A mutant clone given the ability to use the force and also the 1st clone to have the position of General! What will he do!? __________________ Plot directly starts at the beginning of the Clone Wars! Also, I don’t know all the Star War’s lore, so if I miss some crucial details or something, I don’t mind constructive criticism!
Inside a certain dark rocky cave in Geonosis, over a hundred clones could be seen traversing with their helmet lights on, they were in two rows of 50 in the narrow pathway, and there were also 3 Jedi, Jedi Master Mundi was leading in the front and the other two masters were at the back of the two rows of clones, as they were meant to watch the flank.
Silas made sure to ensure this formation was held by all 4 bomb teams and this wasn't because he simply favored the clones but because it was the smartest choice, the Jedi could fend off most enemies while most clones were rather weak individually, so he'd rather not let clones die a meaningless death.
"Keep moving, designated location is only 1 klick to the south." One clone captain in orange-striped armor remarked as he continued to walk with his blaster rifle raised, walking directly behind Jedi Master Mundi.
The two rows of clones silently nodded as they continued to follow the captain and Jedi Master with their blaster rifles also raised warily.
Only their footsteps could be heard as they walked through the small rocky pathway.
The captain raised a clenched fist, indicating for everyone to stop moving, "Enemy movement ahead."
Jedi Master Mundi nodded in agreement as he also felt two presences down the pathway.
"Flashlights off, turn them back on, on my say so." The captain ordered as all the clones started to turn off their flashlights and put their backs against the walls.
After a few seconds, two bug-like beings could be seen walking through the dark as they talked in a foreign language, they both held some sort of blasters in their hands.
The clones and Jedi calmly waited as they stuck close to one of two walls.
Once the bug-like beings were only a few meters away from their position, the captain spoke.
"Now!" Everyone brightly shined their flashlights onto the creature, putting them into disarray.
"Fire!" The captain immediately added as the few clones in the front quickly fired upon the Geonosians.
Multiple blue beams of light pierced the Geonosians.
Their screamed resounded in the catacombs as they were riddled with beams until the shooting stopped and their bodies dropped to the rocky ground lifelessly.
"Captain! What is the meaning of this, they could have been friendly." Jedi Master Mundi frowned at the ruthlessness of the clones.
"With all due respect sir, General Raven ordered us to be as ruthless as we can be because they would do the same. And adding to the fact that they both had Geonosian weapons and even the Geonosian armor, indicates they're most likely enemies." The captain calmly explained.
"*Sigh* I will let you know when it is time to shoot or not from now on." Mundi sighed as he replied.
The captain nodded, "Understood."
"Alright let's continue, back into formation." Mundi stated as he continued to walk with the clones following from behind.
They eventually arrive inside a large cave with pillars around in random locations.
"Alright, captain, our job will be to make sure you guys are safe while planting the bombs, good luck." Mundi told the captain as he and the other two Jedi started to walk around the perimeter.
"Alright I want two squads per designated pillar, we need to make sure the ground above us collapses we have no room for mistakes! Now move it!" The captain ordered the troops as they started to divide into squads and head toward pillars.
They would then stick multiple small circular bombs onto certain pillars, after a few minutes of sticking bombs, everyone eventually regrouped back into the center of the cave in a square formation.
The captain glanced around to make sure all the bombs were in their place before looking toward Mundi who was beside him.
"General Mundi we are prepared to leave."
"Then let us go." Mundi replied as he led the way back toward the small pathway with the other 2 Jedi at the back.
As they walked back, they would occasionally run into some Geonosians that were hostile but would quickly be taken out by Mundi.
Meanwhile in a different part of the battle, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Windu could be seen inside a flying Gunship with the doors opened above the sandy desert as they watched two speeders below them.
"That's Count Dooku alright." Anakin muttered as he narrowed his eyes toward the two speeders below him.
"Indeed it is, but who is his companion?" Obi-Wan thoughtfully rubbed his chin.
"Must be that cyborg named Grievous." Windu quietly replied before suddenly stepping forward.
"Master Windu? What are you doing-" Before Obi-Wan could finish his words, Windu suddenly jumped off the Gunship down toward the two speeders.
