
Star Wars A Galaxy Reborn

A Star Wars Fanfic where both the Republic and The Galactic Empire exists at the same time in a Galaxy that is full of constant wars and suffering. Our MC Alexander Hamilton after successfully passing a trial by a Goddess gets put into this war torn Galaxy after he dies from being overworked in his previous world. Now in his second life, he strives to never work under anybody ever again and to live his life how he wants to. Can he build up his Empire in this New Galaxy while bringing peace and prosperity to the Galaxy, or will he be overwhelmed and succumb to the Darkness.

Dr_Dred · Others
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169 Chs

Chapter 45

After the party with the Elected King of Zakuul Alexander didn't return to Lehon instead he went to his Space Station Olympus Station which has become extremely popular in the Galaxy for the ships that it produces.

And that wasn't the only thing since the station had its very own civilian section which had a lot of places for entertainment and to buy things from the Space mall. It also had a Nightclub not that it needed to be mentioned

It even had a gambling section which attracted a lot of high value customers such as mercenaries and such. The Station's cameras even identified some Important political figures such as senators visiting the gambling section.

And of course there was the occasional spy or two and some other troublemakers that tried to cause trouble or steal some important ship blueprints, but that's where the Station's security team comes in to deal with those problems.

The Station's security team was called the OSF which had security ships in the form of gunships to small sized cruiser's. Because of this Jakku has even requested a contract to protect their trader's from pirates and even worker's.

So there was a big OSF presence on the ground of Jakku protecting workers from those that wanted to cause trouble.

Overall the OSF was a big security organization operating only on the Olympus station and the surface of Jakku but soon might start offering services to others.

Whatever happens it was all part of Alexander's plan to increase the reputation of the OSF, and it could also be a good place for people to gather experience in real combat.

Anyway leaving that matter aside Alexander had immediately gone to the ship building section of the station which was off limits to anybody but authorized personnel. And as Emperor he of course had that authorization.

Once inside he was taken to a big room where there were a ton of computers and people working on those computer's. They were engineers and ship building specialists, combined with scientists.

And today they were going to reveal to Alexander a new powerful ship that they think can replace his capital ship.

They had spent months researching and experimenting using all their knowledge to come up with a ship that would shock the galaxy. And they weren't even close to finishing instead they were just showing Alexander what they had created so far with the help of Cortana.

Once Alexander walked in they all stood up and bowed their heads. The head Engineer whose name was Fynn was the first to greet Alexander "Your Highness it's a pleasure to see you"

"The Pleasure is all mine" Said Alexander as he shook the man's hand

"But let's skip the pleasantries and get right to business" Said Alexander

"Of course Your Highness if you would follow me" Said Fynn as he led Alexander to a computer that had the image of a ship.

"Now your Highness if you would look at this we have spent months designing a perfect ship to be your new capital ship one that would make the Empire's Destroyer's look weak compared to it" Explained Fynn.

"First the reactor of the ship has been improved, so now its efficiency is increased by 210% making its speed relatively the same as your current capital ship, but that's only because of its weight which is tremendously higher than any ship known in the universe.

Next we have the weapons which are a mix of Kinetic weapon's and Laser weapon's. The reason for this is that laser weapons don't really require ammunition and the Kinetic weapons require a lot.

And this could be fixed just by having a cargo ship carry the ammunition and when we need it to transport it over, so we will leave the decision of the weapons up to you, your Highness.

After the weapon's is the shield which we have added its own reactor just for the shields and managed to stabilize the amount of power that the ship has.

Next is the armor which is made from the best metal that we currently have which is Quantum Crystalline armor. Now we don't expect other ships to be able to break the shields but in case something like that does happen then we have some powerful armor to protect the hull of the ship to protect your Highness.

Those were the main parts of the ship that we have upgraded including some subcomponents and other systems that you can look at later." Explained Fynn

Alexander was looking at the computer screen as Fynn explained the major upgrades of the ship and such. And he must say he was impressed especially with the design of the ship since it looked quite good just from the appearance alone.

(Image Here)

"I'm quite impressed by this new ship and would love to see it in action" Said Alexander

"Of course your Highness but this ship requires a lot of resources both basic and advanced, so we need your permission to even start construction of it" Said Fynn

"Well you have my permission to get started on it right away" Said Alexander since he couldn't wait to see it.

"Thank you, your Highness we won't disappoint you" Said Fynn as he and the rest of the people in the room bowed as Alexander walked out of the room.

And since he had nothing to do for the next couple of hours he decided to spend some time in the Station's Night club.

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