
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 75 –

Jane Doe and the group walked through the corridors before stepping into the corridor where the main battle took place.

The dead bodies were still littering the ground and was making Jane Doe understand what Layan meant when he said he wasn't a Jedi. To the Jedi, lethal means were the last resort, apparently not to him.

Inside the Phoenix, the prisoner was put inside the training room like Pre Vizsla before him. Lyn led Jane Doe to one of the guest room where she will sleep for the time being.

"Let's see what is in your head."

The Pantoran man was resisting Layan's invasion of his mind, but it was useless, even mandalorians training couldn't counter it, only other force-sensitives could.

Lots of information was inputted in his head.

Pantora. Political unrest. Jane Doe's identity.

Coming back into the cockpit, Layan was smiling like an idiot which made his apprentice raise an eyebrow as such a behavior from her master.

"What happened?"

"I got the true name of Jane Doe, and lady luck his smiling at us. We will benefit grandly of bringing her back on Pantora."

The two of them stopped talking as they detected Jane Doe walking toward them accompanied by the hunter killer droid, which was making the girl panic a bit. The two newcomers took a seat in the cockpit and the Pantoran started the conversation.

"I'm sorry for not being able to reveal you my identity for the time being at least. You saw all these men are peoples from my homeworld, and I don't know who to trust."

"Yeah, don't worry for this, we'll bring you back to Pantora where you will be able to contact your trusted allies. Now, let's…"


Before he could continue talking, the holo-transmitter started to beep.

"Hello, Jango. Pleasure to see you. You called me because she finally succeeded in kicking your ass?"

"No, but I have to admit the kid became fierce and is giving me a run for my money."

It was strange to hear Jango call Shae 'Kid' as she looks like eighteen now, and would soon be in her mid-twenties before her body stop aging, or at least will age extremely slowly after that.

Jango may not be the type of guy who like demonstrations of affection and will give hugs to the kids, but he really took a liking to the girl, Layan could see it through his expressionless helmet each time he visits her on Kamino.

"I'm calling you because one of my contacts found about what you were searching, 'the Jebble Box'."

"Good. You already have the intel or do I have to meet your contact?"

"You'll have to meet her but be wary, she is not someone trustworthy. From what I know, time is short, you have to go now or the opportunity to get it will disappear again."

"Where do I meet her?"


"Devaronians! as if our weeks with pirates wasn't enough, now we're going to a world of brutes."

Lyn was in the seat just beside, looking at the hologram of the mandalorian in full Beskar armor.

"Be sure to hide your presence, there is a Jedi Temple on Devaron. There will surely be a lot of peoples ready to fight to obtain the Jebble Box, you will have to take care of the Jedi as an extra if you're detected with their Jedi tricks"

"Don't worry, we got this. Sorry, Jane Doe, but an emergency just happened and I can't let it go, we have to go."

The girl not yet twenty was dejected at the situation and must return fast, otherwise the political situation may get out of hand, changes in the government may happen, or even the Republic could directly intervene, or in the best case send mediators.

The conversation was over, and the hologram disappeared.

Lyn engaged Layan in a telepathic conversation as Jane Doe was seated in the seat behind Layan in the cockpit and didn't want to give information that must be kept hidden.

*The Jedi won't get in our way? *

*No, they shouldn't and even if they do, they shouldn't be much of a threat. The temple of Eedith was raided by Savage Oppress during his first known appearance, he killed a clone battalion and the Jedi guarding the temple. *

*If they could be killed by only brute force, then they don't deserve the title of Jedi Knight at all. *

Lyn remark was pretty harsh against the Jedi but after all she was Layan's student and she was taught all the defects of the current Jedi.

