
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 32 – Master and Student (1)

The next day, the Phoenix landed several dozen kilometers away from the newly established town. Layan didn't want to be interrupted or bothered by other while teaching Lyn. it will be only the two of them like when Shaak Ti taught him.

He planned to go back every week to the settlement to replenish the stock of water and food, and for Lyn to challenge others to see how much she progressed under Layan training.

Outside the ship, they saw the same landscape they saw when they arrived a month ago, everything was dull and desolate but it will become their training ground for the year to come, after this Layan planned for her to get a more real fighting experience.

"Finally, after almost two months, I'm able to start your training as I wished it to be so when we landed on Ossus. I'll train you during one year. After this, you'll undergo a trial. If you succeed, I'll have a secret to tell you and you will have a choice to make. If you fail, you're out and can do whatever you wish after that."

Layan was frank for the most part and tried to convey her what this training will be like, and most importantly how himself will be like. He had designs for the future and only 3 years to train her ready, he couldn't bother with Lyn if she reveals herself to be a slack off, so he will be harsh.

He knew that this would lead to severe consequences like the Dark Woman, which was harsh and unforgiving. Her training and cold attitude led to the rise of the deadly bounty hunter known as Aura Sing. Layan didn't want to be like that but he had to convey his expectations to his apprentice, he won't be cold and unforgiving but he won't be lax either, on the contrary.

Jedis recruits only young children because they are easier to indoctrinate and brainwash. Little children don't have a system of values, they can be trained and conditioned as they wish. An adult or a teen knows his family and has a life experience, which makes them willful and already has a well-established personality. Someone who starts its training later can be just as strong as they understand faster than a child, but they may lack discipline and refuse to follow a doctrine. What is taught to youngling is mostly Jedi values, that's why I except from you fast progress as your teachings won't be slow-down by these bullshits."

Listening to his solemn, almost cold tone and seeing his expression, Lyn knew that he wasn't lying when talking about her training. She gulped down before answering.

"I'll meet your expectations without fail."

"Good, now let's get started. Let's talk about the force, the Jedis and the Siths."

Layan simply started to explain the basics about the force even though she already knew and explained further the difference between the light side and the dark side.

"Users of each side can use the force but some abilities are limited to a side, but it's not the topic at hand so I'll talk about it later. Now, I'll explain you what is my goal and what shall be yours too. My goal is to be like the ancestors of the Jedis and Siths, a group known as Je'daii which were searching to reach balance in the force, neither committed to the light or dark side. You'll learn about them in your futures history lessons."

Lyn was listening attentively while Layan was talking about the philosophy of the three groups he mentioned. The lesson lasts an hour before moving to lightsaber combat.

"Show me what you've learned until now."

With his silver frost blade drawn, Layan was standing in no particular poses, he wasn't even battle ready, he just wanted what she learns with Ood, Vima and fighting the training droid.

She took her lightsaber in her hand, making appear the orange blade and charged straight at him. When she was less than two meters away from him, Layan used the force and took her lightsaber out of her hand before pointing it to her throat.

"You're dead. You only learnt the movements and trained against the droids so I'll teach you that in a fight between force users, the first thing to do is built a protective force shield around yourself to protect against this type of tricks, else your opponent may destabilize you or extinguish your lightsaber, it also protect your intentions to be read."

He throws her back her lightsaber and once she caught it, she did as he explains. It didn't take too much time as it was a simple thing to do. Finally, their sparring could start. Lyn was lacking both in battle experience and confidence in herself.

"Relax, in a fight between masters, actions happened too fast for the eyes to see or the mind to react, most of it is done by instinct and experience. I don't mean that there is no strategy involved, but that your instincts buy you time to think to a strategy. Relax your body, it impedes your speed and your fighting style."

Layan was giving Lyn advice as she was under pressure and tried to ease her mind. Slowly, it started to pay off as her move became more natural and less restricted by her thoughts.

"Master, please. I'm tired."

Lyn was totally exhausted after almost an hour of fighting at her best. She wasn't trained in any way before Layan took her in and it was showing as she was lacking stamina. Furthermore, her style was style unrefined and had a lot of excessive movements tiring her further.

On his hand, Layan started to train ever since he reincarnated as his new body was untrained and was lacking muscles.

After Layan agreed, C2-V2 with water bottles and towels for the two of them, ever since this droid came in, life became easier.

Once the break over, Layan chose to continue with a history lesson and started with the real beginning. The Je'daii and ended with the start of the Infinite Empire's invasion.

"Master, who was your master? Is it someone famous?"

As her training finally started, and she was alone with her master, she wanted to know more about him as he said nothing about himself except his name before today. She finally learnt what was his goal as a force-user but she knew nothing else.

"Remember your trial? I'll tell you if you succeed."

He was smirking, and she saw it. Layan was enjoying to tease her like Shaak Ti did with him. It was pretty fun to watch her looking at him with a begrudge expression on her face.

"Master!! I know almost nothing about you. I'm not asking for state secrets!"

He was a bit surprised by her outburst as she was pretty tamed ever since he met her. On his hand, Layan realized that teaching an apprentice was different than leading a crew. The ties between the individuals were closer.

"Sigh. I'll try to be less secretive about my past but don't think I'll tell you everything, I have secrets to keep. I became a slave at 8 years old, after this I evaded and became a bandit. Later on, I met my master and started a new life until now, the end. You won't know more than that before your trial."

Lyn was looking at him with a sullen face as it barely counted as a story. He told two phrases and closed the topic, but she saw his serious and sorrowful expression and knew she shouldn't dwell deeper.

"Let's talk about the different force skills. A large type of force skills exists and can accomplish a large variety of things. What I will focus on today are the abilities focused in empowering yourself."

Layan taught her about several force skills able to improve her senses, her muscles, and speed among others.

This schedule started again the next day. Lyn was showing determination during her training, and Layan was satisfied with her hardworking attitude. During six months, they trained together. Lyn finally got the basis of all seven forms of lightsaber fighting, and Layan studied the manuals from the library. He mastered the complicated skill known as Similfuturus in three months, in the past, the time needed for him to master it would have been counted in years and not months. He even learned the Battle Meditation skill, but as most of their fighting force was droids for the time being, its use wasn't incredibly useful.

He also tried to find the limits of his powers as ever since his dive in the force during his reincarnation, he felt stronger and everything was easier to put in application. It was not a problem of comprehension, as his intelligence, or wisdom, didn't change.

He discovered that all his skills underwent an overall as his connection to the force deepened tremendously. The skills he had problems to master were now easy to use, even the Tutaminis.

Meanwhile, the Great Jedi Library was restored and even improved compared to her past appearance. The hangars were built and Layan and Lyn had to take a break to help at bringing the Sith Fighters backs, then the maintenance droids took care of the reparations, but they couldn't fly as they need to bring back fuels. The construction of the greenhouses was almost finished but before that they had to build a small factory were a few droids started to work to create the glasses necessary to the greenhouse's creation.

The roads traversing the new town called Resurgence were built. The unearthing of Imhar Canyon started, as this tunnel led to an annex of the Great Jedi Library according to Ood's memories.