
Star Trek: Nexus

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry. Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Nexus. Its seven-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before. 30 years following the events of Star Trek Nemesis, the Milky Way Galaxy witnesses a remarkable union known as the Khitomer Alliance. Comprising the United Federation of Planets, Klingon Empire, New Romulan Republic, the Dominion, and various other entities, this alliance seeks to bring together diverse races and nations. The USS Nexus, a symbol of this unity, embarks on a seven-year exploration mission, echoing the principles of the Star Trek legacy. Under the command of Captain Anzyl Praxas, the USS Nexus represents a unique venture, transcending individual banners to unite a diverse crew. Hailing from different factions, the crew members bring with them a rich tapestry of beliefs, views, goals, values, and aspirations. As they navigate the uncharted territories of the galaxy, Captain Praxas faces the formidable challenge of fostering unity amidst dissension, overcoming bigotry, dispelling distrust, and bridging differences across the vast cosmic distances. Will the captain and his diverse crew successfully navigate the complexities of the final frontier, where every light year brings a new set of challenges? The journey of the USS Nexus unfolds as it boldly goes where no one has gone before.

Xairou · TV
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101 Chs

Breaching the Defenses

"We're not done yet!" Anzyl declared sitting back in his chair, "Lock on all beams and fire on the dreadnought, set the Plasmonic Leech to full power. Make that ship a lifeless husk!" 

The Nexus' beam array glowed bright orange and fired 8 neon orange beams at the looming dreadnought. The beams struck the unshielded but dense hull tearing off pieces. As they did, a feedback beams of energy from the Dreadnaught to the Nexus started to recharge the starships' energy reserves. 

"Weapon battery at full power captain," Keten declared.

"We're not out of this fight yet! Keep draining that fish for all it's worth!" Anzyl declared, the lights in the bridge shining bright with the abundance of energy. "Number 1," Anzyl looked at Neil grinning ear to ear, "Remind me to make a gift basket and send it to the Nausicans for such a delightful gift!" 

Neil nodded his head chuckling, "Yes, Sir!" 

As the Nexus continued its onslaught against the Dreadnaught, it began to sputter and flash, clear signs it was losing energy. 

The Fek'ihri dreadnought threw everything they had at the Nexus. Firing disruptor beams and torpedoes, but it was obvious it was designed to disable and capture opponents, not put up a fight if its claws and swarm were defeated. 

The Nexus, a marvel of engineering, proved more than a worthy challenge to the monstrous ship. Its unique defenses and dual purpose offenses proved too much for the abomination. 

In a last ditch effort, the Dreadnaght's rockets fired and launched the behemoth vessel forward. Like a tarantula crawling on a glass dome, the claws of its undercarriage jabbed and struck the cyclonic shielding probing for any possible weakness with all the power the ship had left. All while the Nexus fired beam after beam at the underside. As the ship crawled more and more to the top, the spinning of the shielding became less and less intense as with all longitudinal lines converging at two points, the north and south poles. 

The Dreadnaught found the one weakness of the cyclonic shielding, the poles. 

Like a punching mantis shrimp, striking the shell of a clam, the ship-like claws and javelins underneath the Dreadnaught bombarded the upper shields of the Nexus. 

The interior of the ship rocked and shook with each strike. Lights flashed and consoles erupted. 

"Shields at 45%!" Nolan declared. 

"Keep firing! Get that thing off us!!" Anzyl cried out, leaning to the side of his captain's chair. 

The ship rocked again from another impact, "Shields at 20%! Captain, we can't take another hit like that!" Nolan cried out. 

"Divert emergency and engine power to the Shields and structural integrity!" Anzyl yelled, "And get that damn thing off our backs!" 

The Dreadnaught lifted its largest and badly damaged blade up high, like a praying mantis, all the rear engine stopped and pointed downwards, and all the front engines pointed up, prepped and ready for one final, last crack at the Nexus thick shell. 

As the captain and bridge looked in horror at the exterior cameras, the rockets of the Dreadnaught fired full burn, and then turned the dreadnought downward, full force, and giving all the kinetic and momentum to that single blade, it came crashing down with a single tremendous blow.

"ALL HANDS! BRACE FOR IMPACT!" Niel roared, as the ship was struck with the power and devastating blow of a razor sharp sword, powered by every rocket on a dreadnought starship. 

Shields and deflectors are one thing, but the laws of physics are still the laws of physics. 


Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion, also known as the Law of Inertia, states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.


When Anzyl was able to recollect his senses, the screen displayed the dreadnought had a single blade, embedded into the hull of the Nexus, at least 15 decks deep. 

This is a Star Trek fanfiction, based off of Star Trek Online universe. with a slight crossover to Avatar the way of Water.

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry, and Avatar: The Way of Water created by James Cameron.

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