifestyle behind. 

"That's good to hear," Jial poured filled their cups once more. "So what's on your mind?"

Zilvarth didn't say anything at first. He didn't even take his shot. Instead, he looked off into the distance. 

"In the last battle, I hit someone in the arm," Zilvarth finally said

"So? You spared someone?"

"I was aiming for their head," Zilvarht admitted before taking his shot. "5 years ago, I would have made that shot a hundred times over."

"I see," Jial understood where the conversation was going. Zilvarth was already 65 while Zabrak's did not usually live past 80. He was in the final stages of his life and his age was quickly catching up to him.

"You know that I have been studying biology. I could probably..."

"I am a Mandalorian," Zilvarth cut him off. "You knew so much about us from our first meeting. So you should also know what that means."

Zilvarth did not want to live forever. No Mandalorian did. They all wished to live and die on the battlefield. They knew their lives were finite and wanted to enjoy them as much as they could. 

"Do you want me to send you to a battlefield where you can die?" Jial asked, thinking of the possible battles that Zilvarth could partake in

"You are Yautja," Zilvarth did not answer his question but started talking about something else. "I have read through the public files and the private ones you have given me access to. I have read over that culture and noticed something."

Zilvarth poured another drink for himself and took it down his throat before continuing. 

"You have yet to take a trophy. Not in our first battle, not against the 3 Jedi Masters, and not on your latest expedition. I was wondering if I could be that first trophy that you collect."

"Old man," Jial warned him silently. What Zilvarth was asking him was something he would never have thought of. Zilvarth was the person he trusted most, right after both of his apprentices. He had been with him since the beginning and given him valuable guidance. He had helped save both of the girls' lives with his connections. If not for Zilvarth managing the group when he was absent, it would have never reached its current height. 

"Young man," Zilvarth countered. "I understand your respect for me. And that is the only reason why I would ask this of you. Of all those I have met, you are the strongest. To have my final battle be against you would be the greatest honor for me."

Jial slumped in his seat, already knowing that he would accept the proposal. More than anything, he could not stand the thought of someone else killing the man. For no one was worthy in his eyes to kill Zilvarth. 

"When shall we do this?" was all the Feeorin could ask

"3 days. I've already told everyone to be back in 2 and the next set of battles will not happen for a while. They can all bear witness to it."


"Thank you," Zilvarth patted Jial's large shoulder before standing up and walking out of the lab. He knew that Jial needed to be alone.

3 days later, all of the core members of the Yautja as well as the Mandalorians and Nott's Acolytes were in the basement of the base. The same place where Jial and Boxe had battled the Praetomorph and where the twins beat the Jedi knight.

Everyone was aware of what was about to happen. Rumors had spread over the past few days and the duo standing in the middle of the room just confirmed them. 

Jial and Zilvarth stood across from one another. Jial had on new armor that he had forged with his bio-mask covering his face and his combistick in hand. Zilvarth stood opposite of him with his helmet covering his head and his pair of blaster pistols in hand. 

"Let's get started. Everyone else has work to do after this," Jial spoke out, not wanting to put off the battle any longer

"Fine with me," responded Zilvarth

The Mandalorian started the fight by firing the rocket on his back which Jial forced away using the Force, causing it to crash into the wall behind him. He then charged forward while Zilvarth unleashed shot after shot from his pistols. 

Jial blocked each shot with his combistick, closing the gap without giving Zilvarht a chance to move out of the way. 

Jial swept at Zilvarth's feet, knocking him to the ground. Not giving him any chance to recover, Jial stabbed his weapon down, piercing through Zilvarth's exposed neck. He twisted the blade to ensure that the man died as painlessly and fast as possible.

Jial felt the life leave him using the Force and once he did, he bent down and picked up the Mandalorian's blasters before walking out of the silent room. He let out no cheer over his victory like he had done with all of his other duels.

[Boxe loyalty has reached 100]

[Suxon loyalty has reached 100]

[Nott loyalty has reached 100]

[Mira loyalty has reached 100]

The System gave him a series of notifications but Jial didn't pay any attention to them as he walked up the stairs of the base. He returned to his room and placed both pistols on his wall. These were the only things that covered Jial's new wall for trophies. 

'Take care, old man. I'll be sure to watch over your people as long as they are on Yautja Prime.'

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