
Star Soul Warlord

Ordinary martial artists take the Wasteland Beast as their star souls; geniuses take Divine Beasts, Poor Qi and other Divine Beasts as their star souls; and top heavenly prides take the Kirin, Green Dragon, and Cang Dragon as their star souls, and when they cultivate to the peak level, they will have all the power and all the qualifications of the Divine Beasts! Mu Yan's astral soul is a hard stone ...... The stone broke the sky and the ancient divine ape appeared! Cultivate the qualification of change, quenching the eyes of fire, holding a huge rod of divine weapons; step on the real dragon, chopping the unicorn, destroy the Qing Luen; stir up the world, stepping through the heavens and earth ...... The most powerful Star Soul is achieved by distorting the heaven and earth!

Allen_S_3092 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Full Attribute Star Soul?

It's getting dark.

Mu Yan sat cross-legged on the balcony of his own room.

He closed his eyes slightly and projected his spiritual force outwards, carefully feeling the stars in the night sky.

Although his eyes were closed, Mu Yan had the feeling that all the countless stars in the night sky were vividly before him, all emitting bright light that dazzled the eyes.

"That's the Si Ni Star!"

"That's Sirius!"

"The brightest star in the farthest east is the Qinglong Star!"

"The star in the south is the Zhuque Star."

Almost every bright star in the night sky, Muyan knew the corresponding divine beast.

Sanshi, Qiongqi, Xiezhi, Pi'er, Kui Niu, Huangniao, Xuanshe...

Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque, Xuanwu, Qilin, Kuanpeng, Jinwu...

Every ancient divine beast corresponds to one bright star.

Receiving star power is to use spiritual power to receive the power of these starlight stars and inject it into the star sea of the star soul warrior's dantian to nourish the star soul.

Like Mu Xinning, whose star soul is the Zhuque.

Then when receiving star power, one should focus on receiving the starlight power of the Zhuque star.

Like Yao Tian, of course, should receive the starlight power of the Sirius star.

What the star soul is, one should receive the starlight power of the corresponding star.

One-to-one correspondence.

If one receives starlight power randomly, the lightest consequence is that the received starlight power is ineffective and cannot nourish the star soul, and the heaviest consequence is that the starlight power may even backfire on the star soul, causing serious damage to the star soul.

For example, a star soul warrior's body has a fire-type firebird star soul, but he insists on receiving the water-type dragon starlight power. The dragon starlight power enters his dantian, causing great damage to the firebird star soul, resulting in irreversible consequences.

While there are also some relatively dim "beast stars" in the night sky, they correspond to various kinds of wild beasts in the Great Wasteland. Such as the Mammoth Beast Star and the Flame Giant Snake Star. If the star soul warrior who awakens the star soul is a wild beast in the Great Wasteland, they can also absorb the star power from these star stars to nourish the star soul.


There are even fainter stars that correspond to ordinary wild beasts and ordinary plants.

There are Lynx Star and Leopard Star.

If the awakened star soul is a lynx or a leopard, they can only absorb the star power from these star stars.

"My star soul is a black stone."

"I don't know which star star this black stone corresponds to?"

Mu Yan was thinking in his mind.

Previously, Mu Yan had never guided star power for himself.

One reason is that his star soul is a worthless star soul, guiding star power to nourish it is useless.

The second reason, and the most important one, is that... Mu Yan couldn't find which star star corresponds to his star soul.

Without a corresponding star soul, of course, he couldn't absorb star power.

Now, Mu Yan and Mu Xining are facing a huge crisis, Mu Yan can't find any solution, so he can only try to practice and absorb star power as a last resort.

"I can't find a corresponding star star..."

"Why not absorb the star power from all the beast star stars at once!"

"Well, I don't care about backlash!"

Mu Yan gritted his teeth fiercely, and an idea popped into his head.

Since it was a case of desperation, he might as well ignore the "correspondence rules of the stars" and connect blindly.

Others might be afraid of backlash, but Mu Yan wasn't.

What if there was backlash?

At most, the powerful star power would shatter Mu Yan's stone spirit core. Backlash was a waste of spirit core, and if it broke, it was broken!

