
Hat Trick (6)

En route to Florrum

Outer Rim

I did not see the Jedi in the couple of days out journey lasted. I used my free time to deal with a lot of paperwork sent to me by GAR high command. It was concerning the formation of a fleet and attached ground forces which I was to command so it was not something that I could ignore. Piett as my aide was priceless in helping me deal with all of it. He showed a typical greenhorn trait by volunteering to be our pilot for the visit of the pirate base. Something from which I had to dissuade him. I told him to go to the bridge and learn from the captain while I was on the ground.

Finally we arrived at the targeted system and exited hyperspace at its edge. The plan was that me and the Jedi would take a shuttle from here to the planet. On our way there we would make a sensor sweep over the back of Florrum's moon. If it was clear, Leveler would make a micro jump there. If not, then the ship would be ready to come calling if something went wrong but we would lose the element of surprise that way. Before heading to the shuttle, I spoke with Pellaeon and confirmed the contingency orders I had given him.

I met the Jedi in the hangar where two companies of infantry were preparing for deployment. The Togruta women were waiting near the open ramp of our transport and they looked less than pleased. With them being females the fact that they were about to enter a pirate hangout unarmed was not a reason for cheering.

"Ladies, unless you have second thoughts we should go."

They shook their heads so headed to the cockpit. Ahsoka looked a bit guilty.

I wondered, what did she do? I shelved that thought for later.

The short flight to the planet was spent in an awkward silence. We made a hyperspace jump near the moon and exited hyperspace in such an angle that the sensors were able to sweep the dark side of the small planetoid. Nothing unusual was detected so I sent a signal to Leveler before entering Florrum's atmosphere.

I guided our shuttle towards the pirate hideout as we flew over vast plains covered with orange grass and patches of brown desert sand. Below us herds of big animals were minding their own business. Some of them were looking up at our passage with interest. If it was not for our mission I might have found it a fascinating opportunity to view a world mostly untouched by civilization.

I landed our craft in a tiny valley which was the courtyard in the front of the pirate base. I secured the ship and we descended down the ramp.

A semicircle of armed pirates greeted us. Judging by the girls reactions they stank. I allowed myself a small smile. Than the force for air filters!

One of the pirates walked next to us and waved a scanner which looked suspiciously like a portable radio with two antennas. He decided that the Jedi were clean and then started waving the kriffing thing around me. My right hand shot forward and grabbed the scanner by the antennas and I plucked it from the pirate's grip.

"Your boss agreed that I could keep my weapons. Despite the Jedi's arrogance I am not crazy enough to walk in your lair unarmed." I grumbled.

The rest of the cutthroats pointed their weapons at me.

"If you want to be paid you'll behave. The Republic could have easily sent a battle group instead of us."

The man from whose hands I took the scanner glared at me but nodded and waved us to follow them. As we entered the base, Shaak Ti walked next to me and whispered:

"Are you insane?!"

"I've dealt with their kind before. Handling them requires a different kind of diplomacy than the one you are accustomed to. The Republic's niceties are seen as a sign of weakness out here." I muttered quietly.

We were led to a cantina. The men and women there gave us dirty looks. It was a rundown place. An alien woman's voice was singing from hidden loudspeakers in a high pitched tone I found irritating.

The pirate leader was sitting on a table in the back of this so called establishment. He was surrounded by six bodyguards. Ohnaka was drinking something that was probably illegal in dozens of systems from a metal mug.

"Ladies! General! Will you drink something?" he exclaimed in a flamboyant tone.

"We are not here to have fun captain Ohnaka." I said.

He ignored me and pushed my way a metal mug full with a green liquid which resembled toxic waste.

I shook my head at his antics. I've been in his presence for mere seconds and the bloody hut spawn was already irritating!

"So you are the man that caught Dooku. Quite impressive feat." I stroked his ego.

Next to me the Jedi were glaring at the somewhat sober pirates who were leering at them. I wondered how long it would be before all hell broke loose…

"Heh. The Sith couldn't deal with my warriors. He resisted but it was futile!" Ohnaka exclaimed while waving his cup around. A bit of his drink fell on the table and started eating through it.

