
To The Frontlines

John was on Coruscant preparing to leave with his fleet to head to a planet that was heavily under siege by a hostile fleet that was rumored to be the biggest fleet that they have encountered so far.

As he was preparing Both of his Sons Luke, and Zinn had rushed into the room with eager smiles on their face "Father can we come with you, we have been training for years and have reached the rank of Dragon Knight in the Order and we want to join you in battle" Said, Zinn

"Yeah please we want to fight and protect the Imperium too," Said Luke hoping his father would agree to their request

John knew that eventually, they would have to experience combat and he didn't want to hold them back from fighting especially when they were already trained in the force and other combat techniques. While John was thinking about allowing them to go Layla who had overheard their conversation had approached them

"I think you should allow them to join us since we will be there to protect them although they take after their father with their high Midi-chlorian count so I'm sure we won't need to protect them," Said Layla since she was the one who trained them in Lightsaber combat and she noticed that they were fast learners and as they got older they made new lightsaber combat forms.

"They are ready so I guess we can bring them plus this can be a learning experience for them," Said John

Both Luke and Zinn had quickly ran their rooms to prepare their armor and lightsaber and get ready to leave. John had finished preparing his things and had a soldier bring them to the shuttle while he went to see Padme off since she would be staying on Coruscant.

Padme had wished him good luck in the battle even though she knew that he would emerge victorious no matter what she kissed before he left to go to his shuttle. Once he left she turned on a serious face since she had a separate mission which was to handle all of the internal affairs of the Imperium while Everybody was gone but luckily she had her daughter Laya here to help and her other Step Kids were also there since they were underage they couldn't leave to join the fleet.

Above Coruscant there was a massive fleet stationed above the planet and this fleet was the 1st Royal Fleet commanded by John. The 1st Royal Fleet was the biggest and most advanced fleet in the Imperium containing 15k Ships including Carriers, Destroyers, Cruisers, and other support vessels. The fleet also contained the Super Titan named The Prophet which was bigger than the Executor and armed with advanced weaponry, a thousand fighters, multiple weapon batteries, a crew of over 100k people, and 50k Elite Royal Guards who wielded Lightsaber staffs and an advanced Blaser Rifle.

There was also a detachment of Dragon Knights stationed on the ship to protect John during Land battles.

While John was in the shuttle heading to the Prophet Draco(The name of the Dragon) was flying to the shuttle happy to see John and ready to fight the enemies that John told him about. Obviously, Draco can't talk but he could understand what John says and he when found out that a race was attacking Johns people Draco was very angry and wanted to go and destroy them now but he was stopped by John who told him that he can't fight the whole race by himself so Draco would go with John and his fleet to fight the enemies.

As the shuttle landed Draco had shrunk his size down which was one of his abilities and he flew towards John and landed directly on his head. John seeing this action sighed since Draco was acting carefree just before a big battle was going to happen.

In front of John was a line of soldiers all doing the Halo style Salute and at the end of all the soldiers was Anakin standing with a blue-colored person who John recognized as Admiral Thrawn and on the other side of Anakin was Ahsoka.

Ahsoka had never become Anakin's apprentice in this timeline and was instead rescued from the war by John during the time when he was at war with the Confederacy. She was Kina's second in command for a few years and now that she is a knight in the Dragon Order she has been recruited by John to be a General/Admiral in his fleet and also because she was quite smart and John needed that in his fleet.

Admiral Thrawn was a high-achieving cadet in the Imperium Naval Academy and proved himself by leading a fleet to defeat a pirate lord who had risen up in Imperium space and he succeeded with an overwhelming victory against overwhelming odds since they were outnumbered. After that, he was promoted to captain, and eventually, after a year he was promoted again to Admiral and now is the Admiral of the 1st Royal fleet.

As John walked past the soldiers and approached Anakin he begin to give him a report of the fleet status "Your Majesty, the fleet is ready to leave and all the supplies are already loaded and ready and the soldiers are eager for the battle also General Grievous and Count Dooku are here as you requested" said Anakin giving him the report

"Excellent if everybody is ready then I think it's about time to head out and stop the enemies' siege," Said John. After talking a little with Anakin and Ahsoka John went to the bridge and prepared to leave for the planet Ulum that was under siege