Anakin smirked, "Haha, this should be fun."
"Wait Anakin, we should first inform General Rave-"
Anakin ignored Obi-Wan's words as he jumped down after Windu.
"*Sigh* Sometimes I wonder if I work with children." Obi-Wan sighed before tapping his com-link.
"General Raven we believe we found Grievous, he seems to be with Count Dooku." Obi-Wan quickly explained before telling the coordinates of his location as he noticed the two speeders crashing because of Anakin and Windu.
Obi-Wan then also jumped off and landed with a soft thud against the sand as he noticed Count Dooku and Grievous were faces to face with Anakin and Windu.
"I will not let you escape again, Count Dooku, I will end this war before it starts." Windu uttered as he stared at Dooku with his hand nearing his lightsaber.
"Old friend, you are once again mistaken if you think you can beat me." Count Dooku smirked as he replied.
"We will see about that." Windu and Count Dooku suddenly ignited their lightsabers, with Windu's being purple and Count Dooku's being red.
Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Grievous also ignited their own lightsabers.
"I will take pleasure in killing you Jedi." Grievous's 4 lightsabers menacingly spun as he approached Anakin and Obi-Wan.
Anakin didn't wait as he attacked first and slashed his lightsaber down, promptly stopping the spinning of the lightsabers.
"We'll see about that." Anakin retorted as he and Grievous's lightsabers started clashing against each other with a blur of lightsaber movements.
Eventually, Obi-Wan joined in the fight once finding an opening and he and Anakin were in sync as they attacked.
Anakin would ferociously smash his lightsaber into Griveous's while Obi-Wan would nimbly defend Anakin from any incoming lightsaber attacks.
Grievous was immediately on the losing side as he continued to back up while defending against Anakin and Obi-Wan.
"Anakin!" Obi-Wan suddenly exclaimed toward Anakin.
Anakin understood as he suddenly stepped to the side, allowing Obi-Wan to bring his lightsaber crashing down.
Grievous's eyes widened as Obi-Wan's lightsaber sliced through one of his arms.
Grievous attempted to cut Obi-Wan down but Obi-Wan quickly rolled back beside Anakin.
"Damn Jedi..." Grievous glared at Obi-Wan's smirking face as he prepared to attack again.
A little across from them, Windu and Count Dooku could be seen constantly deflecting each other's lightsaber attacks.
It seemed like a stalemate but Count Dooku actually had the edge over Windu as he was slightly being pushed back.
'My Vaapad is not working well against Dooku, it seems he doesn't rely on Sith powers much.' Windu thought inwardly as he noticed he was slowly stepping back.
"You might as well retreat Master Windu, you will not defeat me." Dooku remarked as he skillfully dodged Windu's attacks and retaliated with his own.
Windu didn't reply as they continued to fight but after a few seconds, it seemed Windu's defenses slipped and Count Dooku didn't hesitate as he immediately brought down his lightsaber on Windu's open hand.
Windu's eyes widened as he realized he was about to lose his hand until suddenly he felt a presence coming from above.
Count Dooku himself immediately backed away as a figure came crashing down between the two.
A repulsive force suddenly pushed against Dooku and Windu as they were slightly moved back but they both quickly stuck their foot into the ground using the force.
A cloud of sand covered them as they tried to ascertain the assailant.
The sand promptly disappeared, and the figure was revealed to be a black armored clone, standing beside Windu.
"General Raven? How did you get here so fast?" Windu questioningly looked at Silas beside him as he also noticed a Gunship flying above them.
"You'd be surprised, the battlefronts aren't actually that far from your location." Silas replied with a nonchalant tone.
"What happened to Master Plo?" Windu raised his brow toward Silas.
"One of the battlefronts needed more assistance so I came by myself, but don't worry, I'm plenty enough for reinforcments." Silas replied while taking off a hilt from his utility belt.
Windu's eyes narrowed once recognizing the hilt.
"A lightsaber?"
Silas smirked under his helmet as he ignited his lightsaber.
"Of course and it's only the best." Silas was currently holding a double-bladed black lightsaber, as it had a slight white hugh surrounding it.
Both Dooku and Windu couldn't help but stare at Silas with eyes filled with surprise.
