
Star Of The Weasley Family

WARNING: This story is just porn with plot. ___________________ When the lady luck shines, you fit perfectly in the worldly designs.​ ​ At least, that's what happened to Ron Weasley.​ ​ The poor lad failed Potions Class due to spending too much time helping Harry prepare for his Triwizard competition.​ ​ Held back by Snape to do extra experiments in the lab, he chose to show his disagreement in the most unique fashion—ruining Snape's experimental potion vials. But the vial contained something he could have never expected, and when he drank it, something invisible and yet spectacular happened.​ ___________________ NOTE: These are my big chapters divided into smaller pieces. My chapters are usually 6k-10k words long. If I don't post daily, or a lot of chapters, Webnovel punishes me by drowning the book in the sea of rankings. ____________________ Join my P@treon for advance chapters, experimental AI audiobooks, and NSFW Artwork: https://www.patreon.com/MrPlotThickens Free NSFW artwork and polls for the next series on my Discord: https://discord.gg/W5FdB6WXaP

MrPlotThickens · Book&Literature
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Chapter 20 - Actions Have Rewards II

Ron marveled at her hot body. Her twists swayed from her shoulder to her chest, wiggling between her ample hills. Her mahogany mounds had amazing dark buds at the tips. The slope of her waist to her soft, full thighs excited him to no end, hoping he could grab hold as soon as possible.

The way her smooth hips swayed as she came even closer made Ron gulp. She leaned past Ron a little and swiped all the scrolls and books off the table. Ron heard the thumps and clatter, baffled if it was the heart in his throat or the books.

As she kicked her shoes off, she unbuttoned his white shirt, pushing him even further to lie down on the desk. She lifted her legs, placing each one at his sides. "Let's start with the bullet points..." She muttered as she leaned down towards him, her tongue dancing on his chest.


Ending his confusion, Ron instantly felt the way Sinistra's wiggling tongue circled his own nipple, swiping up and down to flick his nipple with the wide side of her wet tongue. She suckled on it as her lips clamped it in place.

Ron giggled and squirmed. It was new to him, but he fucking loved it. The ticklish feeling tingled in his belly, eventually causing his cock to twitch even more as it rested between her damp petals, squeezed between the doughy flesh of her lower thighs.

Her waist wiggled and swayed, taunting and teasing the hard pulse of his arousal with small peeks and friction. Her gradually salivating lower lips brushed against the bumps of his girthy length.

"Ummhhh…" She moaned, her hot breath scraping against the wet skin on his chest. "That's it... You're getting there, Mister Weasley," she added as she moved the portal of her loins towards his swollen head.

"Ghhh… But, Professor," Ron tried to wiggle below her, moving his hands up her thighs and onto her back. "How can I…" Ron suddenly grabbed her waist and turned their bodies together.

"Get good marks… If I don't show the work?" He teased, holding her wrist above her head as he leaned over her pinned, naked body on the desk. He lowered his head even more, flicking his tongue on her neck, kissing and nibbling his way down to her lustrous valley as she lay underneath him.

Sinistra shivered from his touch, heaving her chest up, allowing him to grab hold of her hard bud with his lips. He sucked and licked, eventually letting go of her wrists. His hands had better things to do. He kneaded her cloud-like breast in one while the other found its way to her throbbing love hole.

"Oh... Mister Weasley, you're cleverer than I thought." She mewed in delight; her hands brushing over Ron's hair, pulling him in to suckle a bit more. Her hips went up, subtly inviting his digits to explore.

Ron did so as his sultry teacher's body instructed. His fingers trailed down her smooth curving pelvis, one finger brushing between her exposed blushing petals, and finally curved inside, earning a low gasp from her bitten lips. The tip of his finger twirled inside, touching her sensitive walls and coating it with her juices.

"Aah… five points, Mister Weasley; care to try for more?" She moaned a little and giggled, challenging him to do his worst.

"Of course, who wouldn't want that, Professor?" Ron's fingers continued to move as the base of his palm pivoted on her pelvis. Shoving his finger in and out of her sweltering hole, earning deep and long moans of pleasure from her.

Her hips wiggled as her hands caressed his neck and back, trailing her nails on his skin. Her slender, russet belly heaved every time he dug in deep, stretching her fine walls with his hands. His mouth kept busy, cupping around her areola, nibbling on her trembling buds.

"Oh… oh… Yes, Mister Weasley, keep going!" She cried out.

"Professor…" Ron muttered, coming up for breath. He gazed at her blushing face, taking in her ecstasy-filled expression, silently exhaling moans from her parted lips. He then looked up and noticed the large open window, the sky dotted with stars.

"This exam is a bit too hard," he added while grinding his erection on her thigh. "Can you help me… Look at the … Constellations again?"

"Ahh… Of… Course… Anything for my… precious student," she purred between panting breaths. Her pussy throbbed and squeezed against his fingers, hungry for that final release.

"Perfect… I'm going to strive for good marks," Ron smirked and quickly caught both of her hands once again.