Yeah. His chosen poison was definitely illegal in most civilized places. It was the good boozie.

"Blaster against that glowy thing!" he waved his free hand. "It was a glorious victory, I tell ya!"

"His lightsaber." I deadpanned. Blasters tend to lose against lightsabers if a Force Adept wields the later. Against a rumores Sith Lord like Dooku? Ohnaka didn't have enough men to win. Two hundred scum? They might have something approaching a chance if they met Dooku on open ground and had him surrounded. They would have likely broken before having a decent chance of taking him out anyway.

"Yeah. That thing. It's needless to say that he is not harmless even now. But we won anyway!" Ohnaka boasted.

Few of his cronies cheered at that.

A red, monkey like creature that resembled a gremlin made its way to the table. It was playing with a lightsaber. And its hilt was not curved like Dooku's.

"Hey! That's not yours!" Ahsoka exclaimed and summoned the weapon to her hand. Immediately we found herself surrounded by a veritable forest of blasters.

"That's Skywalker's isn't it?" I groaned.

The small monster ran up one of the pirates, moved over his blaster rifle and grabbed the lightsaber hilt which Ahsoka was holding. It tried to pry it from her hand but she held on it.

"Hey! That's not yours!" she repeated and glared at the critter.

More than half of the weapons were redirected at her.

"Ahsoka! Stand down! It's obvious your Master lost his lightsaber. Again." I grumbled and turned to the leader of the pirates surrounding us. "We are not here to fight, youthful exuberance notwithstanding. Do you have Dooku or not?"

"I'll arrange a meeting. Girl let go of the weapon." The pirate growled at Ahsoka who relented after a sharp look from Master Ti.


We were led to the prison block of the base where one of the cells was guarded by two armed pirates. Inside we found Dooku suspended in mid-air by a force field. His left hand was missing.

Ahsoka jumped in excitement.

"How the mighty have fallen!" she cheered.

He looked at the older woman.

"Master Ti. I would like to say that it is a pleasure to meet you again but under the circumstances..." he trailed off.

"Count Dooku." she nodded at him.

"And this must be the mercenary that gave us so much trouble. Obviously Grievous failed again."

"He and Ventress are cooling their heels in cells on Coruscant. You'll be joining them soon." I said in a greeting. It might have came out in a very smug tone. A Sith? This one? Yeah, right. You don't need a lightsaber to escape from here, just the Force.

"You captured her then? Impressive. Why someone with your skills works for the Republic? I can assure you that if you help me and join the Confederacy you'll be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams." Dooku began a sales pitch.

"You'll go to Coruscant to be judged for your crimes! Right, Delkatar?" asked Ahsoka.

"Dooku, you know nothing about my dreams." I hissed.

"You'll spent a long time in similar cell, Dooku!" taunted Ahsoka.

"Young and foolish. Do you really believe that the pirates will let you leave this planet?"

"They are thieves who do not wish to fight with Jedi!" the Padawan's temper was rising.

"Ahsoka! Do not let him bait you!" snapped Shaak Ti.

"Not that they would be interested in fighting you two. I am sure that they have other plans for such delectable females." added Dooku.

That made the women uneasy.

"Do you really think that I failed to take that into an account before coming here?" I didn't bother to hide my amusement.

"Yet you brought them." Dooku nodded at the Jedi. "Our 'hosts; are more cunning that you gave them credit for."

"I see why they like you so much." I chuckled. "We saw enough. Let's go."


We walked towards the shuttle to contact the Republic. When we were passing through a corridor void of the locals, Shaak Ti came near me and hissed.

"You knew!"

"I take it you've been lucky enough not to have dealt with pirates? Or at least not to be around them unarmed? Yes I know how they'll view the two of you. It is a useful distraction. And yeah, I am cold blooded bastard when I have a mission to accomplish. No need to give me compliments, Master Ti."

