
Star Spangled Fractures

From Reincarnation, to Action Packed-Eldritch Horror Dystopia, to a world of Fantasy. Ottawa Yujin (The Ghost of Ottawa), the non-binary leader, Tempest of Ottawa, and the Overlord of Ottawa, Patty-G of Lots, have their work cut out for them. While Ottawa Yujin reels from the aftermath of Star Spangled Shutdown and begins to embrace his inner villain. Tempest has to fix the city of New Ottawa after the aftermath of the events of Star Spangled Shutdown. While Tempest is working to rebuild the new world, the Overlord is leading the Ottawa Restoration Strike Force is duking it out with cryptids and Nazis trying to reclaim their old home. Normality for all of these heroes is further out of reach than it seems in this shocking Action-Fantasy-Horror packed fourth and final book of the Star Spangled Series!

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Action
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45 Chs

A Threat to Us All

So.... This is the Ghost?


And he's not human?


Okay, someone explain how this happened?

The Nazis and Juno fired the colliders. Seems to me that it punched a hole in the universe. 

Makes sense but the Ghost, a cryptid? That's throwing me for a loop. 

It tossed us for one too. 

I understand your concerns, but right now, I must attend to my other friends.

The Cryptid walks over to the others the Ottawans had rescued and attended to their injuries. Pat and the others look at him, unsure of what to do, however, a rocket screams across the sky and hits the Cryptid of Ottawa in the back. 

The hell?

Aardvark 2, you are cleared for you runs. Kill the traitors and the Ottawans.

Roger that sir. 

That's a US Fighter....

But they're also targeting us!

Everyone fall back! 

The forces begin to rapidly retreat as incoming missiles begin to remove the Poconos from the map. The Cryptid shields everyone as he runs behind them. He whips around and catches a missile holding it from reaching the convoy to catch a glimpse of what was following behind him. His eyes fill with horror.

Is that....

A tree falls over, revealing Joe Biden, a version of him, blackened veins running all over his face. On the right, Donald Trump, same thing, the blackened veins, and black eyes. Yet that's not what had the former Ghost of Ottawa scarred. Rather, he was focused on the identical version of himself wielding an ax, marching towards them. Biden raised a finger and pointed at him. 

The Ottawans and their allies stopped retreating and met the others in the center of the woods.

See President Biden, have some faith in them. They won't run from him. 

How is this possible?

So... You are the inferior version of me.

The Cryptid of Ottawa shifts into the Ghost version of himself to stand face to face with his doppelganger. 

You should've just accepted the world as it was, now I'm going to dismantle you and your friends one by one. 

I won't...

Let that happen? Please. These two showed me your exploits. Even how your "friends" dare to compare you to a weakened anime character. You have nothing to stand against me. 

Regardless of your plans, I will not let you hurt them.

So, this is your true calling. Hurting yourself so others don't feel the pain. How stupid. You could've been a god amongst them. A pity, but I'll make sure those outside the barrier follow me. 

Then you leave me no choice but to fight you, here and now. 

I simply came here to kill the soldiers who have been helping you, but if you truly wish to fight, I'd be honored to make this forest you tomb.

The Cryptid and Doppelganger Ghost go toe to toe. However, the doppelganger knew each of the moves it's counterpart was going to make. Grabbing the Cryptid's antlers, he exposed his neck to Biden and the other black veined folk in the woods. 

Kill him and I shall take his place.

The Cryptid snaps and slams his head into the ground. The doppelganger was unable to dodge the attack and is planted into the ground. 

You might know my attacks, hell even my friends, but if you think I'll be so easily replaced, you all can go to HELL!

So violent. But you misunderstand. I'm not simply replacing you, I am using you to conquer the new world, the old world, everything. Thanks to the research of the US Deep State, and NASA, we perfected me, or more so you. I am everything you can't be. So go ahead, be the best All Might you can be, but understand this, I'll do more than a hole in your stomach. 


The Cryptid of Ottawa runs back to his friends who vanish into the a portal with Juno standing beside it. 

Well, the hunt has begun. We'll meet again.... Cryptid of Ottawa.