
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 72- Sowing doubt

The troops of the Republic arrived soon after Hondo fled in a hurry. The knocked-out pirate confirmed Layan stories, Pre Vizsla was the culprit behind everything.

Padmé refused to follow them back on Coruscant to much discontent of her security captain, which has to protect such a hot-heated senator.

"The Separatist Crisis is slowly affecting this part of the galaxy, Ryloth has no standing armies and count on the Republic to protect them from slavers but ever since the crisis, everything became worse and worse. Rodia is slowly but surely running out of food and our production capacities are overrun. As for the Trade Federation, everyone know they have it both ways."

"I'll do everything I do to help you, uncle ono."

They were now inside the villa of the senator, which was surrounded by guards and was more akin to a fortress.

"I know I can count on you, Padmé, but I'm losing faith over the Republic. The interest of the Republic is on the core worlds, they interest to some worlds of the Outer Rim because of rare natural resources and Rodia isn't such a world."

"I can't believe uncle Ono. You were one of my mentors when I was queen of Naboo and when I became senator. I remember everything you taught me. I can't believe you when you say you're losing faith in the Republic."

"The Republic is mostly made of hypocrites fighting for their own interests. What is it some kind of revelation for you?"

Layan voice interrupted their conversation and cast an ominous shadow in the room. His statement was going on the Rodia sense, but not only. It led to a stupefied and reproachful glare from the senators.

"You're siding with the Separatist?"

"No, they are only a bunch of idiots which were persuaded by vain promises. Those really in control in their so-called confederation are the Techno-Union, the Trade Federation and others which exacerbated the problem in the first place. It led these same peoples to side with the separatists. You can call it paradoxical, but I have another word for it, plain stupid."

He didn't want to reveal his knowledge which could trigger the war early. Like the fact that Dooku was the acting leader of the CIS, even though Amidala already had some suspicions.

"I see you despise both sides, but there is no perfect government, each time someone rises to power, there is a chance that he became corrupted by his or her new powers."

"I don't despise them. I find it sad that we are ruled by corrupted and incompetent peoples. If someone like you or Bail Organa became Supreme Chancellor, I would cheer on."

"And now you have problems with the Supreme Chancellor? He is an example of virtue!"

"Really? Do we need to talk about the blockade of Naboo? Wasn't it awfully convenient that Naboo was besieged, giving him the opportunity to win the seat of Supreme Chancellor via massive votes of sympathy? He is like any other man, greedy and I wouldn't find it surprising if he had a hand with the Trade Federation during the blockade."

"Enough!! I won't let you defame a friend and a devoted man who only search to restore the Republic to her past glory! Get out!!"

"Sure, but think to it. Weren't some of his actions strange? Didn't he led you, a young inexperienced queen, by the nose to fulfill his own agenda? You risked your kriffing life on Naboo while he stayed tranquilly on Coruscant amassing power due to the sympathy of other senators."

Layan left the room and walked toward Phoenix to wait for her to calm down and wait for the opportunity to talk the Rodian senator alone and be the link between him and Bibfort which is now doing his best to prove to be a worthy chairman of his company.

Layan was making a big bet right now, he wanted to sow doubts into the mind of one of Palpatine most fervent partisan and thus reducing his power. This way, after putting these strange facts under the spotlights, his words which would repeat in the back of her mind would slowly make her doubt.

But Padmé knew Palpatine ever since she was a kid and was used to follow his benevolent advice.

Pin drop silence was heard into the meeting room Layan just left. It was rare of Padmé to have such outbursts. Usually she was a calm and clear minded person, but he was talking about one of her most trusted friends and he was right.

Such criticisms happened just after Palpatine's election, but it was blown away by Palpatine marvelous act of the grieving old man sad to lose his peoples. But during the decade after this, there were several events which made her question Palpatine's actions. Course of actions which appeared judicious on the heat of the moment but not so much when looking at the big picture, several of these actions helped worsen the situation between the two split galactic government.

"His speech if heard by others may make him arrested for treason."

"From what he told me, he has no ties to anyone, we can hardly talk about treasons. As for arresting a Jedi, I think we'll need more men if we want to do it."

The situation finally gone back at what it was before Layan's interruption and the two old friends resumed their conversation.

"Let's go back to our original topic and forget about this interlude. I hope your plead for help will be heard by the Republic. With the worsening political climate in the galaxy, I'm fearing a war and some worlds will be left behind."

"A war cannot happen, be it the Republic or the Separatist, the number of troops and military equipment is limited. It's already showing as the Republic can't protect its interests in the Outer Rim. The outbreak of a war would push the two side to recruit troops, finance military equipment and push the economy to the brink of bankruptcy."

After a long meaningful conversation, Padmé was invited by Onaconda Farr to dine, not only her but Layan as well. Even though their view of the current political problem was opposing, he saved their lives.

"What will you do next? Continue your search for Pre Vizsla? He is now a wanted a criminal and can't count on his helper on Mandalore. It shouldn't be long before he gets thrown into a cell on Coruscant."

"I'll let the Republic take care of him. I have a cheeky apprentice to take care of and other stuffs to do."

"And so why are you buying illegally Beskar iron? You get on the nerves of Satine, even though I think she is grateful for you to unravel Vizsla's plot."

Layan smiled at it. If he plays his card right, he could get on the good side of three senators which in turn could vouch for him if he ever needed. They could help to improve the standing of his holding while Bibfort will act as the figurehead while he was pulling the strings in the shadow.

"I'm doing my best to restore mandalorian antiques and droids, a hobby of mine."

"I see. In the past, I knew someone who liked to play with droids."

"Skywalker? I know of him, the padawan of Kenobi and a pretty bright future in front of him as he shows promising skills, his only problems are his trouble with attachment and hot-headed character."

"I'm surprised you know that much about the Jedi if you are so much distanced from them."

"You know about the Separatist and you're not friend with them. At least not anymore."

"Yes, after the terrorist attack, all negotiations with the Separatist became forbidden. Tensions will only grow from now on. It's a shame I cannot some of my good friends anymore."

The meal continues while they talked about from their tastes to the actual political and economic situation but it soon near its end. When Padmé had to leave the table to receive an urgent incoming transmission, Layan made sure to make understand that he knew someone who could help for their problems of food supply and giving him the contacts of Bibfort.

"Now that the situation has been clarified and Duchess Satine knows about the threat on her life, I'll take my leave. It was a pleasure to talk with you senator Amidala even though with had small disagreements. I hope to see you again, senator Farr as well, thanks for your hospitality."

Yoda will be later disappointed to learn the young man they were searching for just happened to be not so far away. At least he learnt a bit of the young man state of mind by Padmé's report about their encounter.