
Star Wars the old republic: A Walker story.

What if there was another born thousands of years before the great prophecy that had the potential that the chosen one had?

TrapcardD · Video Games
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17 Chs

Coruscant Begins!

I stepped off the shuttle and breathed in a deep breath of air. " Ahhhh, T7 it feels good to be off that blasted shuttle my friend. Now, let's hurry to the senate tower, Master Kiwiks and Master Orgus should be there already."

" T7= On the way." T7 replied.

T7 and I walked to the senate tower as fast as we could while also taking in the sights around us.

" I know we're here on an important mission but when we're done, I'm definitely going sight-seeing. Wanna come with me buddy?" T7 light up like a lamp when I asked. " I'll take that as a yes, then." T7 and I passed by a few politicians and eventually made our way into the chamber where the masters were waiting.

" Oh, Maaaaaaster I'm home!!!!" I shouted as I walked into the room.

The others turned towards me and shook their head annoyedly.

" Welcome, Skywalker." Master Orgus replied.

" So, what's going on?" I asked.

" Introductions first, I'm sure you remember Master Kiwiks and her padawan Kira." Master Orgus spoke.

" Of course, hard to forget two very beautiful ladies." I winked at Master Kiwiks and Kira, getting a groan from the both of them.

" Good. And this is General Var Suthra and Doctor Eli Tarnis. We're discussing why the republic built a planetary superweapon without consulting the Jedi." Master Orgus explained.

" My work barely qualifies as a weapon. It's the most humane military technology ever invented." Tarnis explained. " With a single activation, the planet prison supercharges a planet's upper atmosphere. Turning it into an enormous Ion cannon. Any star ship entering or leaving the planet will be disabled. Perfect enemy containment. Without casualties." Tarnis explained.

" Why am I sensing a but here." I asked

" Because Tarnis allowed petty criminals to steal the weapon." Master Kiwiks spoke.

" Oh, way to go genius. Let criminals get their hands on a weapon that could cripple the entire republic." I told the man.

" Haha." I turned my head and saw that Kira had laughed.

" Please, Jedi. I doubt the thieves even realize what they have. And besides the data is encrypted." Tarnis explained.

" And we have people searching every possible lead." Suthra added on.

" If you had been more forthcoming with us, General, we might have been able to prevent the plans from being stolen in the first place." I told the man.

" Had you known, you would have placed more security around the weapon. Making it even more obvious that we were working on something." Suthra explained.

" Exactly, but there would have been tighter security and the chances that the plans would have been stolen would have been drastically reduced. And if by some miracle they had been stolen, then we would have been able narrow down who was responsible." I explained to the man.

" Although my friend here is blunt, he has a point General. Perhaps it's time the Jedi got involved in this." Master Orgus told the man.

General Var Suthra sighed and nodded his head and Master Orgus continued.

" Master Kiwiks and I need to speak with the supreme chancellor." He spoke He then turned towards me. " I need you here finding those designs."

" Leave it to the best Master." I told the man.

" You stay as well, Kira. Your security expertise may come in handy." Master Kiwiks spoke.

" You got it master, leave it to the best." Kira spoke, obviously mocking me in the way she looked at me and smirked.

" Oh, is this how we're doing things? Snips?" I asked.

" Uh! Don't call me that." Kira replied.

I laughed at the girl's anger, and she seemed to grow red.

" General!" I turned and saw one of the senate's agents running into the room. " We have a lead on the thieves."

" This is agent Galen with the Strategy information services." Suthra explained. " Agent Galen these young Jedi will assist you." Suthra told the man.

" Alright, let's not waste time agent. What do you have for us?" I asked the man.

The masters nodded and along with the general walked out of the room, leaving us to our work.

Agent Galen reached into his pocket and pulled up his holo. " thirty-two hours ago, thieves raided a military storehouse. They stole weapons, supplies, and data for the planet prison project. The thieves leader slipped up, showed his face to a security camera. We identified him from our criminal database." The holo turned on and an image of a rodian popped up.

" Vistis?!" I exclaimed in shock.

" You know him?" Galen asked.

" Yeah, uh keep going agent don't mind me." I told the man.

" Well, he is staying with the so-called Migrant Merchants guild. Nasty bunch of criminals." Galen explained.

" Why would Alien gangsters rob a military storehouse?" Tarnis asked.

" I'm not so sure they did." i spoke.

" What do you mean?" Tarnis asked.

" I grew up on the streets of Coruscant. I know Vistis and I know the merchant's guild. They've always been small. The black suns I'd believe would be brazen enough to try." I explained. Before master Zallow had found me, I grew up on the streets of Coruscant. I knew how these gangs worked. " Well, even if they didn't steal it. i guess it's a start. Vistis is stupid enough to get involved in a mess like this. So, I'll check it out." I spoke.

" I don't know what you knew about the merchants. But things have changed. They're a violent cutthroat gang. Invading their headquarters is something only a Jedi could pull off."

As Galen spoke, I suddenly felt a shift in the force, an unsettling one.

" Oh, dear. I really must go sit down. Excuse me..." Tarnis spoke.

When Tarnis left the room, I felt the unease shift away.

' Tarnis, is hiding something. And he's very good at it.' I thought to myself.

" Agent, let's use your fancy security network to distract those gangsters. Give my friend and the thief some quality time." Kira spoke.

" Sounds like a plan." Galen replied to Kira, he then turned to me. "When you find Vistis, contact me. The data files are top priority but try to recover everything else that was stolen from us." Galen explained." Good luck."

" Right, Galen a word before I leave?" I asked the man.

" Sure. What do you need?" Galen asked.

I looked at the man and nodded my head. I then turned and walked away to where no one could hear us.

" Okay, what's going on?" Galen asked.

" Galen, have you noticed anything wrong with Tarnis recently?" I asked. " Has he been anxious, or nervous about something, agitated maybe?" I asked.

" Well, not really. I mean he's been very obsessive about his work recently always complaining that he must finish but that's about it." Galen replied.

" I see. Galen do me a favor and keep a tight eye on Tarnis. I want to know every time he leaves this building and where he goes. But try to keep it discreet. It could be nothing. But just in case i want to keep tabs on the good doctor, can you do that for me?" I asked the man in a voice just barely below a whisper.

" Yes sir." Galen replied.

" And make sure to inform Kira as well. I want to make sure all grounds are covered." I told the man.

Galen nodded and then walked off.

" Okay, let's go pay a visit to an old Rodian." I spoke. I walked out of the chamber and quickly made to leave the Tower.