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Weakness is a crime. Anyone who accepts it has sinned. Ever since I met these weird people my life, my life has changed. For the worse... ********** The story follows two girls from different sides of the coin. One is privileged, the other not so much. One thing they have in common is that they both have missions to complete. Olivia needs to find and protect those whom she lost. Princess, on the other hand has to stop a great Evil, the Void from destroying all she holds dear. Two irrelevant stories unfold for our protagonists. Why is it these stories don't have the same beat? Why is it when the two finally meet, anger is brewing from Olivia's side? Read More to find out. Ps. I don't think this will actually be successful.

SeriousBudist · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Why were we called (1)

A sweet melody rang inside the room. My fingers elegantly danced on the keys as the sound grew louder and sweeter. It sucked me in as I played, or rather, it played me with its melody. Guided by the melody, I entered a world bursting with music and full of colours.

It was then I heard a loud crash that pulled me out of my world. I looked up and I saw a small woman dressed in a maid's attire.

It was Marie. She had been my personal servant and assistant for as long as I could remember. I found it weird she hadn't grown at all in those years. I guess as you get older, growing stops.

'It better not happen to me. I have to grow taller' I inwardly thought as I stared at her waiting for her to speak.

"Miss, your parents request your immediate appearance. Apparently, it has started to move," Marie informed. I was left speechless by her information. I had thought it was going to start moving at least until my next birthday.

'Why now? We are not prepared yet' I thought but quickly dismissed those thoughts. It had already happened now was the time for action.

"Marie. Please alert the driver to start the car. I will be out shortly," I told her. "Understood, "she in turn replied and walked out of the door.

Before I could leave, I had to pardon myself from my piano lessons. I had been practising the art for about seven years but I was the protégé of world-renowned pianist, Monsieur Jamie for only one year.

After constant begging and pleading, he finally agreed. To most, it could have seemed like a waste of time but Monsieur was world class and he was greatly known in the upper circles of society for rejecting anyone whom he declared unworthy. Those deemed unworthy were never heard of again. Or so I have heard.

Anyway, in short, he was a big deal. So, I had to be extra polite and well-mannered when around him.

"Monsieur Jamie, sorry to disturb but could you please excuse my absence," I said politely, "A family problem has arisen," I quickly added. An awkward silence filled the room as I eagerly and nervously waited for his reply.

"Sure," his response was curt but I didn't mind. I could freely go without worries.

"When you come back, I have a special gift to give you. I am sure it will prove useful in the near future," he added. His words sent a bolt of shock through me.

'What did he mean?' I thought. Eager to learn more, I shifted my eyes to his, hoping they could reveal some information on the gift. Alas, he simply waved me off which implied he intended not to explain further. He was such a tease. I let out a sigh of exasperation and packed my things.

After confirming and double checking I had everything, I left Monsieur Jamie's studio. I spotted a tinted black limousine just outside the studio. It was the car I had arranged for. I hastened my steps, opened the door and got in. The driver soon started the car and we were off.

Multiple trees whizzed by as the car accelerated through the thicket. Despite the rough terrain outside, the limousine did not encounter any bumps or potholes. It was as though a path free of disturbance from nature had been created.

 Monsieur was a person who utterly adored music and thought it was most appropriate to do it in the middle of nowhere.

The path was thought to be created by him. The weird thing about it was that one would only know they're on the path when they're on the path. In other words, it could be said to be invisible. It was thus dubbed 'See you when I see you'. Quite an appropriate name actually. It was nicknamed by some of his previous proteges.

With the aid of the path, our exit was quite smooth and we soon entered the road towards home. Nothing eventful happened on our way and we arrived shortly and stopped at the huge gate that was beautifully adorned with angel-like statues.

The driver talked into the intercom and after a few seconds, I heard a loud buzzing sound and the gates opened. We drove past countless statues, miniature gardens and ponds as we headed towards the main building which had more than three storeys. It was my home.

Standing outside with a mischievous grin and eyes that followed the car until it stopped a modest distance away from him was Xavier, my brother. Noticing him, I clicked my tongue in annoyance. I knew for sure he was up to his old tricks again and I would surely be on the receiving end of those tricks.

Letting out a sigh, I stepped out of the car and noticed a hand reaching out to me. It was Xavier.

"Little Prince, how was your day? Enjoy being free?" he said almost tauntingly.

Last week, Xavier and I had betted on a show and he ended up losing so I got the chance to propose a break from his tricks. It mostly benefited me though. The thing was the next day my break would have officially ended so I was more than sure that he was plotting something either scary or traumatising.

"Shut up brother," I responded displeased with his tone.

"Oh Little Prince, why so angry? A bit anxious about tomorrow?" he said as one of his eyebrows raised questioningly.

I rolled my eyes and snorted, "Back off brother! I could care less about your stupid tricks."

At my reply, the corner of his lips curled upwards, "Really now? I guess I have to try harder, Little Prince." 

"Stop calling me that horrendous name," I said with a scowl. He suddenly burst out laughing which ticked me off.

"Why should I, Little Prince? Especially when that name has such a nice origin," he taunted. His remark made me turn red.

"Were we called because of the Void?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"How should I know? I have just arrived,". I looked at him sceptically, "Why were you waiting around then?" I asked doubtful of his intentions.

"Of course, for you!" he said blinking his eyes innocently. I scoffed and turned towards the door and walked inside, not missing Xavier's not-so-quiet giggles.

It was about time I got some answers.