
Star Spangled Freedom

"What kind of betrayal hurts worst? One that comes from people who swore to protect you." The small midwestern city of Ottawa, Illinois is thrown into a madman's version of conspiracy theorists pandora's box and these locals, friends, become leaders, heroes, and legends. Hardship and loss befall these unlikely heroes. Every step forward seems like they are over a thousand steps behind. Forced to put down their beers and bongs, replacing them with rifles and the hands of dying loved ones, the Star Spangled Heroes tackle anything that seems to threaten their way of life.

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Action
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118 Chs

Lots Forever

As the countdown clock ticked down, the world was still at war. Neighbor fighting Neighbor, Brother fighting Brother, and there was no end in sight. At the ten-hour mark, the nuclear silos around the globe went to Defcon One.

"Sir, are you certain of this?"

"Yes, send out the automated alert. They have nine hours to live."

The alert went out stating Mass Assured Destruction was eminent, the world suddenly stopped fighting, with nine hours left on the clock and the nuclear silos sealed tighter than fort knox, everyone had to consider their final hours to live.

"What's our plan?"

"Overlord, get everyone as far away as possible. Fly low, head south."

"When the nukes hit, where will we go? Only the PBY can fly and land in water. Assuming all the land in inhospitable."

"Yes, but you'll have seven minutes to gather supplies before the fallout starts falling. Everywhere inland will be unsafe for us. Begin welding metal canoes to the landing gear of the other planes, it is a desperate play, but we have to get everyone out."


The Lots Crew sprang into action, welding and loading supplies into the planes. The Overlord and the Key Counsel met one last time and cleared out the hangars.

With 4 hours left on the clock, the planes ascended into the sky. Rockefeller Street blasted over their comms as they full throttled south. The Lots Crew didn't go unnoticed by those below them. They were only flying 100 feet above cities, and this became a problem. Looters began shooting at them, one luck shot broke the welds on one of the canoes and launched it at the TBM Avenger. The canoe damaged the old warbirds propeller and the landing gear.

"Ghost! Ghost! Talk to me!"

"I gotta turn back Pat, I won't make it."

"We'll pick you up!"

"NO THERE"S NO TIME JUST GO! I'll be okay."

A single tear fell down the Overlord's cheek.

"You'd better find a way back to us!"

"Till we meet again Pat, Till we meet again."

The TBM turns back heading toward Peru as the rest of the group push deeper and deeper into the south.

The Ghost of Ottawa and the Overlord of Lots had been separated, unsure of they'd ever meet again.

Time passed and now there was fifteen minutes on the clock as the Lots Crew landed just offshore of Florida.


Sonic booms broke out all around the globe as nuclear missiles began their descent back to the world below. The Lots Crew scrambled in their last few minutes to make sure they had ways to survive the impending doomsday.

The Overlord looked in the direction of home as the nukes made their impacts, raining fire all over the world.

"May we meet again Ghost, may we meet again."

Nuclear fire ravaged the world, killing everything in its path. Communications went dead, everything lost power, and there were no signs of life from the mainland United States. The NWO had won, ending humanity in the way best suited for rebuilding, burning the world to a crisp dead husk, sending all progress backwards, with no hope of moving forwards.