
Star Wars: The Emperor's Heir.

Valen Xander was a young boy when his family was forced into slavery on Korriban. When his parents are slaughtered, he will discover great power that has awakened within him... one even the legendary Sith Lord's fear. Power from the legendary Sith Emperor himself.

Katherine_Willow59 · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

(From slave to Sith.)

Chapter one:

Twelve year old Valen swung his stick around in the air, pretending he was a Sith Warrior on the battlefield against the hated Jedi. He adored the Sith, despite their current condition. Valen! Sari called. Time to work! Valen sighed and nodded. Coming mother. He called back. Ever since his parents became workers for the Sith Empire, the whole family had been forced to work. He didn't realize at the time that what he was in was slavery. His father, Cordo was strong, valiant man who did everything he could for his family. Unfortunately he had gotten ill from the fumes and dust, so he took work carving markings into the walls. Valen was raised doing this, so he had become very strong very early in life. He put on his sand gear and picked up his vibroaxe. Day in, day out, chipping away at the rock to build corridors for the Sith Lord in charge, Darth Rankin. For some odd reason, he always felt a burst of strength whenever the Sith was near him. The old pureblood was a terror to see, but it wasn't fear. Valen suddenly heard screaming, then a blaster flurry burst down the corridor. Valen clung to the wall, lasers grazing his back and shoulder. When the dust settled, he had let go of the wall, his knuckles red from the rock. He saw two figures crumpled on the ground, a man and a woman, his parents. Grief and rage poured through him. He looked up at the three nearby guards and growled. Why did you kill thy?! He demanded. They were caught stealing lightsaber crystals from the wall, which is a crime against the Empire. One robotically stated. Your affiliation with them? His eyes glowed purple as lightning surrounded him.

They were my parents. The guards grabbed their throats as invisible hands of darkness choked the life out of them. Then lightning shot out into two of them through the chest, blasting huge holes into them. He picked up his axe and decapitated the third. He dropped the tool and fell to his knees, his power drained. He felt some power, and looked up to see Darth Rankin. He extended his hand towards the boy.

Come with me, child. You shall be trained among the Sith as my student. He nodded and bowed his head, and kneeled before Darth Rankin.

As you say, Master. Replied Valen.