
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 12 – Leaving Corellia

During two weeks, Layan trained Lyn in the basic Force abilities, and finally, his ship was ready.

Layan bought enough food to fill half the hold of the new YT-2400 with crates. To that, he added the two crates of spare parts.

When the ship was delivered at the docking ring, Lyn was sad and joyous. Sad to separate from her friends, which she almost becomes a family with, and joyous as her training could finally start for real until now it was pretty light.

The four of them were standing at the docking ring looking at the droids bringing the crates from the storage and loading it inside the ship using the cargo lift of the only hold left in the ship after the modifications Layan asked to be done.

R2-T3 was already on board as well as the 2-1B surgical droid was at his place in the infirmary. The modifications Layan asked to be done were few, he asked for a double room, an infirmary made instead of one of the smallest holds and a training room.

Being a YT-series, the ship was like the others with a central core leading everywhere on the ship. The walls had a white and grey paneling and a shiny waxed black floor.

Layan led the girls to visit the ship he designed with Drake's help. Using the boarding ramp to get on the ship, they saw the typical circular white corridors of the YT-series, they arrived at the central core of the ship where the turret access was located as well as a few secured storages. Heading left, they saw the training room Layan asked for, but it was currently empty except for a small crate full of Marksman-H combat remote but he planned to put a few droids inside to help in Lyn lightsaber training.

Besides the training room was the infirmary with all the necessary equipment for first aid or even smaller operations. Layan wanted to put a bacta tank in the ship but the need in bacta and energy required was too much for a ship of this size, it would affect the other systems.

After this was the main engineering room, but they ignored it as the girls weren't really interested, then was a small hold and next to it was the double room Layan asked for himself, he was used to having a big room with his previous corellian shuttle. Continuing their tour, they arrived at the upper hatch leading to the guest's quarters the fresher suites and the docking ring.

They continue walking and entered the main hold that was already half-filled with crates of food and droids' spare parts. Then came a big open room where was located in the lounge, the galley, and the monitor stations. Drake gave him a great gift as the galley was full of luxury equipment only available on the most luxurious ships such as his previous CSS shuttle.

The captain's quarter was just next to it and Lyn would settle in it as Layan already build himself a big room just for himself. After Lyn put her affairs in her new room, they headed toward the cockpit, the same you could find on each YT-series, 4 seats and buttons everywhere, even on the walls behind the pilot. R2-T3 was already inside beeping from time to time to express his readiness to start working.

"Yeah T3 I'm hurrying to see what are this ship performance."

After this, Layan let the girls by themselves and went to the engineering room and saw the hyperdrive. While Layan was inspecting the hyperdrive, Drake came behind him with a smile.

"Like what you see? 0.5 in terms of capacity, you have one of the fastest ships around. The sublight drive was a bit modified but don't tell it to the security it's not really legal. I reinforced the hull and changed the usual shielding systems. The resistance of this ship is approximately double of the normal exemplary we will sell in the future."

"Don't worry, if it wasn't you, I would have modified the sublight drive myself, I'll just have to find a new armament system and buy some decorations and everything will be perfect."

Layan gave him a hug to thank him and they started to talk about the ships.

"Try to not be caught while buying illegal armaments around here."

Drake saw through him, but Layan didn't want some crazy equipment. He just wanted to be able to hold his ground in a space battle.

"Let's go somewhere to drink. I'll leave soon after and I have to leave some time for the girls to say their farewell."

While Layan and Drake left to drink, Lyn, Xiann, and Aola were discussing what they will do in the near future while eating a snack. Even Sienn was here as a small hologram in the middle of the table.

"My sister is living with her husband and daughter on Coruscant. I'll visit them and explain to them what happened. As for after that, I don't know my sister can give me a hand to get a job but I don't like Coruscant and the polluted air on the planet."

Aola was explaining while the others were eating, they were seated around at a table in the lounge. She was sad, she lost her family, her home and her job, and she wasn't really enthusiastic to return on her world as she didn't feel safe anymore.

"Why don't you stay with me? I have family members everywhere and a home on Naboo. I could teach you biology and hire you as my assistant. The only drawback is that I'm always moving, usually, I stay one year on a world searching for new species or trying to create new medicines."

When she saw Aola state of mind, Xiann proposed this idea, not only could she stay with her friend but she usually feels lonely during her travels. Furthermore, her job would be smoother from now on as Layan already gave them the ship they have stolen to flee from slavery and 100,000 credits.

"I'll answer you after visiting my family on Coruscant."

Aola was tempted by Xiann proposition, but she wanted to visit and grieve with the family members she has left to inform them of the bad news. During their stay at CorSec, she learned that her kidnappers were a small group of pirates and that they were still roaming free somewhere, this fact gives her goosebumps every time she thinks to it.

"Lyn you will become a force-user like the jedis, you'll have to show us what you will be capable of later, and if someone wants to kidnap me again, I'll call you to kick their asses."

Xiann was happy for Lyn, as she will become able to protect herself even against the most dangerous persons in this galaxy after being trained by Layan.

"A swing of my lightsaber and I'll put an end to the life of those daring enough to threaten my sisters."

With their relationship growing closer, the girls started to consider each other as sisters. She was happy to learn to become strong and able to fight for herself. With her strength, she will protect those she holds dear, that's why she didn't ask to become a Jedi, she wanted to protect her loved ones, on the other jedis rule forbid emotional attachment.

This way, a bit more than an hour passed by and Layan came back to the ship, it was time for the separation. Lyn and Layan accompanied the girls to the Gozanti cruiser Layan gave them.

After a final group hug, Aola and Xiann boarded the ship. They weren't elite pilots but Layan used these two free weeks and reprogramed the astromech inside the Gozanti to help them navigate.

Layan and Lyn stayed on the ground, watching as Aola and Xiann ship took off the ground and headed off the planet toward Coruscant. When the ship disappeared from their sight, they headed back and prepared to leave.

Layan sat on the pilot seat in the cockpit while T3 was checking all the systems one by one. When the droid confirmed that all the systems were green, he activated the intercom of the ship and summoned Lyn in the cockpit.

The girl sat in the seat beside him and started to look around the cockpit.

"You know how to pilot a ship?"

"A bit my father taught me, but I preferred piloting my speeder in the forest while avoiding the trees when I was going at full speed."

She was smiling while thinking of her past life full of innocence and joy. Everything was simpler in the past before all of this happened.

"You must have used the force unconsciously, otherwise a girl of your age would have smashed against a tree. I don't say you're a great pilot girly, so stop pouting."

When he saw her pouting expression, he stopped talking and focused on his task. Soon the ship took off the ground. Once out of the atmosphere, he activated the hyperdrive, and the ship disappeared, the cockpit was lighted by the white streaks.

Thus, they left toward the infamous sandy world.