
Star Wars: The Gamer

When one old as hell guy dies and finds himself in Star Wars he is ecstatic then he finds himself in the prison complex of Coruscant in the maximum security part no less. Thankfully he has a system a very familiar one. One that'll guarantee his escape from his prison and will make the world shake

wizardoggo · Book&Literature
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CH.3 And here we go

One would think that scheming a riot and then breakout in a prison would be hard but when one has the effect of a Gamer system with a pretty big focus on perks and charisma its real easy. All I had to do was experiment. Well not really it was just in case after some experimenting I was able to create the skill [Persuasion LV.29] it washed the target group or person in my mana making them like me for how high the level of [Persuasion] is.

And when I made friends with every other prisoner in my block it was even easier why wouldn't they follow a man who was a literal Black-Ops member for a chance at freedom. Even if I some of them where in here because of me. And the guards who where near me were easy to fool I was already a known Black-Ops member I just had to say I was in here on purpose to stage a riot and escape so we could get rid of these dangerous prisoners. Of course this was only possible because of the Gamer system and my high charisma plus when I observed them I got personal information which I could tell them if they didn't believe me before that.

Even then I was able to purchase multiple path unique skills like [Discharge LV.1] it was from "The Anomaly" path and was its first available skill its effect did not depend on its level. It depended on the amount of mana pumped into it this was one of the many things I was going to rely upon in my escape. I was going to wholly rely upon "Instant Dungeon" but apparently my system didn't come with that which made sense unfortunately.

Anyway I had gotten 4 other skills 2 of which was from the sage path and 1 of which was from the King path the other 1 was from the Inheritor path . The sage skills were [Darkness] and [Shield] Darkness allowed me to create an absolute field of darkness which no once except m could see through it also could not be seen through by technology or so it said I didn't know how it would interact with the force or its users but that was for future me in 4 hours.

Shield allowed me to create an invisible shield tightly around my body which shielded me from damage and all I had to do was pump it with mana and it would stack right now I had 6000 [Shield] and it would grow to 8000 when I was ready for my escape.

The skill from the King path was [Higher Up] it allowed me to make people believe I was on of their higher ups instinctively and follow my commands without thinking about it but once I was gone and after a minute or 2 they would recover themselves.

The skill from the Inheritor path was [Explosion!] it like its name suggested created explosions. Obviously, but the explosions depended on the mana input of which grew every 100 mana for just the base amount of 100 mana it would create the same amount of force as a thermal detonator of which was a very powerful grenade.

And all of this would help me escape. Because in 4 hours the 12 hour rotation would happen and the new guards coming in would be stuck in the trans system and coincidentally that would then somehow explode not because of anyone else no no it was just me innocently asking for a friend. God I loved these perks they made this to easy.

And so our somewhat insane main character took a nap. For 3 hours and then got up because the guards were escorting everyone to the canteen once everyone was in they tensed. They all knew what was about to happen but they were skeptical how would on man destroy one of the most defended prisons in the galaxy from the inside. Well they saw, all of it in its chaotic glory.

First [Discharge] at full capacity. Everything went out the lights the cameras the security systems everything. Then the emergency power came on and everyone saw Sion get up on his table and spread out his arms. His face was stretched with his grin. He then spun on his table and pointed straight towards the exit door which had 10 guards protecting it at the top.

And he slowly opened his mouth. And shouted "LADY'S AND GENTLEMEN ITS TIME FOR A RIOT!" and he booked it straight towards the door activating [Command] and [Persuasion] in his speech. Everyone behind him roared and grabbed what they could and they also booked it.

All over the prison on different levels riots were happening people died guards prisoners droids everyone. And Sion was at the front killing all that stood in his way. And since [Detection] let him map the prison he knew exactly where the command center was.

He lead his horde straight to it and once he met the closed blast door in front of him he put his hand in his pants and pulled out his IED and through it straight towards it using [Explosions"] with it. The door exploded pushing back some of his horde members but once the door was open they rushed in and killed the guards within.

Sion quickly went to main command console and disables every backup defense the building had including the automatic broadcast system. Then he just decided to disable everything but before that he accessed the main com system and started speaking to everyone throughout the prison. "Lady's and Gentlemen this is your captain speaking Sion I have stormed he command center to tell you that I am going to disable all parts of the RJC including the doors so if you find the exit rush out please It'd be nice if my riot got nearly everyone out of here. Yours truly Sion."

And then he disabled everything. Then her turned to his loyal followers and said "Now just saying now multiple of you are secret republic spy's and this break out was on purpose I've lead you all here to kill all prisoners inside the RJC so good luck." and then he chucked out his hand throwing 2 [Explosions!] the crowds way and then escaping towards the head commanders personal landing pad escaping the infighting that he had initiated.

Once he arrived he saw the piece of slime himself with his honor guard 10 "professionals" 6 of which died instantly because normal humans can't survive a thermal detonators sized explosion the 4 who survived fought back but where shocked when there shots had no affect against him. They quickly died with bolts in their heads. The one guy left the head commander Hruue Liae was lying on the floor of his GX1 hauler I dragged him on got to the cockpit and buckled him up.

I also shut him up with [Command] and [Persuasion] then once I flew of I got a notification 2 actually.


MISSION: Your grand escape: You have been imprisoned it is time for you to escape


REWARDS: 1000XP 1 year 3000XP 1 MONTH 5000XP 1 WEEK each time limit will have its own sub rewards if you complete them that is.

COMPLETE 5000XP REWARDED + Skill: UNORMALITY for completing the mission without depleting the explosive resources given


I nodded at that understanding I go another skill probably linked to the one that didn't appear on his skill list but once he looked at his new mission he cackled like a mad man and pressed accept mostly because he found it hilarious.


NEW MISSION: Terrorism is the question and the answer? It is YES


#'And thats the end of this chapter and yes the escape was that easy because skills are overpowered so are his stats compared to the security force the new mission is more of a introduction to a faction on Coruscant if anything. Oh and this story will be focused more on the stuff the mc will do than the Gamer stuff because I know how annoying it is to list this all once it gets bad#