
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 49 – Meeting a legend

"You were taken by surprise by the clone's strategy. You were overconfident."

These words were the first thing he told to HK-47 when he came back.

"Answer: No, I was just enjoying myself. Without lowering my guard, it would have been impossible."

"Sure, we believe you."

Lyn didn't miss an occasion to come back at the droid as ever since their first encounter, he was bothering her. The two started a glare contest while Layan followed Taun We toward Jango Fett living quarters in Tipoca City.

The two followed suits when they saw Layan and the kaminoan going farther and farther away. The famous bounty hunter was living not far away, near the main cloning facility.

"Why do you keep him here? You should already have all the necessary data to create the clone army ordered for the Republic."

"He serves as an instructor for the clone army when he isn't outside to accomplish his missions as a bounty hunter. He also recruited all the other instructors and helped us created the flash-training made to instruct the clones in a short time."

They walked for a moment before stopping at a door located in the middle of a huge white corridor where a few Kaminoans were walking. After Taun We pressed the doorbell, the white door was opened by a man in his early forty with black hairs and tan skin. The most striking thing about him being that he was identical to the clones, the original, Jango Fett.

"Jango, I'm happy to see you again. I'm here today to present you our guest."

"Layan Vaherg, a pleasure to meet someone as famous as you."

Jango said nothing and continue to watch him with a peaceful expression, not even bothered by the lightsabers clipped at Lyn and Layan's waists.

"I came here to create a clone for myself and I have an offer which may prove to be of great interest to you. Can I enter to discuss with you in further details?"

"Sure. Let me hear your offer."

"I'll show your apprentice and droid the room we allocated for you in the meantime."

Taun We departed with the other two following her while Layan stepped into the bounty hunter's accommodation. The apartment was pretty cramped for two persons, but the view of the raging ocean was enjoyable.

"If you were a Jedi, you would have presented yourself as such. Who are you?"

Inside, he saw a kid looking exactly like Jango playing with starships and starfighters figurines. It was strange to imagine that such a harmless kid would become the same guy wearing a green armor he fought in his past life.

"To make it simple, an independent force-user. I am in neither side only doing what I wish. Pretty impressive these clones of yours. You're proud of it?"

Layan wanted to see what was the personality, so he chose to change the topic and see how would react the famous bounty hunter.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe."

The ex Mand'alor said on a flat while not letting the young Mirialan out of his sight. A pretty good quote, but Layan awaited more from such an infamous warrior.

"Woah, pretty lame statement coming from the previous Mand'alor. I would have expected something more passionate."

Layan immediately found an answer and started to talk about Jango's past as the previous holder of the Mand'alor mantle. Visibly, the mandalorian didn't take it well as his expression changed slightly but soon gone back to normal, impassible.

"Let's put an end to the civilities. Why do you come here and chose to meet me knowing I was here and knowing what I can do even against those holding lightsabers?"

The threat was barely hidden as the young Mirialan seems to know about his past and came here with a goal in head. For those who knew Jango Fett past, this phrase was a threat to every force-users.

"You mean kill 6 Jedis barehanded and hold your ground against Dooku at the same time? Pretty evident, I wanted to meet the legend. You see, mandalorian warriors were always an inspiration source to me, even when I was a kid. I couldn't miss the chance to meet the last true mandalorian."

The evident allusion to the commando he was part of under his mentor Jaster Mereel, and which he became the leader after his mentor's death make him flinch. Few were those who knew about his past as he became a loner after the battle of Galidraan, which was when he lost all of them under the Jedi's blades.

"You know a lot; I have to admit it."

"Yes, I know you're now following Tyranus or Dooku orders, call him however you want."

All at once, the ambience became tense in the room, and even the young Boba tuned his head to look at his father and his guest. Until now, he was playing with his toys, but seeing the tense expression on his father face, he should better hurry in his bedroom to get his blaster just in case.

"Those knowing this have to die. I'm sure you understand."

"Yes, but I know even more. Like something which would really interest you to a point you would be ready to breach your code to obtain these informations's."

Layan was sure Fett was ready to break his neck at any given moment, but he came prepared and already has a way to calm the mandalorian.

"Go on, I'm listening to you."

Jango was surprised by statement and even more intrigued by the smile on the face of the Mirialan which was screaming at him that he was in control of the situation and that he couldn't change this matter of fact.

"You failed in destroying the Death Watch, they simply gone into hiding. It must hurt pretty bad, those who killed your family, your mentor and your comrades in arms are still alive out there somewhere and unafraid of you as you think them to be dead."

The revelation let Jango flabbergasted. He took a long time to found the Death Watch, kill Tor Vizsla, their leader and assure himself that the group was destroyed. If the young man in front of him was telling the truth, then he failed and he would do everything he could to destroy the Death Watch once for all.

"I killed them myself. You're lying."

This possibility appeared plausible, but it was really hard for him to accept he failed after all the efforts he put into it. After calming down, he put back his stoic expression on his face.

"All of them? No. You killed the tip of the iceberg, and they disbanded temporarily until they could reunite without attracting attention, that's it. I even have a gift for you if you are ready to accept my conditions and maybe my friendship."

Layan smile grew when he felt Fett state of mind through the force. Mandalorians create techniques to prevent this, but he was currently psychologically shaken by Layan's revelation. Soon, he rose his mental defenses as he was used to and Layan was unable to feel what was going on in his mind anymore.


"The current leader of the Death Watch and heir of Tor Vizsla legacy. Pre Vizsla. They are currently weakened and leaderless, but it will soon change when they will choose a new leader to lead the group."

"What do you want?"

Layan was preventing himself from grinning when he saw the mandalorian legend consider his offer. He may be able to reach his goal and have Jango Fett on his side.

"Your help. I need you to train my clone to make of her a true mandalorian warrior, like you. I'd also need you to borrow your brain to copy all your fighting and surviving skills, if you could convince members of the Cuy'val Dar would be good too. Last but not least, I want you to keep our little secret from Dooku or anyone else. Eventually you could distance yourself from the separatists, you were paid millions for the job, you're not lacking credits."

Hearing the conditions pile up one after another, Fett was taken aback by their strangeness. Almost as strange as when Darth Tyranus asked him to give his genetic template to create an army for his enemies.

"You're asking for a lot, but even if your offer is interesting, it's not enough. My genes were already a complicated matter if it wasn't for my desire to have a son to inherit my mentor's legacy. Now you're asking for my brain."

"The procedure is painless, if correctly executed, and that you don't resist. No need for surgery, all will be done using the force."

Layan tried to reassure him; he should have found another way to say it than 'borrowing your brain'.

"Nonetheless, you're asking for too much. As for the Death Watch, I could find them myself."

Jango wasn't wrong, he now knew the Death Watch was still existing, he just had to hunt down every member until the last one.

"Did I forgot to say that I know where is your sister, Arla Fett? Would be good if the young Boba could meet his aunt."

Layan told in a fake tone, as if he had forgotten his ace hidden up his sleeves. His false tone was detected by the bounty hunter and it really angered him as he was talking about his family.


When he heard the Mirialan talking about his sister, and his false forgetful tone, he almost punched him in the face. Talking about his lost family was one of his taboo, painful memories.

"Stay calm. I can assure you that she survived, even if her life wasn't perfect after you and your family were attacked by Tor Vizsla and the Death Watch. She was brainwashed by the Death Watch and was working as an assassin for them until some events I won't reveal for the time being. Take your time to think to it. But if you chose to comply and become my friend, be sure you won't regret it."

After this, Layan headed for the door, not without casting a glance at the young Boba which was pointing his blaster in his direction. This kid was already a professional, ready to kill at any given moment.