
Star Rangers

A man wakes up on a bed with strange beings surrounding him. He cannot remember his past nor how he end up there. After struggling to find out what is going on for a bit, one of those being informs him that he was severely injured, and he needs to rest to recover; therefor they put him back to sleep. The next time he wakes up, his adventure begins. He will find that there are others in a similar situation, so as he finds out about himself with the help of the others, he will also find out what has happened to him and to his kind.

OrcaLord · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Wise Doctor

"Rise and shine! You finally woke up!" Said 42 excitingly.

I wanted to smack 42's face so bad, he's annoying and forgetful! Then I realized, it's how I was towards others in my flashback, somewhat. Desperate for attention. Is that how my classmates felt about me? I decide to tolerate 42's behavior, after all, I was no better than he is, even though he's a droid, and I doubt that he is seeking attention like I did. I looked around, and find myself on a bed. on my sides there were beds, but they were empty. I find a tissue in my nose, with the tip of it covered with a hint of blood. My blood. I get up and sit on the right side of the bed. I take another look. There are two rows of beds, each row had about 5 beds, from what I could see. Behind me, there are another 5 beds at each row, including from the one I'm sitting. The room was sizeable. I could see few individual on some of the beds, but it was relatively empty. This must be the clinic.

"Hey! Are you feeling ok now? You were out for a while!" said 42, hovering next to me, and observing me.

"I always had terrible luck with girls," I blurt out.

"Girls? What.... oh you mean her!"

I look at 42 in shock 'Did he see my flash back too? How?'

"Well, it was a kind of your fault," 42 continues "You did kinda molested one of her breasts!"

"I did what? What are you...."

Then I remembered. The blond lady that I landed on! How could I forget such a beautiful angel! I mean, she isn't human, she can't be! Not something that gorgeous! Then I remembered what I did. I felt as if something dropped on my chess and crushed my heart and shattered it in to shreds. I leaned my face and embrace it with my hands.

"Oh, my god! What have I done!" I whispered.

42 snickers next to me "I didn't beg you to be that type, but I guess it takes one to know one!"

"Well! Why didn't you tell me I had to straighten myself out before I reached the gate portal?"

"What do you mean? I simply forgot to tell you earlier, but I informed you regardless. How is that related to this?" 42 flapping its wings while explaining.

I looked at him in shock and in disbelief. Then I grab the wings and brought him up closer to my face and pulled.

"AAHH! OOWW! Ouch! AAHHH HEY!" 42 struggling from my grasp.

"Well, maybe if you told me sooner and made myself straighten up... I COULD HAVE AVOIDED THIS ALL TOGETHER!! Now I have the worst absolute luck even among alien females!"

I stop and realize something. I loose my hold on 42 but griped him firmly. He is still struggling to get out, and is telling me to let him go, but I don't care. What I realize is this; if they all are aliens, then how can they speak English so perfectly? I clearly remember that the other being from that room didn't speak English, and the one that did, barely knew how. 42 seem to speak it with ease, but he's a droid, even so, how is he programed to speak it, or did he learn? The Blond angel from earlier said 'disgusting pervert' without a problem.

"Seeing how you're up and having a fallout with your droid... I take it you are doing well?" Someone said from behind me, her voice is oddly familiar, the prominent pitch voice that I heard from that room from before!

I turn around and see someone standing behind me. The bright neon orange hair that's dances sideways. Her crimson red skin with her big wide dark blue eyes. It was the being from that room! The one that could barely speak English! She is in a suit similar to mine, except its white, and she has both of her hands in her suit's pocket. She seems very calm. Though I notice something different that I haven't noticed before. From the sides of her neck, her skin seemed to come out and become narrow, then at the tip of her skin turn bright green, Looks a lot like leaves. She has two red tentacles coming out of each arm's sleeve, but the tentacles seem to be twice longer than her height. She seem to be about 3/4th of my height. One tentacle was holding an orange liquid in a bottle, stirring it. The other was holding a screen tablet. The same tablet that you could see trough and felt it could disappear any moment. I realized it's the same type of screen 42 and I used to get here, And the same screen that the green gigantic being was using when I was in the capsule. What is that screen? I inspect her, even though her hair is swaying, over all she looks like a rose. She had that same soft smiling expression, but her eyes were more squinted, observing me. A rose..... It's a plant.... How come I remember that?

