
Star tricks Battle of the Galaxies Part 1 Battle Genesis

The Cosmos is full of tricks. Who really created these vast universe? What is the beyond it and what makes the Earth unique and special? The desire to search the truth behind the myths is what drives King Shone of Milkyway to travel Beyond borders going to the central galaxy to inquire himself about truth. Sadly, the reality is very far from his expectations. Ten thousand years ago, there has been a chaos in the central galaxy started from the arch angels that rebel against the Lord of all and it has been a mystery for the milkians who know nothing outside of there own galaxy and there unknown opponent is just waiting for them to come out. It was only later they knew they are against a more powerful being in the universe comparable to God who is against earth of the Milkyway since it is the planet created by the Lord of all lords himself yet, this is just the begging. Later on, they knew that there was chaos everywhere and the battle between galaxies had broken out and Milkyway and Andromeda is not going to be safe from the calamity. These beings can destroy and wipeout earth in an instant, how can they protect it? Will this disaster pave a way to the rise of superheroes on earth? What tricks do we humans have? Can we survive these galactic war? This is not a war between nations but a war of the galaxies and opponents are so though and powerful. They possess a power unknown to man. As an ordinary being, we're only hoping that miracles will happen but what miracle could that be?

Road_Rusher · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3 The Tension Between Two Galaxies

In planet Nee where Viacyn, the king of Andromeda resides.


"What was the purpose of the king of Milkyway and he came to us without notice? They may be spying and figuring out our strengths and weaknesses. They may suddenly attack us."

"What shall we do Your Majesty?" asked my most loyal general, General Arls.

They are currently approaching the vicinity of the Milkians as I was talking to him on the webcam.

I want you to bring them here, I need to know from them, their true intentions,"

"Yes, your Majesty," he replied.

A few minutes later, we were again in a state of shock. I learned that a planet was destroyed in Andromeda.

"Captain, what's going on there!" I asked an army captain who had survived.

"There was a blackhole that devoured the planet and everything got destroyed." he replied.

I was shocked by what I have heard. I don't know what kind of technology the enemy is using. This is the first time I heard of something like that using a blackhole as a weapon. I'm sure they were too powerful and we were at a disadvantaged even if we have our advance weapon I don't think we can resist this kind of attack.

"They're probably Wilkians and they're just trying to get around us," Longlong reacted.

"They've got a bad day too! Let us show them hell." I snorted as I thought about what to do.

I was just about to get a little bit of bad news today and another one came.

"Unknown aliens are currently attacking the planet Vivian, Majesty. Our armies were exhausted and we could not do anything. The opponent's are too strong."

"The Milkians were be surprised at my counterattack. That's the day they'll never forget!" I said angrily.

I can only blame this to Milkyway since they are the only ones who is hanging around us when this incidents happened.

"They dares to do it to me! King Viacyn of Andromeda! Who are they to act wild like this on my galaxy?" I was so furious.

I contacted General Arls again.

"Don't let the Milkians leave. They're spies, I want you to erase them in space."

"It will be done your Majesty" was his response.

Nova, my sister, she is bald on top and had green hair on the side. His mouth was cracked, a sign that he was coming from the fight. She was still holding her guns, which is an advance weapon.

Your Majesty, the planet Vivian is ruined. "We're too weak," She said, her voice clearly states that she was terrified. She might have escape from a powerful opponent.

"Brother, be courageous. We have more soldiers, get ready and we will go to war against Milkyway in due time. We can't let them do what they want here."

"You know who is responsible for the invasion and destruction of some of our planet along with planet Vivian? How did you know?" I asked in astonishedment.

"The Milkians have been around us lately, and I know their king is with them. They are not around for no reason. I am sure they are trying to invaded us." My sister answered.

Nova got silent. I know there is still a fear in her heart. I also didn't think that in a blink of an eye some planets would be destroyed under my governance. They belongs to my Kingdom.

"Long Nozz, use your magic and convey my message to all my jurisdictions." I commanded.

"Your Majesty, I will."

He took a moment to breathe and uttered the words,

"Alpa Opra ra ra! Orara! Ora orara!"

He keeps repeating that rhythm for about 5 minutes till it was done.

"All the Andromedans all through out our Galaxy your Majesty will hear you clearly now. You may speak." Said Longnozz, the wizard.

Truly this chant is one that amaze me. It's powerful that can make all in the galaxy no matter the distance will be able to hear my voice clearly and loudly. This trick is not just about the chant at all. I saw how Longnozz perform. His fingers where constantly moving making some signs and at the same time he is using the power of his scepter. It's not an easy fit and is hard to copy or learned. This wizard is a genius.Then, I just started to speak out in front of him.

"Creatures within my jurisdiction. I am sorry for the sorrowful events. Recently the Milkians attacked us and destroyed some of our planets.

I know you're angry at what you heard. Be brave and prepare. Prepare yourselves. In time, we will fight Milkyway. They are the ones who have broken the silence and peace so they cannot blame us."

