
Chapter 7

"To use the dark side of the force you have to use your dark emotions like anger, hate etc to draw out more power. The more emotions you have the more powerful you become." Tremel said to his students.

Noah is among the students as he is making sure to listen to the lesson. It has already been a week since he came to Korriban and he has been training rigorously. He was also told that the way of the Sith is to trample on others to gain more power, something which was symbolised by the pillar-like monument (?) that is visible when entering the academy.

Noah doesn't care much about the other Overseers as he knows that they don't care much about the students other than creating more future Sith so he makes sure to not get too close to them. He has also fought and defeated 8 other acolytes after entering which frustrated many of the students, of course he didn't care in the slightest.

"Hey fight me." An acolyte challenged him after the class was over.

"Okay." Noah agreed as they went to the fighting area.

They took out their lightsabers and the acolyte immediately attacked him. He was very vicious as he only attacked with no care about defence, something which Noah noticed as he kept on blocking the strikes. Then he used a bit more strength and hit the enemy lightsaber to the side before crouching and sweeping him off his feet which caused the acolyte to fall on the ground before he saw Noah's lightsaber at his throat.

"It's your defeat." Noah said to him.

The acolyte let go of his lightsaber as a show of his defeat to which Noah retracted his lightsaber. But then he saw 8 other acolytes glaring at him, who were the ones he had defeated in the past week.

"You want to fight me? I can take you all on at once." Noah said to them.

This struck a nerve in them as they took out their lightsabers and entered the area. The Overseer that was watching was a bit surprised by what was happening but didn't do anything else as he just watched what was happening with a serious face.

The previous acolyte moved out of the ring as the 8 acolytes surrounded him. Noah didn't panic as he just looked at his opponents. The other acolytes were also looking at the group as they were about to fight.

An acolyte at his front attacked which he blocked using his lightsaber and then used the Force to block a strike to his waist from an acolyte to his right. He then pushed the acolytes away before he quickly traded blows with the other acolytes while also using the Force to deflect the strikes as well.

'Compared to the Shade Stalkers they are not that fast or strong like the other species on odessen.' Naoh thought to himself as he used his lightsaber to defend himself as he used it with great speed to block the strikes from around him.

Two acolytes shared a glance before nodding and then raising their palms at him. Noah is then raised upwards in the air much to his surprise as the other acolytes charged. Noah saw the smirk on the two acolytes faces which angered him a bit.

"Don't underestimate me brats!" Noah shouted before he used his own Force to make a shockwave around him.

The acolytes were thrown back from it as he was freed while the Overseer is impressed by his use of the Force. Noah landed on the ground and used the Force to lift up the acolytes from the ground as they were now in the air. They then tried to Force choak him but he was prepared for it as he also shielded himself using the Force.

'Unlike you amateur's I had to fight tooth and nail on Odessen to survive. Don't think you can defeat me that easily.' Noah thought to himself as he glared at the acolytes.

"Weak." Noah said before he threw them out of the ring as they fell on the ground.

They groaned from being thrown while Noah just walked past them without so much as a glance at them. The Overseer is looking at him with an impressed look before he switched on his comms.

"This is Overseer Cestus. Noah has just defeated 8 acolytes in a 1 vs 8 fight and without much of a problem. He shows great potential as a Sith." Cestus said to it.

"Good. We shall have a meeting regarding his progress in an hour." Tremel's voice is heard from it.

"Of course." Cestus said as voices of agreement came from the comms.

Cestus looked at Noah who is walking out of the fighting area with interest before he turned his attention to the other acolytes.

(A/N: My exams were happening so I wasn't that active but now it's my leave so I'll try to update as fast as I can.)