
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 70- Padmé

Coming down from the boarding ramp were captain Panaka and his men, not even ten peoples to protect one of the most famous and important senators of the Republic.

"Thank you, Jedi. Your arrival was really timely."

The leading man, the captain of the guards, said with a neutral face but clearly pissed off that they weren't able to fend off the pirates.

"Thanks, but I am no Jedi and aren't you few to protect the queen of Naboo?"

Layan played the ignorant and chose to let things happen naturally. His plan was to play the hard to get to not be perceived to be on the demanding end and fire the curiosity of the former queen.

The fake one was still inside the ship wearing gaudy and eye-catching clothes which comes out of the Queen's wardrobe which Padmé has still access to due to her prestige and good relationship with her successor on the throne.

"What do you mean?"

"I may be mistaken, but this is the royal starship allocated to the royal family of Naboo, isn't it?"

Padmé, still presenting herself as a member of the guard, was looking the strangely at the young Mirialan in front of them.

"Could I know what you are if you're not a Jedi? A Sith or a mercenary like Aura Sing?"

"You have a limited vision of the world, lady. There are many Jedi who chose to live under the orders without being a Sith or becoming a mercenary and acting only on their whims. As for if I was a Sith, you would be all dead by now."

Padmé took no offense and knew he was surely considering her just as an overzealous guard. Nonetheless, she was still curious as to why he saved and more importantly what he really was.

Not long ago, she almost died due to a so called 'terrorist attack', but she already had suspicions about the former Jedi and count of Serenno, Dooku. If he had some links with him, then he may be an assassin.

"Do you have any ties to the Jedis?"

"Not exactly, but I fought side by side with Master Fay. My existence is surely allowed to be known only by members of the council by now due to the nature of the conflict we participated. Oh, by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you senator Amidala."

"How do you know it was me?"

Layan smiled and explained to her.

"Your posture isn't one of a trained fighter, your hands aren't callous and you mentioned the Siths even though they are a myth for most of the peoples of the galaxy. The only ones in the know about the return of the Siths are members of the Jedi Order, the chancellor and a few trusted aides, and you, the target of the now dead Darth Maul."

"How did you come to help us so fast mister 'I am no Jedi'?"

Layan knew he couldn't escape to the suspicion of the senator but already prepared a solid backstory to explain his presence.

"I was keeping watch over these pirates since days, ever since someone I considered as pretty dangerous contacted them for a job. Now, it was a pleasure to meet you, but I have to find back my target."

"What is his name?"

"I have no reasons to give you these answers, senator. Whatever I do will be reported to these old relics with sticks up their butts. A council considering itself wise even though it can't accept progress and kept useless traditions."

While some smiled at his statement, it made Padmé raise an eyebrow as she was a pro-Jedi and was grateful to them for their help in saving Naboo a decade earlier.

Padmé ignored his words even though she strongly disagreed with it and watched as the young man and the assassin droid were going back to their ship.

With these words said, Layan turned around and headed for the exit of the hangar but was called by Senator Amidala.

"Wait, you have to help us, my ship is damaged and can't navigate while you shot down the hyperdrive of the pirate ship. You have the only functioning starship."

"You can use the long-range communicators to ask for help."

"In such a sector, communications are intercepted and the first which will come for help will be pirates."

All was going according to Layan's scenario. Rodia wasn't really well situated, at the border of the Hutt Space and thus pirates loved attacking the defenseless ship navigating on these hyperplanes.

"Statement: The female meatbag is annoying. Can't we let her here?"

"Sigh. Good, come. I'll bring you to Rodia, the closest civilized planet as I don't think Tatooine is a world made for you. After this, you'll have to take care of yourselves."

The group followed Layan and HK-47 toward the docking ring where they boarded the Phoenix.

"Find a seat and HK will keep watch over you so don't try to explore or steal me."

Walking through the lounge, Layan announced to the crowd without stopping and continued toward the cockpit.

He sat on the pilot seat while the senator sat beside him, while the captain of the guard sat behind him, one of his subordinates by his side.

"So, what lead you senator Padmé Amidala who almost died because of a terrorist attack not so long ago at the limit of the Hutt Space?"

"I wanted to visit a friend, Rodia's senator, Onaconda Farr, to discuss the ongoing crisis."

"You're reckless, you could have been kidnapped, killed, and everything else between. You should tamper your actions or you will die."

"Never will I submit to terror. I was elected by my peoples as a senator, and I will accomplish my duty regardless of the threats on my life."

"I admire your devotion to your cause and selflessness but it stays reckless."

Layan knew already about the temper, about the former queen and current senator, after all she was a famous figure and Palpatine used her death to fuel the rage of the senators and create his Empire. But it was to wonder how could she survive until the end of the Clone Wars with her personality. She was a trouble magnet.

"Why do you abhor the Jedis?"

"I don't abhor them. To me Jedis are only monks of an extremist cult banning the way of thinking opposing their own teachings."

Amidala listened to him while he was launching the ship in hyperspace.

"They aren't like that. I met Jedis in the past, and I recognized their wisdom and…

"I know more than you about the Order's history. It's because of their denying and ban over other teachings that the first schism happened. They created the Sith, and with each war, each side became more and more extreme in their thinking.

I have no grudges with the Jedi, the past is the past, it cannot be changed. But I pursue a way of thinking different from their own, so even if I fought side by side with Master Fay and saved the life of a senator, I know that a time may come where I will be opposed or hunted by the Order."

"Maybe mistakes were made in the past but I met several times master Yoda and other Jedis, they are not so narrowminded."

A long silence ensued as Layan didn't answer to her comment. The guards behind them were silent while the humming sound of hyperspace was filling the cockpit.

"Let's change subject. You still don't want to tell me who was the person who contacted the pirates?"

"Sigh, you're stubborn. Well, it may dissuade some to help him if he becomes wanted by the Republic. His name is Pre Vizsla, the governor of Concordia, a moon of Mandalore. He is also the heir and new leader of the Death Watch. A terrorist organization opposing to Duchess Satine rule and want to restore the Warrior traditions of old."

"Are you sure? Why would a Mandalorian want to kill me? I must contact Duchess Satine and talk to her about it."

"You'll do it once arrived on Rodia. As for why, I have a few ideas. You are a thorn in the side of those which would benefit of the outbreak of a war, be it Republicans or Separatists. Let's add that they knew your navigation route, so there is either a spy or you were betrayed by someone from the inside."

Padmé was thinking over his words as it wouldn't be the first time that greed would cloud the judgement and corrupt peoples, even the most loyal.

"I would like to consider it impossible, but the Republic isn't what it was anymore. Corruption is running rampant."

"As I was saying. Those which would benefit of a war are major companies or politicians, they could easily hire the Death Watch as they are lacking funds to finance their activities. Pre Vizsla, he is a sly man who obtain the title of governor and act all friendly in front of Duchess Satine while wanting to stab her in the back. He may have searched the help of these pirates so that no one learn of his implication in this scheme."

"We'll unravel this mystery with Satine's help. I hope your accusations are not groundless, you are accusing a respectable governor and Satine protect her peoples fiercely."

Layan only smiled as he knew the proof in his hands will surely bring back bad memories to the Duchess. The Death Watch was after all the backer of the rebelling clans during the clans war on Mandalore when she was protected by Master Qui-Gon Jinn and the young padawan Kenobi.

"Don't worry about it, but it's good I can continue to enjoy your pleasant company. Try to not get involve into trouble."

Layan was stating the truth right now, she was so skilled to create trouble, it was to believe the force or someone was putting into danger every time, even without his action.

"I'll count on your protection if anything happens."