I then ordered Longnozz to hide the planet Nee from the enemy with his magic for a while because I felt a strong force approaching. Then he did what I told him to do so.

[General Arls POV]

I ordered the pilot of our space shuttle to speed up the pace because I knew that at any moment the interstellar space tunnel of the Traveler of the Milkians would be active and I was right.

Before they even knew we were following them they didn't notice it because of the space sharks. They may have thought spacesharks were following them until now.

I can't disappoint King Viacyn's order. No matter what happens, I will do my mission and never be negligible. Failure is not an excuse, therefore I can only do my best.

Out of 50, only 20 Space Shuttles have entered the interstellar space tunnel created by the Traveler of the Milkians.

We don't know where the end of the tunnel is all that matters to me is to obey the King's command.

When we reached the end of the interstellar space tunnel, the traveler stopped. We were about to attack, but we were surprised when one of our shuttles exploded. A creature with a burning head appeared.

[General Ozzok's POV]





The interstellar space has activated but the size of the hole in its created tunnel has allowed in about 20 space sharks following us. ( that was actually Andromedans troops lead by General Arls)

"What are we going to do? Space sharks have entered the interstellar space tunnel created by the Traveler." The Prince said and he is fully concern.

"We can't bomb them until we're out of the tunnel. If we do that, the tunnel will be destroy and we will not be able to reach the other endpoint where our insterstellar space traveler is locked. It will also be damage and may not be used. If that happens, it will take us hundreds of years to reach the Star Kingdom." General Fuego explained and the king agreed.

"We'll just wait until we get to the other end of the interstellar space tunnel and then we'll crush them," General Ray said.

I saw that our prince was relieved after hearing him say this.

I carefully examined the following through the radar. I found out they weren't space sharks. These are warships armed with highly destructive Sonic particles. Our traveler cannot resist this kind of weapon if it got hit, we will be in a dangerous situation if that happens. But it is alright for now.

I told everyone and I had a plan in mind so we wouldn't have to fight with them anymore

At last, we reached the other end of the tunnel and there I waited for the arrival of those who followed us. I was about to get hit by one of the shuttles so I blew it up with a ball of fire.

"You've got the courage to destroy our Andromeda soldiers" said one of the creatures on the space shuttle that exploded. I just know that this creature is strong.


For some unknown reason, our king raise this question. I really taught we have successfully passed the tunnel and our location this time should be Star Kingdom Galaxy. But even if we fail, we should be in Andromeda for a second time.

Even if the instellar tunnel is broken we must not be in Andromeda and we are heading to the Central Galaxy. This is unfair. There must be something wrong. It seems like someone is tricking us.

In a few minutes more space shuttles arrived and all of them are Andromeda soldiers.

"Give up well and nothing will hurt you. "We're all around you," said the leader who attacked me earlier.

I know he is the a leader because the soldiers respect him.

"Surrender? Do we look like criminals or a space pirate?" I asked, not knowing what was going on.

"I think we have a misunderstanding," King Shone speak up.

"Do you even know who I am?" the king asked.

I'm trying to measure the strength and power of our enemy and compare it to ours. They were all around us and we were outnumbered.

"Why? Who the hell are you?" the general of Andromedans disrespectfully sneezed at our king.

I was about to loss control and wanted to terminate this disrespectful leader of Andromeda soldiers but my majesty rebuked me and calmly responded.

"I am the king of Milkyway , King Shone. We'll go with you well. All I want is a thorough investigation into this matter."


I was wearing a fancy dress and I had a crown with gemstone ornaments. I sit on my throne. My throne has two large dragons carved on each side. It's my favorite place by far. The dragon is beautiful in my eyes and I dream of seeing a real dragon. I remember Captain Longlong's brother, LongNozz who is a famous wizard in Andromeda. He is known and admired for his magic.

"Your Majesty!" the soldier shouted.

I was so angry that I threw a finger supreme at the soldier. My minds momentum is ruined by him.

The energy was shot into his chest. It pierced him and left a whole on his body like a gunshot wound. Then suddenly I appeared near the soldier lying on the floor.

You're a quick soldier and you're going to kill me

"Forgive my rudeness your Majesty" he exclaimed.

"What are you going to tell me then?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, It's just the king of Milkyway are here and they're stalking our territory. General Arls is bringing them here."he muttered.

"Why didn't you say it right away?" I asked the soldier but he did not speak at all.

"It's alright" I said.

And then I healed his wound.

"Thank you, your Majesty," he said as he nodded his head.

I just asked him to leave.

"Well, Tell our great blacksmith, Black Gold to make the strongest Armor." I command the soldier. "Do it right away"

"I'm going now, your majesty. See you when it is done," he said, and then turned his head back and walked away.

"The king of Milkyway has the courage to attack us? How shameful, he is so pathetic."