"I am Doctor Rosita, you may also call me Dr. Rosey if that's hard for you. How are you feeling?"

I looked at her in awe; She speaks perfect English now!

"I feel ok.... you speak English a lot more clear, compared to last time," I responded.

Meanwhile; I lost my grip on 42 and he quickly hovered behind Dr. Rosita.

"Gah! Help! I think he's trying to kill me! Hey! Even if you did straighten yourself... who knows, you might have landed on her face instead!" 42 shouts back at me.

"Haha!" Dr. Rosita laughs lightly.

I am thinking to respond to 42's comment but I had more important question to ask Dr. Rosita. She then tilts her head and approaches me curiously.

"So you remember me when you woke up?" She asks.

I tell her, "Yes... and I'm glad to see you again, I have lots of questions for you."

"Ah of course you do. Then I have an Idea."

Her smile gotten loose, but there is a trace of smiling on her face. She looked down to the floor and went to pass me. The way she moves however is...unique. She moves very lightly and silently, but with purpose, and she doesn't look like she is taking steps. I notice that her feet are tentacles, crawling and gathering on the ground. The tentacles look a lot like a plant's root, except they are flexible, and strong! She comes in front of me, and leans on the bed that's in front of me, with the same pose.

"Here is my idea, we take turns and ask each other questions. I too have questions for you, and based on my experience... with your kind, this was the best approach."

That is a friendly approach, especially for me. I have to wonder though; she said this to be effective for my kind, what did she mean by that?

"I'll let you start," Said DR. Rosita calmly "Ask your question."

I thought about it for a moment. What do I want to know first? I remembered that she said that I was severely injured, and based on my previous flash back, I was part of military, So I must've been wounded in a battle. Clearly I am not from where they are from, I am from somewhere called Earth. Question is, how did I get here? And why? Were they the ones we were fighting? But I have seen no one hostile, or anyone looks like those beings from my flash back. There is also the question of who exactly am I? In each of my flash backs, not a single one mentioned my name. What will happen to me? What's up with my head and body? Why do I keep passing out? Why can't I remember anything?..... Ok there are many questions, but lets start simple and easy. I took a deep breath.

"How did I.... Get here? I can tell that... I'm not part of your kind," I asked.

She kept squinting her eyes, observing me, more like my face, closely. She kept her soft smile, though.

"Fair question. We found you in debris of a destroyed ships and ship wrecks, far from your home planet, actually. You were badly wounded, especially your head. It's quiet a wonder how you have survived, not to mention, your suit's helmet was already shattered."

Wow! That went better than expected. So even though my suit was broken, shouldn't that mean I'd be already dead? Now I wonder how I survived too. More importantly based on my previous flash back, was that the last mission that lead me to here? How did the fighting end? Did my squamates, and Klaus, survive?

"Now it's my turn." Dr. Rosita said, her expression changed this time. Her smile disappeared and was now serious. She had loosened up on her squinting look and instead give me a look with caution. "I know that you don't remember your past at the moment, but I'm sure you must've remembered something by now. What do you remember so far?"

Ok, the question seems to be easy enough. Ok lets see. So I remember part of my childhood, and from it I learned that I love the feeling of flying, and I learned a bit about my dad. I also had a glimpse of my high-school life, and I have a gest of how it was, not sure if I want to remember. I was also part of military when I grew older and ended up fighting unknown creatures. From that seen, I learned that Earth was about to be under attack. I explained all these to Dr. Rosita.

As I was explaining my memories to her, I realized few more details. Something doesn't add up. If we humans have already colonized our entire solar system and were planning to set out.... How did Earth become under attack? Did we win the war? If so, then who are these beings? Are these aliens related to the attack? Then I remembered the strange being that I was fighting against in my flash back, The alien with a human skull, no lips, and three eyes on its forehead, not to mention the short tentacles on its head. I have seen nothing like that here so far, but could they have any connection to these beings?

Dr. Rosita had taken her hand out of her pocket and is typing in the screen tablet that she is holding with her tentacle. The other tentacle is still stirring the orange liquid. Her hand are small, they are about half the size of my hand. She has three fingers in total at each hand, no thumb. For her small hands, her fingers are long, about as long as my middle and pointing finger. She's a quick typer too, her fingers are moving so fast that I almost can't trace them with my eyes. After I finished my explanation, and she finished her typing, she looks back at me.

