
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 65 – Plans

Layan wasn't worried of the Jedi Order knowing about his existence, even if it happened earlier than planned. On paper, the Jedi should have learned of Layan's existence and take note of him with the beginning of the Clone Wars and learn his name only when the rift between them and their cousins from Corellia close on.

From the really beginning, he planned to have at least 2 identities.

His, being some sort of mysterious unaffiliated force-user, with an ambiguous motive and acting all around the galaxy and related to prestigious characters like Ood, Fay or political celebrities like Padmé Amidala, Bail Organa and others famous political power holders and if things goes right, Bibfort.

His second one, being one of a horrible assassin, a true nightmare to all corrupted men with enough power to tip the balance of the future war. He even planned a creepy mask or helmet to scare peoples and keep his true identity hidden.

The problem would be to keep anyone to connect the dots between the two. It wouldn't be disastrous if it happens, but having the possibility to affect the Republic while being in contact with some key figures was appealing and maybe the most effective way to put the Republic back into the right tracks.

While the Jedi started their search for him, Layan planned to start his public activities as he wanted to stop Palpatine, he would need enough power to stop him. The Sith Lord may be deprived of his master plan, but his knowledge and political power are enough to threaten the stability of the Republic.

He would also use his future economic and political power to help change the Republic and divert the political focus as killing all those he deemed unworthy would soon attract unwanted attention.

Layan may not be an expert, but he knew about the biggest companies, those who will fall and those who will rise. He could also add his own knowledge to the mix to accumulate money.

If he wanted to create a droid army, even if small, he would need an enormous amount of money. Not only could he produce droids but gain technology, peoples, facilities, weapons, ships and everything he could think of. Credits is all powerful.

"I'll need peoples to work in it and take care of the daily and administrative tasks."

"If we become so rich, maybe we could buy or build a ship with a heated pool inside?"

"Can you stop your stupid jokes and help me? You became a lazy ass lately, but don't worry, I'll change that."

"Oh, no, not again. You are starting with your menacing training to scare me, but it won't work."

"A month on Hoth during winter, alone and the most basic equipment. How does it sound?"

"Like not made to train force-users but more a man with a death wish, a big beard, living in the woods and taking showers in icy water."

He thought to Sienn's father, Bibfort. He has knowledge and experience in trading but may be lacking in scheming and foreseeing. To compensate this, Layan will use his knowledge of the future to lead his holding via Bibfort, his figurehead.

With this company, he could influence the politics during the clone wars. For example, obtaining fuel and food production may be a good idea as several worlds were fought over due to these resources.

The credits he stole on Pre Vizsla's secret bank account used as the economic backbone of the Death Watch will be used as his starting funds. These funds would help him to create ties with a select few senators he considered trustworthy, or at least not control by their own greed which may become or already are Palpatine's allies and pawns.

It's in this type of situation that he realizes how much his own philosophy is similar to the one of Dooku. The best way to cleanse it would be to disband temporarily the senate under military authority and start an investigation, but with how deep run the corruption in the republic, this investigation would take months if not years.

Fortunately, he had no Sith lord to whisper sweet words to his ears when he was younger, or he could have gone bad.


Lyn and Layan were now in the Phoenix, flying over the frozen world, Hoth. Layan planned for Lyn an experiment he underwent himself in the past and helped him understand more the basics of the dark side.

While Layan was wearing the same clothes as usual, Lyn was wearing thick clothes made for extra cold temperatures.

He wanted her to understand it first hand rather than staying just as words to teach her. He wanted her to feel the influence of the dark side and what better way than forcing her to survive on such a world for a month with only help her instincts.

Food was scarce, fauna can be dangerous, days were short, and the temperature was freezing cold. She could rely on no one except herself.

Pushing her into a corner is the best way for her to feel the base of the dark side. Pain, hunger, anger, and all the negatives aspects coming with it.

"You have to survive on Hoth for a month. I'll contact you every day to see if you didn't turn into an ice cube. Here is your bag pack, you have enough food and supplies to live four days in rationing your needs. You have to travel toward an old base aging back to the Cold War. You can contact me when you reach it, I'll pick you up. At normal speed and taking into account your search for food and supplies, you'll reach it in a month."

He gave her a bag filled with food, survival equipment, medical supplies, and spare clothes.

"I really disapprove your teaching methods."

"No, it's the best way to teach, first-hand experience. That's why the overall strength of the Jedi Order became weaker in the current times, they lack real fighting experiences and the disappearance of the Sith really dragged down the challenges they have to face. One month here will push you to the edges and you'll lean to push back your limits.

As for why you disapprove, it's because you are a lazy bum who like to stay in your bed until midday. Here there is no comfortable bed, warmth, or someone to cook for you. Now, go."

Not letting her the time to protest, he pushed her out of the open ramp as the ship was flying slightly above the ground. The poor girl fell and landed with an acrobatic, otherwise she would have fallen into the snow head first.

"I'll drink a nice hot chocolate every day thinking about you. Enjoy the weather!"

Layan shout to Lyn before the ramp of the Phoenix could close completely and the ship rise into the air, leaving the atmosphere of the planet.


Several days later, Layan arrived in Coruscant. This time he used Force Cloak to hide his presence and force sensitivity, as he now had a better grasp of his abilities and potential than when he was on Corellia. And with Ood's advice and teachings about the Jedis, he was sure to be able to hide from the Jedis and Sidious.

It wasn't his first time on Coruscant but the last time he came on the city planet, it was for a thief job and he had to be wary of everyone and of the troopers of the Empire.

His destination was one of the main trading centers where he could create his society, a holding which will buy shares from all the company in the rise or which will be in a near future and all the mining rights of undiscovered mineral resources he knew of.

The building was big, but not huge as only a few offices were located inside as most of the transactions were made via the holonet and rarely necessitated to meet the buyers in person.

The mining rights will have to be negotiated planetside and in person with the seller, here he was only buying shares the company he knew off, but these shares will prove to be worthwhile only with the beginning of the war as the lost property to the separatist would make some resources rarer and thus increasing the shares value.

It doesn't mean he would gain nothing during the two years before the beginning of the war as it is still a period of unrest, the Clone Wars didn't start without reason or showing no harbingers of what was to come, so the value was still fluctuating pretty wildly.

He also planned to destroy or at least kill the leaders of several companies which will collaborate with the Empire in the future. Not only will he kill Sidious helpers but get money out of it, a pretty sweet deal.

He bought large shares of small companies who will soon become powerful and influential, and will later sell them to buy a lot of companies of plot of land to create one thing: food.

During the Clone Wars and with these kriffing Nemoidians of the Federation, the second reason why some worlds choose to join the separatists was starvation. Because of the battles and corruption of the Senate, some worlds couldn't feed their own population. The Federation was doing their bread and butter out of the suffering of these peoples, and he would show to the whole galaxy what was the consequences of such a behavior.

Layan planned to broadcast a memorable show starring the director board of the Trade Federation in direct live in front of all the galaxy. With some theatrical play in it to warn all peoples taking part into the federation and troll Sidious at the same time.