
Chapter Twenty-Six

Red clashed against red as the force on the opposing lightsaber increased, trying to force me down on a knee.

In response, I allowed the blade to slide down my own and swirled around to land a kick on the man's chest.

My foot met only air as he tilted his body to the side and tried to slice off my head with swift swing.

Crouching on the leg I was balancing on, I let the swing pass by my head, and sprung up immediately, not letting him recover. I brought my lightsaber into a stab which he avoided again by taking a step back, right out of my range, but in return, I was out of his too.

Grabbing my blaster, I pointed the barrel at his head and pulled the trigger. The bolt was stopped inches away from his face and sent back at me.

Tilting my head to the side I went with the momentum and sent a slash to his right shoulder that would pass through him, hopefully killing him.

He jumped back, his legs hitting the floor with a loud clang of metal.

Taking the reprieve I took a deep breath.

"Kanan? You still alive?"

I heard a grunt of pain behind me.


That was a question.

"I'm gonna need to borrow your lightsaber for a moment and then I need you to run, I'll be right behind you."

There was no response but the sound of a lightsaber deactivating was enough to answer my question. This was no time to be holding back.

My senses extended as I reached out to the force around me and repressed the shiver I felt when my opponent entered my sensing field.

Kanan's lightsaber was tossed so I raised my hand and it stopped mid-air and floated into my hand.

Activating it as my fingers circled around the hilt I didn't wait any longer and dashed forward swinging one of the sabers, aiming for my opponent's head. It was blocked, but that's why I had my second blade.

Bringing it from the side of my waist into a forward stab, he was too preoccupied with one to dodge in time to save his magnificent cape as the red saber burned the fabric, leaving it dangling by half of its current width.

The man in black steadied his blade at me for a second before he dashed in with a force-enhanced jump in an overhead strike that would not land.

I felt my eyes narrow, was it a faint? Probably not with the amount of force and momentum he was putting into it, but that would be pointless if it didn't hit. Was he going to swing upwards to try and catch me off guard? Was he goi-

The incoming plasma blade grew in length and I hurriedly raised the two I was holding, crossing them and blocking the unexpected attack.

His blades brew in length?

Allowing the powerful strike to slide off one of the blades I spun, I turned the hilt in my right hand to hold it in a reverse grip.

He spun too, turning his back on me and I spotted something on his back. I narrowed my eyes at the contraption on his back, I didn't know what it was, but it looked mighty important.

Unfortunately for me, he avoided my attack, but unfortunately for him, I nicked the middle of the tec he had on his back, the sound of breathing I ignored until now quickened as he took a few steps back.

Instead of continuing the fight, I pushed my left hand forward, unleashing a wave of Force that collided with the black-clad man and sent him flying back.

I didn't even wait to see if he landed painfully or not.

Deactivating the two sabers, I turned tail and ran in the direction I felt Kanan and the others were going in.

Pushing my connection with the force even further, I tried to feel if Hera was still in the same place, only to find out that she wasn't.

Scowling, I used the force to propel myself further down the hall, using my leg to soften the impact as I landed on a wall and propelled myself forward again, catching up to the group.

"Everybody alive?"

My question gained a few head turns which would amuse me if the situation wasn't so dire.

"You're alive?"

I ignored Kanan for a moment and looked over the other two. Zeb was carrying Sabine, so she must have been injured enough to impede her ability to run.

Scowling at the situation, I looked back to check if we were being followed, which thankfully, we weren't.

"Alright, people, Hera isn't at the exit we are heading to currently, so we need to go to plan C."

I informed the group helpfully as we continued our way to the elevator.

"What's plan C again?"

Pressing the elevator button, I let the others enter and followed them in, pressing the required button that would make us end up at the main ramp.

"Well, since we are being searched for inside the building, the security on the main landing ramp would not expect us. We'll be taking advantage of that to escape."

Kanan wanted to respond but he only grunted in pain again as I looked at the stump where his hand used to be.

Well, me and Zeb were the only ones who could fight right now, and he would have to drop Sabine for that. That left me as the only able-bodied fighter.

Sighing at the situations I seemed to be getting into lately, I passed Kanan, Who was apparently a Jedi, or a wannabe, his lightsaber.

Reaching into my pouch, I took out a piece of cloth that I kept in case of situations like these and turned to him.

Kanan seemed to understand what I was doing and let me tie it right above his stump and I used one of my headed knives to make a makeshift turnekit and tightened it.

This was turning out to be a pain in the ass.