
Star Traveler

As the world expands in population desperation pushes Michael Montgomery to step off the edge and enter truly the unknown. As Michael traverses the stars in search of a new home his understanding and resources become truly unlimited.

DeKrayZMonKey711 · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Ch-2 The One

Her eyes seemed to sparkle like the city lights around them. She leaned in as they clinked their bottles together. "Cheers" she said taking a sip and leaned back. I usually pride myself in the thought that I'm not like those guys who were portrayed as dense or blind to a girls affections and traps, but I can say I didn't see this coming.

We talked more and more laughing and enjoying the drinks. "So now that you have your bachelors now what?" She asked taking another sip of the almost empty bottle. "Well I don't know any more really. I had this plan to go to Stanford and get my masters there with my buddies... but I didn't get accepted... " what!?" She said incredulous to the idea. With how much you guys studied I'd have thought you would have no problem with getting into schools." "Ya it was quite the bummer hearing that this morning. I said scratching the back of my head. Trying to think of a segue out of the conversation when she started. "You know you don't need to go to college to be successful right? I mean from what you've told me so far it sounds like you just want to have all the creative freedom to make what ever you want right? I breathed out wishing it was that simple "well ya but it's not that simple ". Little did I know at the time that she was right and boy was she right for me! We hit it off so good time flew by being together. She surprised me one day with a birthday present and at the same time offered to move in together. The present was a really nice and spacious studio apartment over in the Tempe/Mesa area. It reminded me of a chimney except minus the soot. The red brick walls and frosted windows gave it a dark feel. But the lighting and bright kitchen highlighted the nicer areas. "Just imagine a nice spot where you can work and be yourself. Also a nice area for lounging on the couch in front of a tv." She said waving her hands around gesturing at what she imagined. "Oh I don't watch tv. Sorry did I not tell you that?" I said inspecting the electrical outlet layout and visualizing where a 220 volt outlet could be installed. "You continue to amaze me Michael". She said shaking her head as she walked into the bedroom... which i assumed was the bedroom and well I'm gonna let your imaginations fill in the banks as to what happens next.

As a few years later pass after the engagement and wedding. My inventions really started to pile up in the apartment. My hydro quantifier and the prototype body safety suit with Tesla coils around it taking up most of the room. Countertops covered in beakers , glass measuring/distilling instruments and loads of paperwork covered the workspace like a hoarders wet dream. My apartment was becoming unlivable and it was starting to show on Kiras beautiful face as she would wake up every morning dreading the ever growing jungle of a mess to get to her coffee in the morning. The smell of red velvet dark roast filled the room. It was my wife's favorite with a whole bunch of hazel nut creamer. She would sleepily walk over to where I was passed out at my desk and wake me up placing a coffee cup in front of me.my face plastered to my paper work indented itself on my cheek all the while the hologram screens still shifted data and graphs fluctuated up and down to the input of new data. My blood shot eyes would lock onto it as my arms took time to slowly respond and move in to eradicate the drag of the morning. Sluurrrpp! My first sip of the day and boom another idea piped into my head. I was right back at it and my 3D metal printer had just finished the head piece to the body safety suite. Pulling out the 3D printed head piece and tapping the hologram screen back to life I went back at it inputting info into it to make the frame of my new idea. I would usually have at least 3 or 4 projects going on at the same time so it wasn't unusual. Suddenly a pair of soft hands came from behind and covered my eyes. "Come here you". She said pulling me away from my work to... I don't know where. "Keep your eyes closed ok and don't peek ". I waited and heard some shifting and shuffling and I decided to peek a little. I found her stuffing a pillow up her shirt and grabbing a slender round pillow off the bed. Now glad I had peeked a bit as I opened my eyes again I nearly got a face full of pillow. We pillow fought that morning and I realized I had been foolish working so much and I needed a break to spend time with her more. When I felt I had gotten close enough to seize victory and pin her to the bed I found she had thought the same thing and we ended up hugging and falling on the bed sideways. Looking deep into those beautiful blue and hazel eyes I just couldn't help but feel she was the most perfect woman I had ever met. She had the beautiful smile and her hair cascaded perfectly down her shoulders. Boy if I had a camera I would have saved this one and framed it for my desk. She then started giggling to her self and said, "I have a surprise for you...I'm pregnant!"

Hey guys this was a fun chapter and I hoped you enjoyed it. I actually wrote Michaels wife’s character after my wife. We have been married for over a year now and we have a baby as well who is now 9 months old.

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