"First, absorb the Phoenix star's Phoenix star power!"

Mu Yan took a deep breath and focused his spiritual power on the Phoenix star in the night sky.

"Phoenix star power, enter my Dantian!"

Mu Yan had helped Mu Xining absorb Phoenix star power many times before, so now it was a piece of cake.

Soon, under Mu Yan's spiritual guidance, the Phoenix star twinkled slightly and emitted a faint ray of light, which was projected onto Mu Yan's body and quickly entered his lower abdomen Dantian star sea.

Mu Yan only felt a slight warmth in his lower abdomen, and it was clear that the Phoenix star power was fire elemental.

In Mu Yan's Dantian star sea, there was a black stone floating.

This stone was unremarkable, its shape was roughly oval, not very regular, nor was it particularly unique. Its surface was not very glossy, nor was it very rugged. If it were thrown into a forest, it would definitely not attract anyone's attention.

It was just a stone, but it became Muyan's star soul.

Muyan drew in the fire elemental star power from the Phoenix star and directed it towards the black stone in his Dantian Sea.


But the next moment, something unexpected happened, which surprised Muyan slightly.

The Phoenix star power, when it approached the black stone, was instantly absorbed by it, vanishing without a trace.

"That's it?"

Muyan was taken aback.

Muyan had helped his sister Mu Xinning draw in Phoenix star power before.

He remembered that when Mu Xinning first awakened her star soul, the star soul in her Dantian Sea was a young Phoenix, a fluffy little chicken. Muyan had to exert all his strength to draw in just a trace of Phoenix star power and guide it in front of the little chicken, but it didn't even pay any attention.

Muyan teased it for a while before it finally accepted the Phoenix star power.

Gradually, the little chicken began to recognize and accept the Phoenix star power, and then started absorbing it quickly.

Even so, every time Muyan drew in star power, the Phoenix star soul would only absorb a limited amount of it. Muyan drew in a thread of star power, and the Phoenix star soul absorbed 40% of it, leaving 60% to be wasted.

It was like feeding a chicken with a handful of grains.

It could only eat part of it, and the rest had to be wasted.

Its growth rate was limited, and it couldn't eat as much as you fed it.

While Muyan's black stone star soul was different, the star power he had attracted from the Phoenix Star was absorbed instantly when it got close, leaving not a trace behind.

Compared to her sister Mu Xinning's Phoenix Star soul, Muyan's stone star soul was a "glutton" that accepted everything without discrimination!

"Try attracting some Qinglong Star and Baihu Star power!"

Muyan immediately began to attract star power again.

As a half-baked star power attractor, it wasn't too difficult for Muyan.

Soon, a trace of Qinglong Star power was attracted.

As it approached the black stone, it was absorbed by the black stone in an instant, leaving not a trace behind!

Then came the White Tiger Star power.


It was absorbed again.

"This black stone has a huge appetite!" Muyan was surprised.

He might as well continue attracting star power, as Muyan knew which stars were the brightest and which celestial beasts were the strongest, so he would attract the star power from those stars. The Black Tortoise, the Kunpeng, the Golden Crow, the Yellow Dragon, the Phoenix... Even the weakest ones were the Taotie and the Qiongqi-level star power.

Muyan's star sea's black stone had actually absorbed over thirty kinds of star power from various stars.

Kachaka! Kachaka!

As it absorbed so many star powers, the surface of the black stone suddenly appeared with cracks!

Dazzling golden light shoots out from the crack.

It seems as if something is hidden inside the black stone, trying to burst through the black stone and emerge forcefully.

"Is my star soul not just a simple rock, but... something else?"

Mu Yan was astonished.

He once again drew in starlight energy, trying to make the black stone absorb it completely and explode to see what was inside.

"Hmm? It's not absorbing anymore!"

Unfortunately, Mu Yan once again drew in starlight energy, only to find that the black stone was no longer absorbing.

The black stone had finally reached its limit.

When Mu Yan nourished his Phoenix star soul with the Phoenix star power, a similar situation occurred.

The star soul absorbed enough star power and temporarily reached saturation.

It needed another day to digest the absorbed star power, and it could continue absorbing on the following night.