He doesn't know how it happened or why. But before he could understand what was happening he found himself living an entirely new life, in a galaxy far far away. As a member of a prominent force-sensitive family to boot. Which comes with a set of problems all its own. Still, he will not waste this second chance that was given to him. He will rise, and carve his name into the history books. For the Scion of the Sun isn't someone to be taken lightly.
[Eriadu System, Eriadu, Eriadu City]
As the ORSF ship we were on landed, on one of the numerous landing pads within the bounds of the ORSF Eriadu headquarters, Dooku and I disembarked from it.
We then watched as the shipping vessel and the ORSF ship that had saved it from the raiders landed as well.
Us having just spent six hours in space working with the crew of the shipping vessel to restore their engines and hyperdrive capability.
Which gave us something very important.
A lead on the Raiders themselves.
Seeing the shipping vessel had landed Dooku started to leave the area, me right behind him.
The two of us entered the ORSF headquarters and then went to the same meeting room we did so when we first arrived on Eriadu to begin our investigation.
Arriving we found Maarisa and Wevis waiting for us.
Like we had asked them ro be upon our return. Having sent them a communication while we were in the Dzass system.
"What is this about master Jedi?" Maarisa asked.
"As you know just a few hours ago the ship my Padawan and I were on encountered the raiders that have been plaguing this sector for over two months now." Dooku began. "We and other ship from your forces managed to drive them off and cripple one of their ships admiral. But before we could board it and possibly detain any prisoners for questioning the people on the ship decided to blow themselves up, rather than be taken alive."
"Yes, I know all of this. So please, get to your point master Jedi." Maarisa spoke.
"Very well." Dooku replied. "After the enemy blew themsleves up the crew of the other ship, the crew of the ship my Padawan and I were on, and me and my Padawan moved to assist the derelict shipping vessel. We sent people over to the ship to help the crew aboard it in making repairs, and in doing so the engineers from the ships belonging to your forces discovered something very interesting admiral." My master revealed.
He then reached into his cloak and placed a small object on the table for all to see.
"This is a tracking device." Dooku spoke.
Making everyone in the entire room completely shocked.
"What. That's impossible." Admiral Maarisa protested. "My people have searched every vessel that has been raided so far and we've never come across something like this." She explained.
"I see." Dooku mused. "CEO Wevis, perhaps you can help solve the mystery of where this tracking device came from?"
"I can't." Wevis immediately replied. "Sure my company tracks our vessels, but we've never done so using a method like this." He told us.
And feeling him through the Force I knew he was being truthful.
"Well Admiral and CEO Wevis if neither of you or most of your people have never seen this tracking device then it stands to reason it belongs to the raiders." I spoke. "Furthermore it looks like they are somehow getting these tracking devices aboard the ships they attack undetected."
"No, that can't be." Wevis said. "Our vessels never leave our company hangar before taking off. They aren't even serviced by outside personnel. Everything is done in house." He explained.
"Then it appears one of your employees has betrayed you CEO Wevis." I spoke.
"Yes, what my apprentice speaks is the truth." Dooku added. "So then, let us go about finding this spy. CEO Wevis I request access to your company records to determine who the traitor is."
"Now just wait a minute." Wevis said. "We don't know the truth of the matter entirely yet. You can't just demand I hand over company records." He spoke.
Only to stop when the admiral grabbed him by the collar of the neck and lifted him slightly into the air.
"Listen here Wevis, I never liked you being apart of this operation. But since the governer asked me to allow you access as an observer I did. But in all this time you've done nothing but make demmands. That stops now. So, this is what's going to happen. You're going to give us access to your company records right now. And if you try and stonewall us I'll make sure your board of directors knows exactly why we couldn't close this investigation sooner. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes!" Wevis shouted.
Shaking in fear as he did.
My respect for the admiral just went up.
Hearing Wevis response Maarisa put him down.
Once he did the good CEO ever so kindly gave us access to his company records.
Specifically employee files and time sheets.
All so we could see who was working the day each of the transport vessels got attacked.
In no time at all we had ourselves a name.
Vincal Cuthal.
A mechanic who worked on every ship that has been attacked and raided.
Time to go on the offensive.
The armored vehicle we were in coming to a halt Dooku and I jumped out of it.
As did the ORSF personnel who were accompanying us.
The same thing happened with the other ORSF personnel who jumped out of the other armored vehicles.
For we are part of a group that is about to raid Vincal Cuthal's home and hopefully take him into custody.
In no time at all everyone was in position in front of Cuthal's home.
A six-story apartment building.
As soon as they were the ORSF launched their assault, Dooku going along with the entry team.
While I remained outside with the vehicles and remaining ORSF personnel.
Like my master had asked me too.
My back leaning against one of the vehicles I payed attention to my surroundings.
In doing so I happened to spot Cuthal walking in our direction, a leisurely smile on his face.
Which he dropped immediately after spotting what was happening in front of his home.
The moment this happened I felt his fear.
Not wanting him to get away I raised my left hand in his direction and used telekinesis to drag him forward.
As he fell face first on the ground closer to us now I spoke up.
"That's Cuthal!" I shouted.
The moment I did so the ORSF personnel with me began aiming their blasters at the man and forming a perimeter around him so he could not escape.
Once I saw he was secure I walked up to him.
Just as I reached him Vincal lifted his head up off the ground and locked eyes with me.
But before he could say anything I raised my left hand in his direction and started using the Force to lull his mind.
A few seconds after I did Vincal got this dazed look in his eyes.
Meaning the first part of using Force persuasion was a succes. Now comes the second, and in my opinion, the hard part.
"You will tell me what I want to know." I said. Lacing my voice with the Force for added power.
"I will tell you what you want to know." Vincal replied.
This means what I'm doing is working.
"Who hired you to place trackers in the vessels of the company ypu work for?" I asked him.
"No one." Vincal replied. "I did it for I am a loyal supporter of the cause."
"What cause?" I asked him. Using the Force to influence his thoughts a bit more. For I sensed any information pertaining to that in his mind is highly guarded.
"I...I am a member of..." Vincal choppily spoke.
His mind resisting as I tried to get him to utter the words I needed to hear.
So I pushed him even further with the Force.
"What cause are you a member of?" I asked.
"...Front. I am with Nebula Front." Vincal admitted.
His words being music to my ears.
Because now we have a target.