
Star Spangled Fractures

From Reincarnation, to Action Packed-Eldritch Horror Dystopia, to a world of Fantasy. Ottawa Yujin (The Ghost of Ottawa), the non-binary leader, Tempest of Ottawa, and the Overlord of Ottawa, Patty-G of Lots, have their work cut out for them. While Ottawa Yujin reels from the aftermath of Star Spangled Shutdown and begins to embrace his inner villain. Tempest has to fix the city of New Ottawa after the aftermath of the events of Star Spangled Shutdown. While Tempest is working to rebuild the new world, the Overlord is leading the Ottawa Restoration Strike Force is duking it out with cryptids and Nazis trying to reclaim their old home. Normality for all of these heroes is further out of reach than it seems in this shocking Action-Fantasy-Horror packed fourth and final book of the Star Spangled Series!

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Action
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A Conference of the Minds Part One

As the van laid on its side, Nolan stirred slightly, still unconscious but awake within his mind. As he explored his mind space, he became aware of another presence. As he got closer, it was the Ghost of Ottawa, rather Ottawa Yujin standing in his path.


Well, this is an unexpected dream...

How are you? Where are you?

Nolan, stop caring about me.

What? I could never....

Nolan, you must see what I have become. We always fantasized about the day when we could become more and more powerful. We both used to watch the heroes on TV and in movies as kids, however, I now see the world through a different light. '

What do you mean? How different?

I idolized those heroes,... We both did. Thanks to my mother, I broke myself until I got it right, but never to be successful. I no longer see the need to save this decrepit world. I see no need to hold back any of my anger at this accursed world. I want everyone to understand that kind of suffering, that kind of pain. 

What are you saying? You always help help people! That's who you are!

No. I was commanded to help others out of fear of abandonment, no I am not chained by such relics of my past. As one villain we both know once said.... "I am commanded by no one."

Listen to yourself! This isn't you! 

It has always been me Nolan. They never apologized for making the monster standing before you, so I will no apologize for bringing this world to its knees.

Before either could respond, Tempest and the Overlord showed up that mind space as well. 

Ghost... What is happening? Nolan, did we die?

No... I suggest you two stay behind me for now.

As the Overlord and Tempest joined Nolan, the Ghost laughed. I wasn't simply deemed a threat to your ex and my mother simply because of my might... but also because of my cunning. I promise you, I am not the hero anymore, and you would all be wise to step aside, and let me do what I must.


No Pat, I want this world to burn in my fire. I will bring the world to its knees after what it did to me. Those who remain loyal shall live, but everyone else will be crushed under my heel, under my boots as I lay waste to this existence. 

Ghost, you promised you'd always be a hero! 

Sorry Tempest. It is about time I show this god forsaken world just how much pain it dragged me through! I WILL NEVER BE SUBJECTED TO THAT AGAIN! I WILL TEAR THIS WORLD APART!

Ottawa sent energy waves at them throwing them aside. Nolan and Pat landed side by side and Tempest landed out of his way, just as the other two had. 

Besides, you all have more immediate things to attend to, especially both Nolan and Pat. It's time you woke up, and started running.... 

As Ottawa began to walk away, Nolan and Tempest rushed after him.

Stop this! You aren't the monster they said you are! I know you!

YOU KNOW NOTHING! Ottawa punched Nolan in the face, and turned to face Tempest.

Ghost, please, you aren't a villain! 

Tempest. I am no longer the Ghost of Ottawa, but I am the Villain known as Ottawa Yujin. I am the villain I was always meant to be.

You're not...


Ottawa turned and left the dreamscape, collapsing the dream, forcing everyone in the dream to wake up. Pat turned over to see Nolan's nose bleeding as he sat up.

Shit, your nose...

That's not him....


That wasn't the best friend I knew.

I.... Pat fell silent as he looked at Nolan.

Pat, you don't understand how bad this is... If that was truly a unified dream... He is threat to not only himself, but to all of us.

It is probably just the cryptids messing with the dream. The Ghost of Ottawa would never become a villain, not ever. 

I hope you're right.

As the Overlord and Nolan climbed out of the van, the field was clear and there was nothing but ruined fields and a single farmhouse in the distance. As they gathered in their supplies, they began trekking to the farmhouse seeking shelter. As they pulled open the door, the rooms were empty, and a thin layer of dust had settled on the floors and surfaces of the farmhouse. The quiet was eerie but Nolan set to work getting the fireplace going. The Overlord checked over their supply of food and water, both clearly rattled by the dream. 

As they fortified the windows and the doors, the greyed out sun and begun to set. 

Seems like night comes faster and faster here.

We also have no idea how long we were unconscious. 

True, make sure everything is secured and locked. Nothing gets in, nothing gets to us.

Got it.

As the sun vanished, howls and distorted cries for help rang out across the land. The Overlord and Nolan hunkered down for a long battle against the echoes of the night. 

This reminds me of an old zombies game I used to play.

No shit. This is crazy. The Nazis and the zombies have ruined what was once America.

Yea, but we are going to take it back. I promised Tempest we would be successful. 

Good thing we have nothing to lose then. 

The two chuckled but were soon interrupted by the ominous pounding of the door.

Guns up. We got some dead to kill. 

I like your way of thinking sailor. Let's get messy.