
The Galaxy Knows

John was now standing in front of a Hologram that had the Viceroy of the current trade Federations ships in view. He has been standing here arguing with the Viceroy that he will not abandon Naboo and destroy any army he sends down here.

"This Republic Territory and you are trespassing with an unknown army. This act can be considered a declaration of war as you have occupied a Planet in Republic Territory. If you surrender now we promise you won't be mistreated" Said the Viceroy

"I am a friend of queen Amidala and I am here because of your unlawful invasion of Naboo So I won't retreat and if you want me you better come down here and get me," Said, John

"Actually I think this is a perfect time to announce my Empire to the Galaxy," Said John. He told one of the tech specialists to send out a Galaxy-wide broadcast.

On every planet of the Republic, News Networks are trying to figure out what was happening as word got through that Naboo was under siege by an unknown army. many tried to find out any information they could but unfortunately found nothing until they received a broadcast request from Naboo so they quickly played it on all Media platforms so everybody can see.

Standing in front of the screen was John who had Layla and the Force Guards standing behind Him, and Kina and Atra were standing Next to him, then his soldiers were lined up behind him also. John Had everybody wear a helmet so no one would recognize them or know how they look.

"Attention people of the Republic and any others who are listening, as you may have misheard Naboo is currently under siege but not by an unknown Army," Said John as he displayed clips of the trade union landing ships and taking cities while moving civilians out into camps.

"It is the Trade Federation who are the true invaders and I and my army simply came and helped the Naboo people and retake their planet but here the Trade union made it look like I was the one who invaded Naboo when really it was the trade union. And I am also a friend of Queen Amidala who can attest to that when she arrives on Naboo" Explained John who knew that with all this evidence against the trad union they couldn't defend themselves.

"And because of this, I have decided to create a new Empire called the New Order and any who want to oppose us will be crushed while those who want to join us or negotiate is more than welcome to" Said John. "I am also establishing a new Order called

At this time everybody was contemplating what he just said and wondered whether the long peace that they had would be broken because of this but that all changed because of what John said next.

"Fear not we won't attack innocent civilians or conquer Republic planets because we want to. Any planet taken will be for a reason and any Faction that tries to pick a fight will surely regret it"

This statement made some civilians feel reassured and made some faction leaders dismiss this warning as what could a person who owns no planets do. This is what the leaders thought as they had not seen his fleet yet and assumed he only had an army.

John ended the broadcast and for the next 3 days stayed on Naboo while the trade union continued blockading the planet. It would seem the Trade Federation didn't take his warning seriously so John was just going to take more ships from them.

In space, The trade Federation had 5 Lucerhulks blockading the planet. They had sent down transports with droids in them to reclaim the planet but failed every time so they decided to bomb the planet in precise locations where soldiers were so they can take it.

But before they could start sending out bombers 30 ships exited from hyperspace behind them and launched some objects at them. The Admiral didn't know what those objects were and told the fleet to turn around. He also attempted to call for reinforcements but communications were being blocked so he ordered all fighters to launch and attack the current fleet while the Lucerhulks turn around to face them.

As the ships were halfway turned around the objects launched breached the hull of the ship and enemy soldiers came out of them. As he was attempting to activate all droids on the ship a drop pod landed right on the bridge and an armored man standing 7'1 came out and had the numbers 117 on his Armor.

The Admiral activated the droidekas that were in the bridge and they all surrounded Master Chief.

"Give up now you can not hope to beat the droidekas no matter how much armor you have," Said the Admiral

"These Machines are can't even scratch me," Said Chief with a smirk on his face but the Admiral couldn't see it because he had his helmet on

The Admiral ordered the Droidekas to kill him only to find out about the Master chiefs personal shield.

Master Chief didn't say a single word and begin to destroy every droid on the bridge and then apprehended the Admiral. He then input new orders for the droids into the console which made them stop shooting at the soldiers and apprehend every Captain of each Lucerhulks.

About 20 minutes later all of the Lucerhulks were brought under New Order control. Chief contact John to confirm that the mission was a success and the Admiral was in custody.

Hearing the report John spread the news to the civilians who began cheering and celebrating that their home planet was safe from the Trade Federations control.

POV Padme

They had just got their ship fixed and were headed to Naboo with the Jedi to appear in front of the Senate. The Jedi who were with her had battled what they called a sith and held him off until they got the ship up and running.

She had heard stories about the ancient sith who were all supposed to be dead but it seems that's not the case here. The Jedi also brought along a slave boy named Anakin who helped them get the Generator that they needed by winning a Pod race. She had talked to Anakin at the place they went to get a part and learned many things.

Now they were in Coruscant space and requested permission to land.

And from here the events happened just like they did in the movie except Padme was questioned about this New Order and how much she knew. She only told them some fake story of how she met him by chance. The Senate did not believe this and told her how it would be investigated and such. But she just ignored them and continued to tell of the trade federations unlawful invasion of her planet but the Senate only claimed that there is no evidence that the Trade Federation invaded and she should release Viceroy Gunray and when she presented a video they still didn't believe her so she called for the vote of no confidence and then the story progressed normally from there.

POV Normal

John was in space on one of the Lucerhulks currently talking to one of the trade union leaders who requested the release of the Admiral he captured but John wasn't simply going to let him go for free so he demanded 10 million credits in compensation and 5 Lucerhulks.

The trade federation was reluctant to give away 10 million credits and 5 Lucerhulks but if they refused then they would look weak and lose face in the Senate as they have a reputation to maintain. And this could cause some internal problems within the Trade Federation so they agreed to the demands and delivered 10 million credits and 5 Lucerhulks 10 days later. though the Lucerhulks were empty John didn't care as he could still use them.

Padme and the Jedi were landing back in the Royal Hanger when a figure came out with a double-bladed lightsaber. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan told the queen to go while they hold them.

The fight went as it did in canon and Qui-Gon died and Obi-wan defeated Maul then returned to Coruscant and got permission to train Anakin.

A/N: Now that the Naboo invasion is over John will continue to expand in the outer-Rim build up his forces. From here the story will not be all canon as that's boring and some time skips will happen but will be small.

The reason I won't add Padme to the Harem is that Luke and Laya were a big part of the Rebellion And I don't want to change that

Dr_Dredcreators' thoughts