
Star Spangled Freedom

"What kind of betrayal hurts worst? One that comes from people who swore to protect you." The small midwestern city of Ottawa, Illinois is thrown into a madman's version of conspiracy theorists pandora's box and these locals, friends, become leaders, heroes, and legends. Hardship and loss befall these unlikely heroes. Every step forward seems like they are over a thousand steps behind. Forced to put down their beers and bongs, replacing them with rifles and the hands of dying loved ones, the Star Spangled Heroes tackle anything that seems to threaten their way of life.

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Action
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118 Chs

Birth of The New American Empire

Hours passed and the groups had reunited. Though their base had been destroyed, Barbara was kind enough to show them a spot that was once the pride and joy of America.

"Is this the base?"

Yes, Lady Liberty was the center of many conspiracy theories, but one thing is true, my group, we are the Liberty Lurkers. We have made this place a fallback base just in case we were compromised."

"Liberty Lurkers...I once read a conspiracy theory about that."

"Hense the name child, no come on, we need to get downstairs and form a plan."

The group began discussing ideas for their next move, but they couldn't come to a consensus, that was until Randal, a old man who'd spent his time in the bse spoke up.

"You said the government is dead right?"

"Yes, the former US Government is gone."

"Then why no become the NEW US government, for what I understand, all of Congress died during the initial bombings of D.C, and the President was killed by you lot, so why not takeover, run America?"

The room was silent, nobody had considered that.

"As I see it..." Randal continued, "You, Overlord, would be the President, and the Ghost would lead the military, or us for short."

"True...but, we need a Vice President, someone we can trust."

"Aye G, I nominate Jarrin." spoke up Bubba

"Wait me? Why?"

"G, you keep Overlord on the straight, and we all trust you. Couldn't find better."

"Then I second that." chimed in Barbara.

"What do you three say? Ready to get a bigger plot of land then y'all was expecting?" asked another farmer

"If you have chosen me as your President, I shall not fail." said the Overlord

"As Military Commander, I shall see to it we keep the bastard back across the sea." added the Ghost

"Well shit, if I'm gonna be Vice P, I need a title like you two."

"How does the Star Spangled Guide sound?" asked the Ghost

"Guide? Well, Miss Barbara did say I would be good, and Bubba called me a compass so, fuck it, I'll be the Guide."

"We need to get broadcast this nationwide across every airwave we can." said Randal

"Yes, but we need a decisive military victory first, well Ghost, can you get us one?"

"I've got an idea, one that just might get the attention of other nations and one that will catch the NWO off guard."

Around midnight, the attack came like a fog, a formation lead by the Enola Gay obliterated the ships Lord Soros was on as they were anchored near the US border, the nuke that was dropped was a mark VI made by scientists of the resistance Barbara had been leading. It was about the yield of the Castle Bravo Nuke that was tested years and years ago.

Then came the message across the globe.

"We the United States, The New American Empire, have wiped the stain of the NWO from our shore, and have begun retaking our country, any act of aggression, will be met tenfold, and leaders of the NWO, declaring us dead long before you've even seen a body, is hard to do isn't it. Do not show your faces here you or you shall be destroyed. This is your one and final warning. The Ghost of Ottawa, signing off."

The world entered a state of alert, the United States, rather the New American Empire, had been dormant since the bombs, since the NWO had come around.

"Hiashi, it would seem the New World Order has awoken the sleeping giant, and this "Ghost of Ottawa, is someone we need to speak to."

"Yes, Prime Minister."

Back in the base, another speech was broadcast.

"My fellow Americans, I am the Star-Spangled Overlord, but please, call me President Overlord. You and my fellow American Patriots know us as the freedom fighters the New World Order said they'd killed, but low and behold, we still live, and our numbers have increased dramatically. We have claimed the title of Government for ourselves, who better to lead than those defending the American Dream after all. We invite you to move Eastward, as I speak, engineers are working on restoring power to the US Power Grid, and we have begun to return running water and heat to houses across the land. However, I am not naive enough to believe that all of you are all pure of heart. As we speak, our new elite strike team has been deployed and slave and sex camps have been raided, and those responsible have been killed. There will be more raids and more dead degenerates. Slavery of any kind is forbidden in our land, and anyone who partakes in that shall die. Ghost?"

"As the new Military Commander, I have removed the draft and have made a new bootcamp course for any raider, gunslinger, outlaw or punk who wants to fight for America, that is, if you're not scared. This is our land, and our laws will be followed, Freedom is the right of every human apart of our nation, we aren't the government of old, so don't think old money has any form of pull here. Our New American Empire is that of what America was supposed to be, the land of the free, defended by the brave, home of liberty with justice for all. Anyone who stands in the way of that, clearly has ulterior motives and wishes for the fall of mankind, the fall of what true America is, so as the President said, you are welcome in our nation, but to those who come seeking harm, I will greet you, then death will."

"This is the New American Empire signing off, we can't wait to meet you."

As the broadcast ended, tavern, rundown shacks, and inns all over emptied in rush that would surpass even that of the gold rush. Everyone wanted that slice of civilization back, one with strong leaders, safety and prosperity. Wagons, old classic cars and trucks raced across the country eastward bound in the hopes of that promised life. By that next night, millions of people were awaiting entry into the New America. The NWO had in fact been beaten, and these new leaders were waiting to greet them.

"Engineers, turn on the lights." commanded the Overlord

As if it were Christmas, the cities all over began to light back up. the old grid had managed to kick on thanks to the Niagra Falls hydro plant on the American side.

"Come in, and form single file links, name will be taken, please tell the person at the desk for former job, current job, and they will issue you a district! If they give you keys, you will continue straight on, no families will be separated. Stay calm and over in an orderly fashion, we have plenty to offer for everyone." said the Ghost standing atop the Enola Gay.

"What about military enlistees?" asked a teen boy

"LISTEN UP! Anyone wanting to join the Military, will stand in front of the Enola Gay B-29."

The crews worked on processing everyone into the new nation, and by noon, everyone was sorted. The crew was exhausted, but relieved it was over. Now it was time to rest then get back to building a nation.

"I can't believe we pulled that off!"

"Well, the engineers and construction workers had been working on this project for months and yet thanks to you, you all got us here way ahead of schedule child and we now have a fledgling nation."

"Tomorrow, we have plenty of work to do. Get some rest Barbara, we will be busy."