
Star Wars: A Single Wish

I don't own Star Wars. Disney owns Star Wars. This Fanfiction is something I have played around with for a very long time. In my head at least and I want to write some stuff about star wars. This is a wish fulfillment and I don't expect that to get through some of the thick skulls of readers. I won't be updating this regularly, and I wont be giving it a schedule. It's just something I'll write and update when I feel like it. This story isn't set in the skywalker saga, I don't want to get within a light year of that radioactive waste dump. While the original trilogy, clone wars, and mandolorian were excellent that's where the list ends. I don't want people writing reviews for this story, but I won't say you cant. I just want people to read a star wars fanfiction that is better then most out there. I wont lie I'm inspired by A New Player In The Force. However, my story wont be anything like that fanfiction though I really suggest you people read it. Its actually written by an educated teacher whos fighting leukemia. I won't bore you guys with anymore talk so I'll get right into the synopsis now. ------------------- A young boy, no older then 15 lies dying in his hospital bed. The reason he is here is because of the illness he inherited from his mother. He doesn't resent anything about his mother or what he got from her, only that his death be as quick. Before he rested his diseased body on this bed, he would comfort his mother while he could still be considered healthy. His mother passed fast compared to the rate he is going. The Opal family dies with him, and nothing can stop that. One of the things the two did was watch movies and T.V. shows, and their favorite was everything star wars. With Nathan Opal on his last day he is happy that his painful torment shall end. This is where the story begins.

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197 Chs

A lesson in Control (Flashback Chapter)

~~~(POV: Nathan Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Personal Ship, Hyperspace heading towards Ilum)~~~

I open my eyes and lean up from my bed. I haven't had terrible nightmares for a while now... The Force hasn't provided premonitions of the future... "Figures once I decide to head to Ilum that things start to get weird... Out of the ordinary..." My hands find their way through my hair, and my stress slowly lowers with the action...

The Republic and the Empire are fighting over Ilum as of this moment. I'm not interested in getting in the middle of this conflict. The planet isn't strategically important for me, and the world doesn't serve many purposes other than an abundant supply of Kyber Crystals. "You know what you're walking into..." A voice that I've heard early echos through my ship.

I stand up and head towards the direction the voice came in. I try to use The Force to sense where this person is, but I can't find anything... "Why don't you show yourself to me!? I'd love to know who's reaching out to me!?" This woman... She's strong in The Force... I feel a connection with the voice... Like I know who it is...

As I continue searching the ship, nothing springs up. Whoever this woman is, she's keeping her distance and biding her time. She's planning something, and whatever it is, I don't think it's good for me... "All you know about yourself is a lie, and the truth will be revealed to you..." Her voice reaches me again, but this time it's coming from behind me.

Coming from where I came... A part of me is mad. I feel like I'm getting toyed with... In a sense, it's a taste of my own medicine... I've always been stronger than everyone I've met regarding my connection to The Force... "Who are you!?" My anger spills into my shout, and the ship groans slightly at my outburst in The Force...


~~~(POV: Nathan Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Tython, Training Grounds)~~~

~~~(Current age: 9 years old)

Master Caleb stands is walking back and forth in front of our class. We're outside at the Force Training Grounds. It's where we train our abilities in The Force. The basic ones like Force Push and Force Pull are learned here. "Today we're going to have a competition. This is to exercise control over your abilities." Most younglings go through this, and many look forward to it.

To everyone's surprise, Grandmaster Satele is watching over our class. She's in the viewing box with other Masters. She spends whatever time she can watching over classes. "Alright, the basic rules are to knock you fellow youngling off the platform. Preferably using Force Push or Force Pull." I can sense that my fellow classmates are excited to prove themselves.

In a way, I'm looking forward to it too... I'm still learning to control my strength... Master Caleb turns towards the hologram, and an image of a bracket pops up. "We'll have a tournament to see who has the most control in this class." Usually, this is frowned upon by Jedi. How Master Caleb gets away with this makes me question their policy about special treatment.

We all get up and take some time to see the matchups. Looking for my name, I find it, and it's up against my friend Leera. She's got fantastic control and will likely wip my butt. "Okay, let's get this tournament started. Jelso and Herra, you're up first." We all take our seats as the tournament starts. It takes a while, but my matchup eventually comes.

I step out onto the platform, and I look at Leera across from me. She's the first friend I made in this class. "Remember, control is everything. Without control, The Force can't help you." Master Caleb stands in the middle and motions for us to start. Leera pushes her hand forward, and I cross my arms to block The Force Push.

I'm pushed back, and I almost fall out, but I rebalance and see she's preparing for another attack. In a moment of instinct, I throw my hands forward, and a burst of power comes from me. A blast of energy heads towards Leera, but she's Force Pulled out of the way by Master Caleb. "Youngling Opal! What do you think you're doing!?" The voice of a Master that doesn't like me is heard.