
Star Spangled Shutdown

As the New World Order collapses, Commander Perry and the United States try to make their comeback, attempting to steal the spotlight from the Heroes of Ottawa. However, Specimen Z takes root forcing the world into chaos. As the Ghost and his small nation struggle to find a solution, they make a bold move and shatter the Antarctic Ice Barrier, fleeing to the safety of the unknown world beyond the barrier. All in this shocking third book of the Star Spangled Series!

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Fantasy
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Trouble On The Road

As the meeting ended, Tempest and Spencer packed their gear as they were to leave for the elven kingdom immediately.

Ready to go?

Ready as I'll ever be.

As the two met up with Demon Lord Kazuto and the Busch Hunter, they hit the road. The Ghost escorted them to the border before returning to town. 

Does he always place this much trust in you three? inquired Kazuto

He wasn't always like this. said the Busch Hunter checking his trench gun.

The other three listened to Busch talk as they walked.

The Ghost used to be timid, but that didn't last long. He had a less perfect teen-year-home-life, if you catch my drift. I remember the day he found that fire of rage within himself. Some kid had been picking on him. Poor bastard didn't last longer than a second against Ghost's rage. One fist to the chest brought him down and I don't mean to a knee. The idiot was laying on the ground crying, begging the Ghost to stop. However, I saw the look in his eyes, the Ghost wasn't the same. He had internally changed. He was raised to be a nice, middle-class boy. Minding his manners and being silent. On that day, everything changed. He became loud, defiant, and iron-willed. His mother took it upon herself to try and wrestle with this side of him. Hell, even dragged his old man into it. I remember the day he came home from the army. He'd tried to hide the fact he was attempting to commit suicide five minutes before I'd arrived. 

Busch paused a moment as they walked onwards.

To answer your question Demon Lord, he trusts us, because we have shown him nothing but loyalty. When a soul so hurt like his says he trusts you, trust me, it is the greatest honor above all others.

As they continued to the Great Forest, Kazuto kept mulling over the words Busch had told him. The Ghost seemed so strong, and his resolve unalterable. What horrors did he have to endure that lead him down this path? He thought about it over and over again when Spencer interrupted his thoughts.

Yo, dude, there is no reason to get hung up on what Busch said. Understand this, the Ghost is friendly because he has maintained a grip on the lessons people like Archie taught him. All you gotta remember is that betraying him is the equivalent of suicide. You won't see tomorrow should you break that trust.

As they continued walking, the sun had reached midday. Everyone took a break, Busch was frying up some meat when a scrawny wolf pup wandered close to them. Everyone went for their weapons but the wolf laid down in front of them.

Killing it might bring momma wolf, so let's not draw our weapons.

Good idea. That is not an ordinary wolf you are all acquainted with. That is a lycanthrope.

A liken-what now?

Lycanthrope, otherwise know as a werewolf. By the looks of it, this one is just a pup. 

Tempest tossed a bite of meat over to the small wolf which promptly gobbled it up. 

Young one, where is your mother? asked Demon Lord Kazuto

The young wolf laid next to him. Sick.

Sick? Is your village nearby?

The young wolf said nothing.

I'll give you more meat if you tell us what happened.

As if he was fine the young wolf stood up and looked at Tempest. The food here began dying out really fast. The Alpha insisted we stay, but this is the result. Momma sent me to find food, but she is too weak to stand.

Kazuto looked to Busch. Gather up that dried meat, we have an opportunity here! Hurry! Young one, lead us to your momma!

The young wolf rushed into the forest followed by the group. As the group reached the outskirts of the village, a large werewolf stood up and growled.

Who dares enter this village!

Before Kazuto could answer, Busch and Tempest tossed meat from their bags to the wolves. EAT! You have starved long enough! 

The large wolf growled and sniffed the dried meat. It ate it, and ate it quickly. It sat down and turned into its human-like form.

I am Alpha Silvetten of the Blackmane Pack. Where did you get this meat?

I made it. Venison Jerky, fresh and there is plenty more. said Busch

I thank you, please feed my pack, I'm not sure how much longer they can wait. 

The four feed the lycanthropes until they came to the den of the little pup's mother. It wasn't a good sight. Momma and her mate had died trying to keep her other little pups fed, but they too had died. Little pup was laying in front of the den, paws over his eyes.

The Alpha began to breath heavily, his eyes went narrow as he howled.... no...no...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Easy there big guy. We'll help care for the little one and try to get some more meat. said Tempest

If I hadn't insisted on staying, they wouldn't have....

Busch walked up and looked the Alpha in the eyes. Allow me to impart some wisdom to you. A great leader once said the following, "Ease of Life makes weakness in hardship, while toil, sweat and blood make strength when a leader needs it most." You have suffered, but your pack, they didn't give up on you.

The Alpha looks at Busch. What leader said this?

Our leader, The Ghost of Ottawa.

Then truly he is wise beyond even my years.