"You are using us as a bait?!" Ahsoka was outraged.

"Don't look at me. It was senator Amidala who proposed that two Jedi must be sent. I would have been all right with coming here by myself. It would have make things simpler though not as interesting." I shrugged.

"You are a Sith all right. And to think that I was ready to apologize to you!" muttered Master Ti. "You suggested us two!"

"Yet it was Yoda and Windu who agreed it was a splendid idea." I pointed out. "It was your Council and the Chancellor who sent you with me." My words were met with a lot of grumbling and dark thoughts aimed at various parties.

Before we got on the shuttle one of the locals invited us to a celebration to honor our deal. I simply nodded and boarded the ship.

We spoke with the Chancellor and his entourage – Windu, Yoda and couple of senators who would deliver the payment. To my regret one of them was to be Jar-Jar. I wondered if I could arrange an accident for that menace. Sidious was able to mask well his displeasure when I confirmed that his "friend" was really captured and got his arm chopped off.

After we were finished speaking with Coruscant I contacted the Leveler and gave confirmed that we were all right so far. Plan A was a go.


I decided to let our "gracious" hosts to show their hand and persuaded the Jedi that we could not simply ignore their invitation. When we got back into the cantina we found a wild party which was in full swing.

Drunk people laying everywhere, one fella dancing on the far end of the bar, a waitress who did not like the advances of an unlucky patron was bashing the man's head at the table he was sitting at... In short – exactly what you would expect from such a place.

I led the women to the bar where we sat on somewhat clean stools.

"I can't believe that you volunteered me for this, Delkatar. You are an evil man." Ahsoka muttered.

"I should have found an excuse to stay as far away from you as possible." groaned Shaak Ti.

The commotion was unpleasant for their sensitive ears.

Ohnaka came to us with a shit eating grin on his face.

"My friends! Please share a drink with me! It is the traditional way to seal our deal!"

Yeah. Right. I smiled under my helmet. Plan A it was. Too bad that the Jedi did not know about it…

"Fine. But something non-alcoholic for the kid." I pointed at Ahsoka who glared at me.

Ohnaka waved at a waitress who soon brought us three mugs. I removed my helmet and saluted our host with my drink. Before taking a sip from the bubbling liquid I used a trick that was essential to know if one wanted to survive more than a couple of weeks in the academy on Korriban. I used the Force to make myself immune to most poisons and sedatives. It would also diminish the effect of the few substances that could effect me anyway.

I saluted our host with my mug and took a big swallow from the strong beverage. Shaak Ti and Ahsoka followed my lead and soon were swaying in their seats.

Ohnaka frowned when I finished my cup.

"That is great! What is it? I have not drank something that good in ages!" I smiled pleasantly at him but my eyes were cold.

He looked around. Most of his crew were passed out around the cantina or too drunk to put much of a fight. Then his sight fell on the Jedi who were mostly incoherent by now. Whatever was put in our drinks was strong to effect the women that fast.

"That won't work, you know." I stated pleasantly. What was coming I would enjoy. Ohnaka on the other hand…

I crushed the mug in my right hand and with the help of the Force I molded it into a rough spike which I telekinetically threw behind me at a sober pirate who was trying to sneak towards my back. My improvised weapon struck him in the left eye with enough power to embed itself into his brain. The dead man fell slowly on the floor without giving out a sound.

Hondo Ohnaka tried to shout something to his men but he found out that he was unable to even whimper. An invisible hand had grabbed his throat and started squeezing it. To his utter horror none of his men noticed the murder of their buddy or what I was doing to their boss. A room full of drunk idiots and a slight suggestion that there was nothing interesting to look at where I stood was more than enough to give us some privacy as long as Ohnaka did not shout an order.

"After this stunt you pulled," I nodded at the girls who had fallen asleep on the floor, "I am re-negotiating our deal." I continued to speak in a light, friendly tone.

The smile that stretched my lips made him shudder.

