
Star Spangled Fractures

From Reincarnation, to Action Packed-Eldritch Horror Dystopia, to a world of Fantasy. Ottawa Yujin (The Ghost of Ottawa), the non-binary leader, Tempest of Ottawa, and the Overlord of Ottawa, Patty-G of Lots, have their work cut out for them. While Ottawa Yujin reels from the aftermath of Star Spangled Shutdown and begins to embrace his inner villain. Tempest has to fix the city of New Ottawa after the aftermath of the events of Star Spangled Shutdown. While Tempest is working to rebuild the new world, the Overlord is leading the Ottawa Restoration Strike Force is duking it out with cryptids and Nazis trying to reclaim their old home. Normality for all of these heroes is further out of reach than it seems in this shocking Action-Fantasy-Horror packed fourth and final book of the Star Spangled Series!

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Action
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45 Chs

Storming Skies

As the party begins to make shelter for the night, Ottawa brings back plenty of firewood. 

Hopefully this is enough.

Yes, that will do.

As Ottawa set the wood ablaze, the wind picked up and rain hammered the ground.

Good thing we found this cave!

Yes, we are fortunate not only for the cave, but our savior showing up at the right moment.

So sir, might we have the name of the man who saved us?

I am Ottawa Yujin. This is my demonette partner. I have yet to give her a name as I rescued her for harm.

As I see! Well, my name is Sie, and this is my party. We're called Misfits by the King of Eraldball. 

I see.

If you don't mind me asking, what race are you? You possess such strength!


The party gasps as lighting cracks the sky.

A human?!

The party draws their weapons.

I suggest not pissing off my master!

Enough! I told you not to call me your master. I do not own you as a slave. You are simply a member of my party.

The others all looked at him fearfully.

Have I said or done something to offend you?

Well no, it's just...

Then put the weapons down. The soup is ready.

While they were hesitant to do so, the soup smelled really good.

As they do, Sie couldn't help but look at Ottawa. A real human. Humans had been a rarity these days, but with this guys strength...

Stop staring at me. Why is it you are so interested in me?

You said you were human.

Ottawa ate a spoonful of the soup. Yeah and? 

Well, we've never seen a human! 

Pardon me?

Mast...Ottawa. This is what my former master was talking about.

Oh, that. Yes, look, I'm not a creature of malintent. I promise not to harm you unprovoked.

The group rested a little easier. As the storm picked up, Ottawa collected rainwater to boil for later.

As he reentered the cave, he noticed most of the party was sleeping. Everyone except the demonette.

Can't sleep?

No, storms aren't exactly calming for me.

I see.

Ottawa stoked the fire. His golden eye glimmering in the light of the fire. 



Why did you save me? Why did you take me with you?

Well I...

You have some sick fantasy for me don't you? You want to use my...

Enough. No, I do not. I saved you because helping people is always the right thing to do.

Wait... Really?

Yes. I have no fantasies I wish to force upon you, I am not your master as you aren't a slave. Not to me.

The demonette began to cry. Ottawa pulled her into a hug.

This world is a cruel one for sure. You are safe as long as your are by my side. Although, I think it's time I gave you a proper name. How does Lucy sound?

Lucy? You mean it?

Yes. I do.

Overhearing them, Sie looked at Ottawa.

How is it you haven't passed out yet?


Naming a higher race such as a Demonette takes up magical energy.

Well that's good to know, but I feel nothing.

Humans are a weird race.

Well, don't get the idea that all humans are like this, I'm probably an outlier. 

Well, as a dwarf, I'm honored to have met you.

So tell me Sie, why are you really out here. From what I gathered, there isn't a city nor village to rest at for at least a weeks journey.

Well to be frank....

We ran away. said Silvas

Ran away? Now why would a Druid, Lizardman, Dwarf and Fairy run away?

The city we came from used to be a safe place, however, once the heroes took up residence there, they demanded all quote, "Lower Races" be servants to them.

Ottawa crushed the rock he'd been playing with. Sounds to me like they aren't heroes.

They used to be, something changed them. I'm not sure as to what happened, but they are more evil than they are good.

Well, if you're dead set on staying out here, why not work together? We stand a higher chance of survival if we stay with Sir Ottawa.

Drop that sir crap. I am aware it is formal, but please, just refer to me as Ottawa.

Got it. 

Well, if we do stay together, I think his strength will help deter anyone hunters who may come after us.

I'd be inclined to agree. Ottawa, you are probably the only one who can rival the heroes!

Well, I'd rather not pick a fight without having a good place to rest my head. So, might I add that your party's nickname... It really sucks.

Yeah, we know. We were branded as misfits.

Well not as long as you're with me. Together, let us build a place where we can live in harmony.
