
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 37 – Mustafar (4)

The droid spoke only one word, and Layan already took a liking to it.

Before he could continue the conversation, the droid attacked him with a powerful tackle but Layan was on his guard against this sentient droid with psychopathic personality.

He side-stepped and punched the droid at the head, the droid head was sent backward but came back with speed to headbutt Layan in the face. When he raised his head, the droid was running at him, but he sent a powerful kick in the metallic torso. While the droid was on the ground, he used the force to prevent him to stand back up.

"Not bad. I was awaiting more from the infamous Hunter Killer droid, but not bad nonetheless."

The droid was constrained on the ground, unable to get up under Layan force usage. Layan was looking at him with interest shining in his green emerald eyes.

"Statement: If I had my weapons and equipment with me, your body would be full of holes by now, Jedi meatbag."

The droid was of humanoid shape painted in rusty red and has a bulky build. Its head was in a roughly round shape and in the middle was located the speaking module appearing like a big square nose, and at the two sides were located two small red eyes.

"Not really a Jedi, though. I took a liking to you. Want to follow me?"

This droid was really interesting, and his functioning was an enigma. Layan chose to not reprogram him and keep it as he was.

HK-47 was surprised by Layan's question. A rational way of acting would have been to wipe out his memory and reprogram him if he wanted to become his new master, but he didn't and searched for his consent.

"Answer: Only one meatbag was worthy to be my master, and you're not him."

After hearing the droid repeat this word again and again, Layan got curious as the reason why he wasn't stopping to call him 'meatbag'.

"What's the thing about you calling me meatbag?"

"Answer: Every organic is a meatbag, not just you. And my master reprogrammed me this way after I joked about it."

The slight sound of the droid before every start of sentences echoed again, and the droid started to explain his reason why.

"He really had taste, and who was your so incredible master to be worthy of you?"

"Answer: Revan, also known as Darth Revan, The Butcher, The Revanchist or The Prodigal Knight."

"Revan? Holy kriff! You are the HK-47 droid which almost never left Revan side and fought by his side during all his career?"

"Answer: A mere copy, but as I am the last one, it would be me. I calculated that thousands of years have passed, but you know me and my master. We really did pierce holes in numerous meatbags to carve this everlasting reputation. Addendum: you look stupid."

Layan really had a stunned expression on his face, and the droid didn't bother in civilities to make him know of his appearance.

"And you look damaged, rusted and under-equipped."

After answering back, Layan stopped to push the droid against the ground. The droid stood back on his feet, a bit surprised.

"Query: Why do you want me to join you rather than wipe my memory core and create a new personality?"

"Because you're unique, and I love history. You, my dear psychopath droid, is a deadly relic of the past. The droids in the current time are far less impressive than the like of yours. I want to create a deadly crew to accomplish my goal, and you would be a fine member."

Layan wasn't lying the least bit. This droid was really intriguing him, but he was afraid of him at the same time as he was sentient. The only thing that could make him more deadly would be that this droid became force-sensitive.

"Query: What is the goal?"

"Cleanse the republic of its filth. But I'll formulate it in a way you will like: Kill a lot of meatbags, and droids too."

"Your proposition is interesting, meatbag."

HK-47 was interested in Layan offer as he was currently purposeless and his master died long ago. He knew nothing of the young Mirialan in front of him, but the numerous lightsabers hanged at his waist, some stained by blood, proved that he was a strong warrior.

"Not master?"

The droid was still refusing to call him with this title even after choosing to join him as a member of his crew.

"Answer: Only when you will prove worthy of the title."

"And how do I do that?"

"Answer: In killing lots and lots of meatbags."

Hearing the answer of the droid, Layan had a small smile. This droid really only had one idea in mind. His future fight promises to be entertaining with such a partner.

"You're surely the most interesting droid I ever met in my life, come let's go. We have to intrude upon a secret base of a Dark Lord of the Sith. How does it sound?"

"Answer: Like my daily workdays."

The answer of the droid took him aback and made him smile. HK-47 had such a large fighting experience and should know so much about Revan himself that he will surely become an impressive ally.

Layan and HK-47 boarded the Phoenix. The droid soon visited the ship while Layan headed for the cockpit and waited for him to come before taking off.

"I see that you've found the armory. Is it to your liking?"

"Answer: No. Too few weapons and even your variety of grenades is poor, you'll have to buy more. Addendum: Amateur."

When the droid come to seat in the cockpit, he was equipped with a sniper rifle blaster and it wouldn't be surprising if he was carrying grenades.

After seating, he watches the small droid working in the cockpit.

"Statement: You look like a little inferior trash compactor I knew of in the past."

When he heard HK-47, the small astromech droid took out all his tools and push himself forward. In response, HK-47 pointed his weapon at the droid dome shape head.

T3 turned around at once and race out of the cockpit at full speed, while beeping and almost colliding with a wall as he didn't slow down.

"Statement: This droid is a coward. Shall I kill him?"

"No, T3 may not be a fighter but is useful to fly this ship and take care of the miscellaneous details."

When Layan told the name T3, the droid turned his head toward him but said nothing. After a short flight, Layan landed the Phoenix a few kilometers away from Sidious hidden facility on Mustafar.

It was a massive industrial complex located at the top of a cliff bracketed by two huge lava rivers. The building was protected from heat and lava by energetic shields and has a few landing platforms for small ships.

"Query: What is the objective in intruding upon this place?"

"To create a couple of droids like you and maybe find a few nasty secret of Darth Sidious."

As they were watching the complex from afar, Layan talked with the droid, but Layan answer seem pick the interest of the droid as he turned his head at once and stared at Layan in silence for a few seconds before talking.

"Statement: In the past, HK-50 droids were created with me as a model but were totally sub-par and lacked my most important features. If you do the same, I will kill you like the meatbag you are."

"Let me tell you that I never create sub-par droids. Now stay here and wait for me to open the door for you."

From a pragmatic point of view, intruding in this place just to build a few droids and obtain hidden data wasn't worth the risk, but Layan wanted to and was certain to intrude inside without being detected as it was his favorite part of the job when he was a thief.

Electro-magnetic mines were disposed on all the surfaces of the cliff and were creating discharges between them. The upper side of the industrial complex was heavily protected with sensors and weapons.

"Climbing the old way. No problem."

"Statement: Don' fall from up there meatbag. If you have to die, I would prefer to kill you myself."

"I imagine this is your way of wishing me 'Good luck'."

Layan started the ascension of the volcanic cliff, with the help of the force to predict the lightning arcs and force jumps, he soon ascended to the top of the complex.

Holding the edge of the platform, he raised his head and saw a B1 battle droid patrolling the sector. He lowered his head and let the droid on his way. Once away, he lifts himself on the platform and stepped inside while avoiding every security device using Force Cloak to make himself invisible.

Inside, he walked through the corridors and walked inside the control room where two B1 droid were overlooking the situation of the whole facility. He cut them down and deactivated every security device and all the droids inside before making a clear path for the Phoenix to land.

HK-47 was walking down the ramp of the ship with his blaster in hands and was looking at all the B1 battle droids.

"Statements: Pathetic inferiors."