
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 63 – Little Shae

They laid Vima in the in the infirmary aboard the Phoenix, after being examined by the medical droid, she was found to be perfectly healthy and should wake up soon.

"I imagine you will continue to follow the will of the force and maybe inform the Jedi Order of Kun's death, but have you some time for a drink to celebrate?"

"I appreciate the offer, but no. It was a pleasure to fight by your side, please take care of Vima."

Fay didn't stay long with them before departing, only the necessary to assure herself that Vima was okay.

"Let us go back. I have an apprentice to take care of, and I'm sure the Jedi Order will send a group to check on Ossus after knowing that you survive, hoping to find others or relics, fortunately the cloaking device was completed months ago."

"Yes, they are bound to go back empty-handed if we are careful."

Layan still had tons of things to do, not only Lyn's training, he was still keeping an eye on the black market to find the traces of several objects which could be useful.

His hidden bases on Rhen Var and Tatooine were finally ready and could be used to hide his darkest secrets which he will keep hidden from everyone except himself. It would also serve as a testing ground to test his new limits.

He also had to search for the Force Harvester, the Dark reaper superweapon remnants on Raxus Prime before Dooku get his hands on it. He didn't plan to use it, but he could find other use to it as it was a super force generator and could be used to power a whole new type of force technology.

Not only this, he was also searching for Darth Maul to obtain all the knowledge kept inside the head of the Zabrak and prevent him to shed blood across worlds, but he had no clues as to where he was hiding.

He had a huge number of tasks to accomplish in the short two years he had left but couldn't ignore Lyn's training otherwise she wouldn't be ready.

"I'll drop you on Ossus before heading back on Kamino."

After a short travel, he drove Ood and Vima back home before heading toward the cloner's world.

Kamino was as usual riddled with storms and inhabited with the same Kaminoans without a shred of humor.

Stepping into the facility, he met with Jango, Boba. The still mentally unstable Arla was staying in Jango's living quarters. All the Fett family was here on Kamino.

Even though she was healed and unintoxicated of all the drugs injected by the doctors during her stay in the Valorum center, she was still feeling guilt to work as a member of the Death Watch and killing civilians. Her guilt was tremendous, and if it wasn't for the presence of her lost brother and his son, she may have already killed herself, but she was slowly recuperating.

"Your clone was already produced, she looks like a five years old kid and will grow into a woman into her mid-twenties during the next few months and then shouldn't age or at least slowly as apparently some serums were created using DNA of some long live species, hence affecting her constitution."

"Thanks. I see your sister got better since last time, good for you. Tyranus contacted you?"

"No. Ever since I came on Kamino, the times he contacted me can be counted on a hand. He should be unaware of you, even though the Kaminoans still think of him as a friend of Sifo-Diyas and inform him of their progresses from time to time, they should have no reasons to talk about one of their clients like you. It may the only good point of these fish heads."

The two were discussing while heading for the cloning facility where Taun We and the Prime Minister was waiting for them.

Inside the room, they saw the two Kaminoans watching a little redhead girl with a cute, delicate face and shoulder length beautiful hair.

"A pleasure to see you again, sir Vaherg. As you can see, your clone is ready and in perfect health, I'll show you all the medical reports and we will be able to start."

Taun We displayed every medical report of the clone on a screen using her data pad and started to explain everything.

"The clone, SV-0153 is the results of several failures as the serum injected in the subjects had antagonistic effects and often had organ failures and death as a result. Fortunately, we succeeded in finding the perfect combination. She is stronger, faster, smarter, more agile, has a better stamina, durability, and an improved physiology protecting her from mental manipulation, reduce drugs and poison's effects and more resistant to illnesses. An expected bonus is her improved longevity, she may be able to live over a century, maybe two."

Layan was pleased with the results of the experiment but wanted to know what was her limits.

"Good, but what it means said clearly?"

"The original body being human, fully grown, all her physical abilities will be at the human peak or even above from what we see from the previous batches of clones."

Layan stepped near the girl, lowered himself to her height before asking a few questions to the girl.

"Hello, I'm Layan, we will become friends in the future. What's your name?"

"SV-0153, I'm 9 days old. Why is your skin yellow? It's shiny."

She raised her hand, started to touch his face to feel his skin, he was a bit amused by the cute and curious little girl.

"No, SV-0153 is a codename. Your name is Shae, a mandalorian warrior. As for my skin, it's because I'm a Mirialan, those of my specie have either yellow or green skin and tattoos on their face like mine."

"Shae?! I like the name! I'm Shae!"

The girl started to twirl around while dancing around, seemingly pleased by her name. This girl was really cute, and Layan was already fond of it.

"This scary guy here is uncle Jango. He will teach you to become a mandalorian and how to fight. When you'll be ready, you'll explore the galaxy with me, my cheeky apprentice and an annoying droid."

"Uncle Jango is scary, but exploring the galaxy is cool, I want to. I'll train with scary uncle Jango!"

Layan was pleased with her way to call the mandalorian warrior, ex-Mand'alor and war machine. What was even more enjoyable was Jango's expression when he saw Layan smile when looking at him.

"I won't be here every day, but I'll come at least once every week to see you and when you'll be able to fight against uncle Jango, I'll give you a big gift."

"Yeah, I'll beat uncle Jango now to have my gift!"

The little girl ran at Jango who simply put his hand on her head and hold her at a distance while the girl was trying to punch him with her small arms.

"Enjoying yourself, aren't you?"

"A bit. You now have to take care of two kids, maybe I should call you daddy Jango."

The two watched as the girl wanted to play with Boba who was pouting. It was a bit new for him as he wasn't used to play with kids of his age and preferred to go missions with his father.

"By the way, Jango. With your job, you should have some contacts in the underworld?"

"Yeah, but most are afraid that I would hunt them down someday."

"Could you keep an eye open if you hear about the 'Jebble Box'?"

Layan was interested in it as he heard some stories while working as a server in a cantina of Tatooine. Even if he wasn't sure if it was true or bullshits, he wanted to uncover the mystery of it.

"Pretty dangerous. From what I know of it, it is an impossible to open box filled with either Sith or Jedi artifacts. Each time this thing made an appearance ever since a century ago, it settled bloodily."

"Yes, the exact same thing. Now let's go for your first part of the deal."

They headed for Jango sleeping quarters and sat opposite to each other. Layan put his hands on Jango's temples and focus on the technique he leant during the past six months.

"I'll scan your brain, copy the knowledge and store inside an altered memory crystal made specifically for it. Then all of this will be taught to Shae via flash-learning."

"Seems simple said like this."

"It is not. If you resist, it could lead to disabilities or amnesia, so you'd better don't resist. I know you were trained to resist Jedi's mind trick and telepathy, but you to do the contrary and let me free-way."

Layan started to work after Jango gave him the signal he was ready. The mandalorian did his best to not resist while feeling Layan's mental invasion. After a couple of minutes, he had all the skills of the mandalorian in head and started to copy it inside a crystal he altered using the force.

"I hope you take good care of Shae. I'll come back next week to see her progress."