"Ok! Your turn. Ask your question." She asks in the same calm manner.

So what's the next thing I want to know? "What exactly happened to our kind? I mean, how did I get here?"

She gives out a soft laugh, "That's two different questions, but I'll answer both, with the best of my ability and knowledge." She took a deep breath, and began, "Your kind... is in danger, and is facing extinction."

She paused and observed my reaction. My heart dropped from hearing that I could feel my hairs on my body had gotten straight, and I froze. I quickly focused back on her explanation. She continues.

"Your kind was in a war with a powerful enemy. We call them False Oracle. They are hell bent on taking over and conquering the galaxy. The galaxy we are in. What they are, isn't well known. We ourselves had encountered them not too long before we found your kind. When Your kind was losing, we had come and take as many of your kind as we could, before your planet was completely….. devoured. You are one of the survivors."

I am looking at her in shock and having difficulty processing this information. So we lost the war after all!

"What of my squad mates?" I asked in panic.

She puts up a finger and said, "It's my turn now, stay calm. The answer to your question, we found few other bodies with you, but you were the only one alive. Your squad mates most likely have been deceased. I am sorry." she looked at me with sadness in her eyes.

*Sigh* "I apologize for jumping in your turn, please ask your question," I responded

"Thank you. Now as for my next question, have you eaten anything?" she asks.

As soon as she asked, my stomach growled loudly. Embraced by the noise. I responded "N... No"

She gives me a wide smile and said, "As I thought. Here have some emergency tonic I made for you, It's also filled with necessary vitamins that you need." She gives me the orange liquid with her tentacle she's been stirring. She continues "There are many things I like to ask, but I am pressed for time. Ask your questions."

" What is wrong with my body? Why do I keep passing out? Why can't I remember anything?" I ask.

She pauses for a bit and said, "One question at a time, please. The reason for your frequent faints is that of the amnesia you have, which your brain is trying to regain its memory. You're not alone with the amnesia, for we have made you and your kind to forget about your past, so you wouldn't resist us helping you. It's wrong of us to do this, but we had no choice, as your kind was on the brink of extinction, and aggressive because of it, which is understandable. Don't worry however, we set your kind's amnesia in a way that your memory would be back, eventually. You are probably weak because of lack of nutrients as well"

42, who is hovering stationery next to me now, disrupted us.

"Sorry to barge in, but everyone is gathering for the departure, I suppose to direct him somewhere where he will be shown for his next step!" 42 announces, flapping his wings, quite faster than usual.

"Ah yes, my apologies, I lost track of time." Dr. Rosita stands up, put her hand back in to her pockets and gives me a light smile. "It was a pleasure talking to you, looks like we have to make this conversation short. I will send you more details, electronically."

She looks around quickly as if to see anyone else paying attention to us and leans toward my left ear.

"I advise you to proceed with caution from now on, do not trust anyone so willingly, especially some of your kind's higher ups, and ours." She whispers, "your condition in your case is special. When the time is right, we will meet again. Until then, stay alive."

Hearing this...I feel guess bumps all over my skin! A chilling sensation runs down throughout my body. She backs away and goes on to her next task.

"Wait, I got few more brief questions. How can you speak our language so well?" I asked.

She stopped and turned back halfway, looking at me at the corner of her eye. "We don't speak your language. We have implanted a small chip under your left ear. Thanks to our Nanotechnology, the translation are so easy now days, it's just that we had to learn your language to program it"

That's neat! Then I remembered how I couldn't read the screen when we were trying to get here. I wonder if they can do the same with reading, not to mention I need to read her messages.

"Can you do the same for reading?" I asked.

She turns her head up and change her gaze to the ceiling "We could by activating another part of your chip, but I don't have the authorization to do that, that will be done after you depart. If you're worried about my message, don't. I will send them in English".

She continues, as she is walking away, with her crawling tentacular feet, She said "By the way, I will send someone to get you a proper meal. Also..." She stops just before going behind a corner and turns around with a serious face. "I suggest the next time you meet that lady, try to apologies to her, I have explained your situation and calmed her down, but she still seems quite upset that she was grabbed. She's no ordinary lady, and you don't want her as your enemy."

As she disappears behind the corner, her last words echoed in my head.

"For all I know, she can be your only chance of survival in this....funny world…"

**To be Continued*