"Let me tell you, trying to back-stab us without informing your minions," I waved at the men drinking around us, "is something that you might live to regret. If you are lucky."

My grip around his throat relented a bit and he started coughing in an attempt to get some air in his straining lungs.

"Now, my new friend let's talk money. Tell me all about how and where you caught Dooku while you're at it." I smiled cheerfully at the pirate.


Republic Assault Ship Leveler

behind Florrum's moon

Outer Rim

Captain Pellaeon watched at the holographic displays projected over the windows of his ship's bridge. They showed the progress of the assault party that had inserted from the other side of the planed from the pirate base. He calmly observed as an hour passed since the last communication from the General arrived. The ground troops were thirty four minutes away from the enemy stronghold.

Next to the Captain, Ensign Piett was anxiously starring at the clock. 'So the General, was right. Kriffing pirates!' he thought.

Pellaeon went to the nearest console from which he could contact the deployed ground troops and opened a channel to them. In order to preserve the element of surprise he had ordered the launch a stealth satellite which could transmit by laser to the advancing clones.

"This is Leveler Actual. Raptor you have a go. I repeat, Raptor you have a go. We will be on station to provide orbital support in thirty five minutes."

"Sound general quarters. I want our remaining ground forces to be ready for deployment and our fighter wings manned. Inform medical that they can expect wounded within the hour."


Pirate Base

Planer Florrum

Outer Rim

I was smiling cheerfully when Ohnaka finished transferring his band's liquid assets to a credit chip which I pocketed into a secure compartment of my armor. It is wondrous what some "persuasion" through the Force and expertly applied pain could do. The pirate leader was not as tough as he wanted others to believe.

I checked the time. It was thirty one minutes after the deadline for contacting the Leveler had passed. Splendid. I retrieved two personal shields from pockets in my robes and placed them on the girls right arms. Ohnaka, who was held in stasis by an expertly applied field of Force energy, watched warily as I worked.

Thirty two minutes. I levitated the unconscious women and carefully placed them behind the bar where they would have some cover. That caught the attention of few pirates who were somewhat sober and they headed our way.

I patted the shoulder of the frozen in place Ohnaka.

"It's almost time."

Thirty three minutes. I extended my senses and grinned. I could sense the approaching clones. They would be in time. You got to love competent subordinates who had appreciation for precise timing!

The first two sober pirates reached us and looked at their boss with identical frowns on their faces. He was just sitting there without speaking or moving. Something that was apparently uncharacteristic for him.

"Eh... Boss, is everything all right?" one of them eventually gathered enough courage to ask.

"Just peachy." I answered.

Four more somewhat sober men joined the group that was confronting me. Finally one of the geniuses comprehended that something was wrong. Said fella drew his blaster and pointed it at me.

"Should that scare me?" I asked and waved at his weapon.

Using telekinesis I twisted his arm so his pistol was aimed at his boss. The eyes of the unnamed minion widened in surprise. Then I applied some pressure over his trigger finger. His weapon fired a single blaster bolt which shot Ohnaka in the head.

Thirty four minutes. The compound was shaken by multiple explosions. That was the initial missile strike aimed at the few AA emplacements the pirates had, none of which was automated.

Show time.

The first reaction of the pirates was stunned disbelief. That gave me more than enough time to use telekinesis to activate the shields on the Jedi's arms and draw my blasters. I mowed down the six cutthroats that were facing me before any of them could raise their weapons.

I did not stop firing for a second. Crimson blaster bolts shot from my guns and headed towards the occupants of the cantina who were not yet passed out. There were less than a score of those including the four waitresses who fell on the ground with scorched craters in their chests.

I could already hear the chatter of heavy weapons from outside. Both from the LAAT's and the deployed walkers. Their first targets were the enemy armor which with any luck would be wrecked before anyone thought to man it and the small fleet of ships the pirates had. I activated a beacon built in my armor so the clones would know where I was and not waste time combing the whole base searching for me. The sooner some backup arrived the better. I was reluctant to leave Ahsoka and Shaak Ti alone even if most of the pirates were so drunk that they were sleeping through the attack.

