
Star VS the Forces of Evil Season 5

The adventures of our two protagonists, Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz, continue to explore and have adventures on our new yet weird cleaved dimension. Their homes combined. What adventures await them? One thing... It's gonna get a lot weird

Yerahmiel_De_Roxas · Fantasy
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Episode 4: Star Goes Too Far (Part 2)

Marco went to wake up early and saw Star still sleeping on her room, Marco exhales in relief.

It's morning, at the time of 7 a.m, Marco heard yawning, Marco suddenly rushed to make breakfast for Star and him, trying to forget the previous situation.

Star: Morning Marco

Marco: (nervously) Hey Star...

Star: Anything wrong?

Marco: Nothing....

Star: Hmmm

Star: Lemme guess.

Star: You are trying to forget what happened yesterday, right?

Marco ran towards the open door, but Star suddenly grabbed something and threw it to the door, causing it to close before Marco could leave.

Star: You're in a lot of trouble, Marco

Marco: Don't try me, or else

Star lets out a ballpoint pen in her bag. Marco suddenly laughs. Star points the ballpoint pen as a taser. Star tases Marco, causing Marco to faint.

Star: If you think I'm going too far, think again...

Marco wakes up on his room seeing Star, looking at him.

Marco: I can explain.

Star: Good

Marco: It's just a diary Star, most of that is just about me.

Star: It's just not that... how about privacy?

Marco: Yes, I know privacy. Look, we're friends, and even more than that. Were in a relationship now.

Star: Ummm...

Star: (tearing up) I'm sorry, Marco.

Marco: Why?

Star: I told mom and dad to take your crown away...

Marco: (gasp) You! You went too far, Star Butterfly.

Star: I'm sorry, I'll take it back.

Marco: And how?

Star then hugs Marco tightly in a very sad emotion. Crying and Sobbing about what she's done.

Marco: Me? Forgive you?

Marco: You haven't even forgave me for reading your diary. And instead hurt me.

Star then tells Marco what happened.


(Scene cuts to the inside of Butterfly Castle)

Star: Hey, mom!

Moon: yes, Star?

Star: Can you take Marco's crown back?

Moon: Goodness, no!

Star: He did something so bad to me...

Moon: What is it?

Star: He invaded my privacy.

Moon: I don't see how, Marco's a nice kid.

Star: Please, he even barged into my room with no permission.

Moon: Well, that's one big mistake.

Moon: I hereby declare that Marco Diaz is no longer king of Earthni. (On Microphone)

(Marco didn't hear that)

Moon: Well there you go.

Star: Thank you.

Star ran outside Butterfly Castle and then went to Diaz Residence. Then that's when Marco woke up and saw Star standing in front of him.

Marco: Oh, Star.

Star: Please don't hurt me...

Marco: Well that means, we're no longer in a relationship

Star: At least were still friends?

Marco: Hate to say it but, no.

Star: No crown or something to keep us together equals not friends.

Marco: Exactly.

Star: I can undo this. Just trust me.

Marco: Fine. Until you got my crown until night.

(Myself: What's so special about a crown? xD)

Star and Marco ran towards Butterfly Castle.

Moon: Goodness, Star why are you crying?

Moon: (glares at Marco)

Marco: I have nothing to do with this.

Moon: Are you sure? I heard you barged into Star's room without permission.

Star: No, It's my fault.

Moon: Star, No.

Star: I went too far on a single tiny item in my room.

Moon: Well, that's one mistake.

Star: Undo the crown return.

Moon: Okay.

Moon then once again told that Marco is now king again. Star thanked her mother and went home. Star and Marco suddenly looked at each other.

Star: You still mad?

Marco: Are you kidding me? Of course I'm not.

Marco: In fact I even love you more.

Star: Awww, Marco. Me too.

Marco: Besides, any secrets? problems? Don't hesitate telling me.

Star: Got it.

Star: Nachos?

Marco: Okay.

Marco makes nachos and Star still looking at Marco steadily. Marco tells Star that it ain't ready yet, it's still hot

That's where our episode ends.