"The Mandalorian Dark Saber? No... It seems to be different." Dooku muttered as his expression turned serious.
Silas calmly took the double-bladed lightsaber apart, turning it into duel lightsabers.
He held one in each hand as he looked toward Count Dooku, "I can finally test my skills against someone skilled."
"Such arrogance." Dooku remarked.
Silas ignored his words as he suddenly lunged at Dooku, he did a horizontal swing with his right saber as Dooku simply leaned his head back, watching the black saber slowly swing past him.
Silas promptly responded by doing a spin and quickly bringing both his lightsabers down, Dooku defended himself with a raised saber as they clashed.
"Who are you?" Dooku curiously questioned as their lightsabers continued to clash, doing a test of strength.
"Didn't you hear? I'm Silas Raven, the only Clone General!" Silas suddenly jumped and used Dooku's saber as leverage while doing a front flip over him.
Seeing Dooku's open back, Silas slashed his left saber toward it, Dooku replied by blocking it while holding his saber behind his back.
"You seem to lack experience." Dooku had a calm expression with a slight smirk as he glanced behind him toward Silas.
Silas smirked back, "And you seem to have forgotten that I'm not your only opponent."
Dooku's eyes widened once looking back forward, as a purple saber was nearing his neck. He quickly twisted his body to the right and dodged as the purple saber skimmed his left shoulder.
"Tsk." With a frown, he nimbly jumped back from Windu and Silas, as he glanced toward Grievous, who seemed to have lost 3 arms with only 1 remaining.
It wasn't even a fight as he simply kept backing away from Anakin and Obi-Wan.
"Useless... Grievous we are retreating!" Dooku whispered before ordering Grievous, he grabbed his injured shoulder and waited.
Grievous quickly retreated beside Dooku as they faced Anakin, Obi-Wan, Silas and Windu.
"Retreating? Where do you think your going?" Silas was about to lunge after them until Obi-Wan grabbed his shoulder.
"It seems they have reinforcements." Obi-Wan pointed toward the sky as 2 separatist Gunships appeared and once close enough, they opened fire on all 4 of them, while Dooku and Grievous were running toward it while it lowered altitude.
The four of them quickly used their lightsabers to deflect all the red beams as they stuck close together.
Eventually, the firing stopped as Dooku and Grievous entered the ships and looked down toward the 4 as they increased in altitude.
"We will meet again Jedi and the so-called General Raven." Dooku finished the last words as the 2 ships quickly disappeared into the horizon.
"Well he got away." Silas turned off his lightsabers as he kept them separated and put one on each side.
"Damn it! They got away." Anakin frowned as he clenched the hilt of his lightsaber.
"Calm yourself Anakin. And as for your lightsabers General Raven, they look oddly similar to the Dark Blade that's in Mandalore." Obi-Wan put his hand on Anakin's shoulder as he glanced toward Silas with a suspicious gaze.
"Yeah, well it took this color because of the force I injected it with, who knows what the force is thinking." Silas replied with a shrug.
"Indeed, the force is a mystery in itself." Obi-Wan inwardly shook his head as he focused back on the main task.
"For now, I think it's best for us to retreat back to the battlefront and finish the plan until we get further word on Dooku's location." Windu stated as two Gunships quickly lowered themselves down onto the ground.
"I'll take Commander Skywalker with me, you and Master Windu will be needed for the other battlefronts." Silas explained as he glanced upwards, he could see deep in the sky, the small space battle that was occurring with his Venator ship and other separatist ships.
"I don't think thats a good Idea-" Before Obi-Wan could finish his words, they all started to look up as multiple Acclamators entered the atmosphere with one Venator in the center of them.
"Master Yoda has arrived." Windu commented.
Silas nodded in approval at there arrival as he suddenly turned around.
"Come on Commander Skywalker, let's go! Master Kenobi and Master Windu good luck!" Silas calmly walked away toward one of the Gunships as Anakin followed beside him.
"We'll be fine Master." Anakin added with a smirk as he hopped in the Gunship with Silas.
"Wai-*Sigh*" Obi-Wan just sighed as he simply turned around and entered the other Gunship with Windu.
Let me know y'all thoughts!