I had to shoot three more blaster wielding thugs who arrived before the first squad of Crimson company could make its way into the cantina.

"Good to see you, boys. The Jedi are behind the bar. They are drugged, the poor gals. Keep them safe and when the base is reasonable secure evacuate them back to the ship. I am going to retrieve our target." I told them what they needed to know.

"Yes, sir!" the sergeant leading the clones saluted me and ordered his men to take defensive positions around the Jedi.


On my way to Dooku's cell I met only few of the locals who were more interested in hiding that in fighting. That did not help them much as I shot them in the back. Did I mention that I loathe pirates? They were almost as bad as slavers and often partake in that disgusting trade.

To their credit the two men guarding Dooku were still at their post. They raised their long rifles and opened fire on me when I entered the long corridor along which the prisoner's cells were located.

I activated my lightsaber and deflected their shots. Within seconds both of the guards were on the ground, downed from their own reflected fire.

I cut out the locks of the door and opened it with a wave of telekinesis.

Dooku glared at me.

"I take it that the commotion is not done by my people?" he asked.

"They are too busy after their best commander got caught. Not to mention the disappearance of their political leader." I nodded at him.

Dooku lowered his head as much as the force field holding him captive allowed.

"That is an unpleasant reality." he said with a subdued tone.

"Count Dooku, I wonder... Do you care at all about your confederation or is it a means to an end? Just another disposable asset for Sidious?"

The old man stood rigid. He stared at me with shock in his eyes.

"How do you know that name? Did Grievous or Ventress talk?"

"Last time I saw them, neither of those two were in any way ready for interrogation. They were not exactly intact when we captured them. Answer my question."

"I do whatever my Lord..."

"And do not repeat the party line. I asked you. Not Sidious."

Dooku glared at me and refused to answer.

"Suit yourself." I shot him in the neck with two darts from the launcher in my right arm-guard.

They were hollow and filled with a special contortion created to knock out Jedi and Sith. Just in case, I telekinetically raised on of the rifles lying next to the bodies of the guards and hit the Count with it.


When the mop up was finished I was happy with the success. The Jedi were in the med bay of the Leveler where they were sleeping off the drugs they ingested. Only five clones were wounded and none of them seriously. No dead. It was a clean op, one in a thousand. We even released four prisoners who were held for ransom. They were moderately well off people who were grabbed while traveling on business along the Outer Rim.

I cheerfully ordered the surviving pirates locked up in their own prison and let the clones check all over the base for something interesting. They retrieved few small cases full of jewels and precious stones from Ohnaka's quarters as well as his encrypted personal files. I couldn't wait to get my hands on that information. Who knew, there might be some blackmailing material that could be useful in the future.

When the pirate base was searched from top to bottom and the few interesting items were loaded, the pirates were transferred to the cell block on the Leveler. After the last of my men was on board I went to the bridge.

"General, that was a good work out there." Pellaeon congratulated me.

He was right. When all was said and done, the op went too smooth. I was wondering when the other shoe would drop. Probably when Sidious was ready with his response for the disruption of his plans.

"Thank you Captain. Please wipe that base from the face of the planet. The next bunch of outlaws which decides to set shop in this region would need to make their own facilities. We need to make a brief detour to a world few light years from here to retrieve Kenobi and Skywalker before heading back to Coruscant."

While Pellaeon ensured the destruction of the Pirate compound with judicious application of turbo-laser fire I went to the med bay. I knew that Ahsoka would be giddy with the prospect of retrieving her Master from the world I believe he was stranded on.

I finally remembered what had happened to them when Ohnaka told me how and where he caught Dooku. Weren't they buried into a cave with some kind of a big, red beast? I wondered if the Chosen one was still around…

For some reason the thought of Skywalker getting eaten by a monster in a cave filled with poisonous gas brought a smile on my face. My only immediate concern was the reactions of Ahsoka and Shaak Ti when they awoke and found out what happened.

Next chapter