
Star Spangled Freedom

"What kind of betrayal hurts worst? One that comes from people who swore to protect you." The small midwestern city of Ottawa, Illinois is thrown into a madman's version of conspiracy theorists pandora's box and these locals, friends, become leaders, heroes, and legends. Hardship and loss befall these unlikely heroes. Every step forward seems like they are over a thousand steps behind. Forced to put down their beers and bongs, replacing them with rifles and the hands of dying loved ones, the Star Spangled Heroes tackle anything that seems to threaten their way of life.

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Action
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118 Chs

The New American Might

TW! Do not read this if you are sensitive!

About six months had past, and the New American Empire had pushed deep into both NWO and NNR territory. On each front, the Americans were about a mile from the capitols of both nations.

V1F Vorpelfighters dominated the skies, just as its inventor thought they would. B-60's and fully redone WWII aircrafts made any form of Nazi or Order aerial resistance no existent. Bombs rained from the skies day and night, both sides realized they hadn't woken a bear, but a dragon, eager to rip into their countries.

The Nazis scrambled to get their defense back into fighting shape, but with the ground assault using HA-50's, they stood no chance. Despite them having better weapons, they were on par with the NWO in terms of troops and armor. Flamethrower cut down Nazis retreating into Berlin, and as long as the Americans keep pushing, they would break into Berlin within a day. The Americans had managed to surprise the world, with the world's greatest comeback story, from a government-less country to a world superpower in the blink of an eye.

While Nazis fell left and right, the Order was in worse shape. They had lost all air power and had yet to down a single American pilot. Bombers had leveled their factories and means of production, while soldiers cut away large swaths of NWO territory. Soldiers fighting the NWO troops, had every reason not to hold back. They'd watch the NWO citizens and soldiers cheer as the NWO laid waste to their homes with nukes, but now, it was the Americans turn to deal out pain and loss. Children were the only ones spared in the NWO Campaign, nobody was safe from the hell the Americans brought, years of hate and anger. HA-40 Fahrenheit 451st Regiment made sure the assholes who'd been cheering, were crying, begging for mercy.

451st Captain Maddock, aka Mad dog had been waging a war of pure hatred, pure distain. He had lost everything in the nuking of the United States, and he meant his enemy harm, death, and far worse, revenge.

"Please, please, comrade, we mean no har..."

The man fell over with his skull split open.

"Sir, was that necessary?"

"Private, these assholes cheered as my wife melted into nuclear ash, and cheered when some NWO Officer prick defiled my daughter by force, what that was, that was a fraction of what they deserve. What would you have done if they'd done what they did to my daughter? Just instead of my daughter, it's your boyfriend private."

"Sir I'd..."

"Don't tell me private, demonstrate with that asshole trying to run."

The private run, as he did the thought engulfed his mind, finally catching up to the man, who had turned around in fear, only to have the private backhand him using full force, then straddling him, only to use his HA-40 to smash the man's skull in, putting a fist through the man's chest cavity. The thought of losing his lover was what brought him in the war, but the thought of someone hurting and defiling his lover... He tore the man's limbs off letting out a primal war cry.

"Good work private, these pervs deserve even far worse than that, but that'll do for now."

Things had been going well for the New American Empire, until April 12th, when a NWO reporter, shot President Overlord, putting him in critical condition at Ward National Hospital. As the new reached the Ghost, he pulled his NWO flank back to help with the Nazis, but the Nazis took this opportunity to attack the NWO and take half of their territory. As they did, half of the German population split away from the Nazis and began pushing them back, driving them to where Berlin had become a no-man's-land. The war kept every nation on their toes, and finally something big happened.