*Don't forget those who can be killed with a few blaster shots. Blocking a blaster shot is among the basics. *

*Yeah, I remember you talked about a member of the council killed by Jango with just a few shots of his blaster on Geonosis. That's why you made me train with so much remote controls. I can still feel the bite like feelings all over my body. *

*Better to feel this than burning through your body. Trust me, I tried and it hurt. *

*Stop boasting, you were stabbed not shot. You're too delicate. *

Layan look at her and could only sigh as she was acting too much like him. He may have created a monster. Lyn enjoyed his stunned expression. The two of them became closer since their encounter and their friendly banter was a daily occurrence. Far gone was the deadly serious Layan, at least with her.

"We shouldn't have much problems on Devaron but let's be on our guard, the males, or the brutes follow an urge to wander and leave their world at the first occasion and send money back home, while the females are taking care of the government as they possess a shrew and political mind. Males are rarely on the planet and mate with the females during some sort of festival or mating season."

"Strange custom. Do they do not want a lasting relationship?"

"It's not strange, the devaronian females see the males as restless and disrupting the order they established on the planet, while males doesn't care about families and prefer to explore the stars."

"The male going out to hunt, the female taking care of the house and the mating season, they are closer to animals to my mind."

While they were talking, the Phoenix appeared in real space near the world of Devaron. Approaching the surface, they could see a beautiful jungle while approaching the city of Plaeree.

"Jane Doe, you stay inside. HK, keep an eye on her and protect her if need be."

Walking through the muddy streets, they walked through a labyrinth of small houses before coming to a stop in front of a bar with two guards keeping watch at the entrance.

As they near the bar, the guard took out their blasters.

"I'm awaited, I'm Layan, I came to meet Shira-Kai."

"Let him in."

From their comlink came a feminine voice which prompted the guards to stop blocking their path and lead them in.

The bar was small, a few tables and a droid serving the drinks and a handful of individuals, all armed and with a dangerous air around them were drinking. They walked through the room and down a corridor before stopping in front of a closed door.

The door was opened by a male Devaronian, a dozen of other guards were keeping watch over the large office.

Seated in a large seat was Shira-Kai, a female devaronian with an orange, almost red skin, the two black marks on her forehead at the location of the horns for the males. Her head was covered in white fur and possessed prominent canine teeth.

All the furniture inside were luxurious, a large couch in center of the room, warm lighting suspended at the ceiling, a desk in exotic wood, an aquarium with rare fishes.

"So, you're the man Jango wanted me to meet. Not impressive as I thought, Jango as few friends and most of them are deadly."

"I'm more deadly than any of them, I can assure you. Now, can we start our business?"

"As talkative as Jango. Now I understand why you are friends. I have the intel about the Jebble Box, but can you afford it?"

Layan took a handful of credits before throwing it on her desk.

"50,000 credits as you asked for. Where is the Jebble Box?"

She didn't respond and took her time to count the various credits before raising up her head.

"A big name in the underground just died and now and one of his lieutenants is vying for his fortune. He obtained the location of the secret vault of his boss and the detailed inventory, on it was written Jebble Box, but the information leaked while he was assembling a team to open it."

"I don't care about the background give me what I'm here for."

"On the world of Aridus in the expansion region. You should hurry or it will disappear once again. There may be other groups searching for it."

After obtaining what he was searching for, he left with Lyn following beside him.


"I know. She is hiding something; she may try to doublecross us."

"Why didn't we killed her off and used drain knowledge to obtain what the intel we wanted?"

"She wasn't just a mobster, everything in her office was extremely luxurious, and some object are restricted and need connections to people high in the galactic hierarchy to obtain it. Killing her, at least on Devaron would be unwise. She surely has a connection to the Jedi or know someone who could contact them for her and a lot of peoples were waiting outside."

"Why would she try to ambush us? You offended no one for the time being, and those you did are all dead and you left no witnesses behind."

"I would bet on our connection to Jango, his head is a priceless trophy for some people, and there is also those seeking vengeance. They may have seen us as his friends and want to use us against him. Anyway I don't see her as a serious threat and with an invisible ship, it will be easy to shake off our pursuers."