Before Sinistra could protest or ask why he suddenly stopped, Ron pulled her off the desk, pushing her towards the window. He placed her hands on the windowsill, placing his one hand over them to keep her there, and grabbed her ebony ass with the other, letting his fingers sink into her cloud-like flesh as he stood beside her skin-to-skin.

"I want to see how deep Astronomy studies go."

Sinistra giggled and raised her ass high, leaning forward and taking in the chilly air of the night through the open window. "As deep as you want it to, Mister Weasley."

Ron smiled, moving his hands all over her curving body, and eventually settled on her plump hips while he steadied himself behind her. He took in the view of her drenched pussy for a moment, hungrily gaping and throbbing for his cock. He aimed his purple head right between her petals and quickly shoved it in with one fell swoop.

"Ahh!" Sinistra jolted. Her brazenly exposed mounds jiggled like jelly. Her sore pussy quivered in sudden pleasure, sending bolts of electrifying bliss up her spine. Her soaking-wet walls stretch to their fullest in a single instance, causing her immense fulfillment.

Ron beckoned his hips back gently and suddenly dove back in, deep to the base. He did so for fun, excited to see the way her body reacted to the sudden probing of his size and girth.

After a couple of moments of delightful surprises, Sinistra finally got used to his rhythm, answering his thrusting hips with the sway and rocking of her body. She writhed in torment when she felt his fingers pinching into her waist, holding on to her as he delved deeper into her with each harsh trust.

"Oh ohh... ahh… Yes, yes…" She moaned loudly, holding onto the edge of the windowsill, her fingers exerting so much force that her knuckles turned a shade paler.

Sinistra bit her lower lip tightly, but those embarrassing cries still overflowed. Ron seemed to hear nothing, fucking her from behind in a frenzy. His pelvis slapped her plump bottom with precision, plowing through toward her deepest walls.

"Ghh…" It was the first time she heard him make a sound as if he had finally teetered close to the edge. With a bit of a grunt, he sounded urgent and suppressed.

He suddenly grabbed hold of her arms once more, pulling them back, forcing her to feel every inch of him deep within her pussy. Her back arched while her ass dangled for him as he thrust his straining cock into her while holding on to her wrists for leverage.

Her breasts jiggled and thrashed, bouncing up and down as they jerked violently towards the open window.

"Ahhh… Yes, Mister Weasley… Exceeding expectations! Ohhh... Oh-Outstanding!"

Sinistra kept giving him outstanding marks, allowing the younger man to show her every inch of his masculinity. Her ass moved in fine, subtle, circling movements; His cock, fast and frantic. Her hips twisting, obeying an instinct she hadn't known she possessed.

"W-Where, Professor?" He couldn't believe his own ears, but yes, he was asking that to a professor.

Sinistra looked up at the sky outside and smiled, "Today seems like a good day to feel the warmth within my soul… inside."

Ron, sweating already and feeling sore in his muscles, heard her reply and drove in with intense fervor. His throbbing girth speared her slit open like a perfect match. Her pussy clenched and shuddered around him, sending him over the edge.

He groaned in blissful agony, losing himself to the pulsating waves of pleasure. He felt his hot seed spill into her, bringing him with her as his heat filled her up. He kept going, thrust after thrust, mixing their juices with nasty squelching between their sweaty skin.

She came at the same moment, convulsing around him with spasms of pleasure. Her body erupted in dazzling undulations as her muscles tensed up, accepting every drop of white seeds in her body.

Ron finally let go of her arms, gulped down some saliva, and coated his dry throat as his knees buckled. He rested his forehead on her smooth, velvety back for a moment, still trying to catch his breath.

Sinistra smiled, resting her head on the arm she placed on the windowsill. She reached down with the other hand, glazing two of her fingers with his white, dripping cream. She brought it up to her lips and licked them in one long stroke.

"Indeed, a good day to feel the warmth," she said with a smile. Her words made little sense to Ron, who just retreated to sit down on a chair and relax, his exposed manhood turning flaccid.

Sinistra got up and took a cloth to clean herself. She cleaned the glistening sweat off her ample mounds and muttered a small moan as she swiped the cloth from below, clearly letting it sink in between her flushed petals and graze her swollen clitoris.

She then approached Ron with her kitten-like steps, kneeling in front of his chair and cleaning his cock with diligent and gentle swipes.

"I'm grateful to you for taking away my greatest fear, Mr. Weasley." She said again, this time sounding different. "You should now go and rest in your dorms. Don't worry about the homework submission. You can ignore it."

Not having to do homework? If that's the case, I'm ready to come here every day.

Ron didn't show his joy and silently wore his clothes. "Thank you, Professor. I'll go now."

Quickly, he climbed down the Astronomy tower and headed towards the dorms. He could still feel a little out of breath after the intense action. But no matter what, his mind felt very free now.

At least no homework anymore. He giddily walked in strides, not noticing the footsteps at the turn.



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