A voice that was familiar to me is in my chamber so I immediately turned to look the direction in which the familiar voice came from.

I saw a bald woman whose hair was just on the side and it was coloured green. She's my younger sister. She is wearing a crown which makes her look nice especially with her hair colored. Even if she is viewed as ugly, no one has the right to judge her, doing that to my sister is equal to having a death wish.

I also didn't have any hair because I was a bit of a bonehead.

"Nova, our most beautiful princess" I greeted her seriously even though I knew she didn't believe what I am saying.

"You're just a fool so stop playing your tricks on me. It won't work"she said.

"You know, I was so worried about you, Thankfully you are here now. What are you planning to do right now?" I asked.

"I want to teach the wicked king of Milkyway," she replied.

"Wait, wait, wait, just calm down. Your head is so hot. You're warmer than the people of the sun whose heads are always on fire."

"Why? "You're going to let them destroy my planet?" Nova pointed out.

"Are you sure they are the real culprits?" I asked.

Sometimes I made decisions without thinking twice and now I think I made mistakes.

Nova didn't say anything and then she came up to me and seated just beside me without saying anything.


Even though my brother doesn't believe that the Milkies are responsible for the destruction of my planet, I am still confident that they are responsible for it. I just don't want to talk to my brother, Viacyn.I am just waiting for the right time when our paths cross with the king of Milkyway, I have to kill him immediately no matter what. I won't care what my brother does to me next. No one else has ever come to our galaxy except them. I can only blame them for the genocide of my people and the destruction of my planet. This is all because of them and no one can stop me.


Through interstellar travel we reached the center of Andromeda.

We were in the middle of a space station when suddenly someone launch an attack against us. We were the only target of this kind of attack so among others are all safe. In the midst of the attack, our shuttle exploded instantly. The explosion caused a massive shockwave and reached and shooked the space station. Ripples and space fluctuations also occured.

All of my men died on the spot while all of our captives who were Milkian soldiers;

their wounds were burning and I could see their wounds slowly closing out. Be it large or small, critical or not, shallow or deep. I am amazed at the power of these people. They can regenerate.

I saw Nova with an advance weapon standing on space.

"Princess Nova, what does this mean?" I asked angrily.

Those soldiers were always been a part of a mission and we've been together everytime and it's been so long suddenly, all of them instantly disappears. Their death at the hands of their princess also hurts me. They do not deserve this kind of treatment. They are all heroes of Andromeda. I have enough of this already. I should have resigned.

"Don't say you're going to defend our enemies!" Nova shouted and seemed even more angry than I was.( Well, Nova loss a billion of people and he just loss 20)

"They destroyed my planet and murdered my people, so now I'm going to destroy them along with anyone who blocks me." She said.

Nova then re-prepared her advance weapon with her own energy for her next attack.

I cannot do anything else as I saw the lights on the front of the gun. The Milkians also can do nothing against the advance weapon of the Andromedans. Even though they are stronger than us, they also use energy to heal their wounds and if they are bound by too much energy consumption and Nova continues to attack, it will kill them too. While Nova has a lot more energy because you don't have to spend your energy for this advance weapon unless it's really necessary. But I guess in the first attack Nova used only 0.01% energy to destroy our ship, now she's using 10% of her power. I think it's enough to kill us all and destroy our nearby space station in this kind of offensive. The ripples will even harm the planet Nee and eventually harm many people there. The shockwave will cause damage to the moon's as well. And planet Nee got 5 moon's and two will be damage If she successfully unleash this kind of attack.

Only 3 moon's will remain causing an imbalance to the planet.

I just cried,



Since the day Nova was born, I haven't been able to stop her. She is a spoiled brat. Been spoiled by my mother-the Queen.I don't know what was going on in her mind. I wish I had given him a new planet but she didn't say anything. I just can't believe how those Vivian people becomes so dear to my sister. She valued them so much.

Soon there was a explosion in space.

The whole sky lit up and that light penetrated even the walls and halls of my castle. Then disappeared afterward ike fireworks in the sky. I'm sure Nova used the advance weapon I gave her for protection and to be able to fight an opponent who is stronger than her. I immediately fly away using the top of my speed to the scene of the explosion.

I am very worried for my sister. I wonder who she is in a duel with, who was her strong opponent that she had to result to this kind of power using the advance weapon or it might be that she has seen the real culprit who destroyed her planet and murdered billions of her people in an instant.

But when I reached the scene of the explosion I saw Nova attacking the group of General Arls and the Milkians. I did my best to reach and when I grabbed the advance weapon I immediately grabbed Nova's hand and threw it into space far away from us or any planet.

It exploded and the whole galaxy lit up and then ceased like fireworks.The explosion has the power equal to destroying 10 planet Earth.

(That means Nova's 1% energy that is being turned into the energizer of Andromeda's advance weapon is capable of destroying one planet earth. That's how strong the Andromedans advance weapon is. And they even have a secret weapon called Doomsday.)