
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 23 – Futures Issues

After this, Layan took out the dozens of training remote he bought on Corellia for them to practice. Groups were formed and each received one to train, as they weren't enough for all, they had to wait for their turn to use it.

All the lightsaber had been temporarily adjusted to have the same power as training sabers, otherwise, the training remotes would be cut in half.

Lyn stood out, not only because she was only Twi'lek, but because she was showing far more determination and motivation to succeed, each of her moves became better and better, for a beginner.

"Your apprentice is showing her determination, but something is tormenting her."

"Surpassing a traumatism is a good motivation to become strong. Only if it doesn't become an obsession. My master told me the story of Neema-Da-Boda, a descendent of Nomi Sunrider. As an heir of the Sunrider bloodline, she was extremely powerful in the force, but she had a weakness.

She was so much focused on the idea of becoming strong and master in a few years what took decades, even centuries to learn that she used the force and her ambition to fuel her progress. Her corruption was so progressive that no one saw the problem until she fell completely to the dark side. Later, she married a warlord and died in his jails after weeks of torture."

"A pity, Nomi was a friend. I hope her bloodline is still living, somewhere."

Ood Bnar searched in Layan memories he had in head and searched for the story and learned that Neema's mother simply disappeared after her daughter's death. He already lost his past friends and acquaintances;Now learning about the demise of one of his friend descendants was a blow for him.

"Yes, that's why I'll be sure to take care of Lyn mental health. This is one of the problems of the current Jedis How could they see if someone was falling to the dark side if they are emotionless and can't understand other's feelings?"

While watching Lyn training with the remote, he remembered all the traumatic events she went through. He went through similar things during his childhood and teenage years, so he could emphasize with what she was feeling. But after he thought that he was planning to kill her if she didn't comply with his ambition, he couldn't help but think that he was similar to the Sith he hated.

"Maybe they change their rules to avoid repeating a past mistake or what worries me, they did it from fear."

"Thus, breaching their own code. This also explains the age barrier for youngling, they had to brainwash them to feel secure, in your time you didn't have to use this sort of methods."

Layan completed Ood's phrase with a non-disguised mockery. He revered his master, Shaak Ti taught him everything, dedicated to him the last years of her life and made of him who he is now. Nonetheless, it doesn't mean he admires all jedis, in fact, those he holds high in esteem in the current time are few and can be counted with a hand.

Ood didn't resume the conversation as he knew from Layan memories that this topic is a thorny one to him.

This exercise continued for several hours before Ood finally evoked the most worrying subject for the future.

"We'll have to find other masters, otherwise I'll never be able to train all of them by myself, even with your help."

A deep sigh echoed before Layan answer.

"I know."

Layan could only answer this to Ood's statement. Even with Ood's name and his legitimacy, it will be complicated to find master ready to join them and accept to stay hidden as the current Jedi Order and the Republic suffer as the Clone Wars rage.

The best lead would be to find Jedi masters who left the order due to political or philosophical diverging views.

"Trust the force."


"The force allowed you to come back in time, trust it to help you. You know of several masters with a diverging ideal of one of the council, focus on them and the force will help you chose."

Layan was a bit hesitating to trust the force for everything like some Jedis did. He was more comfortable with the idea of choosing himself after all the force has to be interpreted like the force-visions that often reveal themselves to be a double-edged sword.

"Later, we will need masters but first we need a settlement and to restore the planet eco-system."

While they were discussing these issues, Ood chose to put an end to the training as most of the recruits started to show signs of tiredness.

"So, how was your first day of training?"

"Easier than you said."

Layan came beside Lyn, she was covered in sweat after all this exercise. At his interrogation, she saw a bright smile full of life far different from the deeply focused expression she just had on her face.

"It's because of the others. Wait till I teach you personally. Today will seem like holidays in comparison."

"I can't wait."

She shows a bright smile before heading toward the Phoenix parked at the encampment to wash in the refresher as she started to stink of sweat, and she had to change clothes.

When she came out totally refreshed and wearing clean clothes, Layan was waiting for her in the lounge of the Phoenix while drinking fresh water.

"Lyn, tomorrow I'll leave the planet to buy what we talked about with Master Ood. I want you to stay here. I know you some problems to be alone, without someone you trust but you'll have to surpass your traumatism."

Layan was looking at her seriously while talking to see what would be her reaction as the poor girl still had problems to sleep by herself. Her eyes opened wide and were visibly shaken but not as horrible he thought it would have been.

"For how long will you be away?"

"24 hours, maybe a bit more. Don't forget that you can contact me with your holocomm."

The girl's expression became better, and she surprised him as she seemed to have steadied her mind. Maybe it was due to the fact that her training finally began or that she got a weapon to protect herself and she feels less insecure anymore.

"Sure. I'll wait for you and progress further in my lightsaber-wielding skills."

"Evidently! With me as your master, you can't be a lazy ass."

After this, they eat a hefty meal, this time it was only the two of them as eating with Ysannas tribesmen was fun at the beginning, but eating in silence was still better. After this, it was time to sleep and for the first time since her escape from slavery; she slept alone.

This time, no nightmares or sleeping problems. She slept like a log.

Layan wasn't sleeping. He was thinking to his future plans, ever since his goal was set, he was creating a killing list, listing every member of the Empire he knew of, or cooperators. There were already more than two hundred names on it.

He was also devising several plans and emergency measures to reach his goals, but he wasn't sure if it would be enough to succeed. Palpatine was a master schemer to manipulate the Separatists, the Republic, the Jedis, and Dooku, he must have established a strict plan. This plan must be hardly modifiable even if Palpatine must have several countermeasures to act just in case and added to that must be taken into account that the Sith Lord is extremely intelligent and crafty.

(I have three choices. Either use my knowledge of the future to predict his movements, which will become less and less reliable as more modifications are done. Or build up my forces and wait for the perfect occasion to strike, but this involves more risk and less opportunity. Lastly, totally wreck Palpatine chessboard and force him to devise a new plan in a short time, which will surely be flawed as will be made in an emergency.)

(Whatever plan I chose; I must eliminate all the Empire roots to cleanse the Republic and force Palpatine into a corner. I knew of a few trustworthy senators like Bail Organa, Padmé Amidala, or members of the neutral faction of the Republic, which was the biggest thorn in the Sith side. I'll need to make contact with them and establish friendly ties to influence their opinions, thus influencing the Republic politics.)

Sitting on his bed, he attracted a holoprojector in his palm with the force. Once activated, it displayed a pyramid-shaped blue hologram, several hundred names displayed. It was Layan's kill list. At the top was written 'Darth Sidious', Layan's top target.

"I'll create a better future, and no one will stop me."

He muttered these words before putting the holoprojector on the bedside table and closed his eyes before falling asleep.