
Star Of The Weasley Family

WARNING: This story is just porn with plot. ___________________ When the lady luck shines, you fit perfectly in the worldly designs.​ ​ At least, that's what happened to Ron Weasley.​ ​ The poor lad failed Potions Class due to spending too much time helping Harry prepare for his Triwizard competition.​ ​ Held back by Snape to do extra experiments in the lab, he chose to show his disagreement in the most unique fashion—ruining Snape's experimental potion vials. But the vial contained something he could have never expected, and when he drank it, something invisible and yet spectacular happened.​ ___________________ NOTE: These are my big chapters divided into smaller pieces. My chapters are usually 6k-10k words long. If I don't post daily, or a lot of chapters, Webnovel punishes me by drowning the book in the sea of rankings. ____________________ Join my P@treon for advance chapters, experimental AI audiobooks, and NSFW Artwork: https://www.patreon.com/MrPlotThickens Free NSFW artwork and polls for the next series on my Discord: https://discord.gg/W5FdB6WXaP

MrPlotThickens · Book&Literature
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66 Chs

Chapter 14 - A Cold Night & A Battle Won I

Such great timing. Ron took out his wand and looked left and right as the sound of rustling leaves and cracking twigs was seemingly coming from each direction. I need to hide until sunset, at least. But where are we?

Ron looked down and noticed sweat drooping from Madam Bones' forehead. He didn't know what it was that led to her condition, but he had no other choice but to hide for now. "I can only wait for you to wake up."

Thankfully, being tall and strong enough, he quickly picked up Madam Bones in his arms and tried to find a gap to escape. Her slender-framed body turned out to be lighter than he had expected, and he easily walked forward.

Bloody hell, now that I remember, I don't know any good battle spells other than Stupefy. Ron cursed his lack of interest. I need to make Hermione teach me some if I survive this.

"There he is!"

"Fuck!" Ron tried to run faster, but how could he with someone on his back? "What spell do I use? I need something silent."

"Umm… L-Leave me…"

Ron heard Madam Bones mumble under her breath, but still remained mostly incapable of moving. "Like hell… Yes, Diffindo, I'll use that."


"There y—"

As soon as Ron heard that shout, he leaped down to the ground with Madam Bones still in his arms. His wand was already out. He stared behind him and flicked without thinking. "Diffindo!"

The magic was invisible, and he had no clue who the enemy was. However, he clearly saw the result as a blood-curdling scream followed. Right from his waist, the enemy got cleaved apart. Ron was taken aback, quickly looked away, and picked Madam Bones again to make a run for it.

In the heat of the moment, he never realized that he had taken someone's life that evening.

Panting, gasping for breath, he dragged Madam Bones with himself and finally found a large tree with a hole in its trunk. It wasn't too big, but enough to find shelter for the oncoming night. The sky had almost lost all its bright hue, and he hoped those after him would call off the search soon.

In a few minutes, to his relief, it started raining. Making it less likely that they would keep the search going.

"Madam Bones." Finally, after some time, he tried to wake the woman up. But when he touched her forehead, he realized she had a fever. "What in Merlin's name happened to you?"

"B-Backlash," Madam Bones suddenly murmured, with half-opened eyes. "S-Someone placed something on me… Check my pockets."

Ron didn't think twice and patted her clothes. Since she wore a long office skirt, there were no pockets. So, he checked her black coat, fumbling around and, in doing so, realizing how toned and firm her body was. He could feel muscles on her sides, belly, and arms when he mistakenly touched them.

"This? It's just a paper with… something written on it."

Madam Bones looked angered, "A traitor in the Ministry… This was a planned attack on you. You must escape, Mr. Weasley."

"I'll pass," Ron replied without thinking. "It's raining outside, and it's dark. We don't even know where we are. Can't you Apparate us away?"

"I-I ugh…" Madam Bones almost lost her consciousness again. "We don't know where we are. I-If it's too far away… we could die."

"Then try to somehow signal the ministry about our whereabouts," Ron asked her and took out Madam Bones' wand from her coat.

Weakly, Madam Bones clenched her wand in her hands and tried to flick it. She attempted it a few times, her expressions only getting more grave. "N-Not working… they must have placed countermeasures. We need one of their wands…"

Ron tiredly sighed and sat down on his ass, very close to Madam Bones' body resting against the tree's wall inside. "I… I defeated one. But I can only look for it in th—"

"Mr. Weasley!" Madam Bones raised her voice all of a sudden. "Y-Your shoulder! It's bleeding?"

"Bleeding?" Ron looked down at his right shoulder, and there it was. His formal white shirt had turned crimson red. "When did this happen?"

"Show-ugh… me, the wound," Madam Bones asked, feeling utterly helpless in her condition. But at least she could heal him, she reckoned.

Ron felt worried, too, and wasted no time to throw off his tie and remove his shirt. He could feel the wetness of blood all over his shoulder skin. But surprisingly, there wasn't much pain.

"C-Come closer," Madam Bones weakly called him closer and raised her wand. "We… Need to stop the bleeding."

Ron agreed and leaned down closer to Madam Bones' face while sitting on her side. Prepared, she pointed her wand at his shoulder and patched him up with a low-level healing spell, something Aurors often used.

"This…umm…" she tried to say something, but lost consciousness again. Her head dropped to the side, on Ron's uninjured shoulder.

I don't think we're getting out of here tonight. Ron reckoned and decided to at least make the night safe for themselves. With the hole in the tree trunk, they at least had a roof over their heads, but the entrance was wide open for wild animals or the Death Eaters. Engorgio should be enough to block the entrance.

So, Ron placed his jacket on the ground, and made Madam Bones lie down, albeit with legs folded a little since there wasn't much space. Then he got up and collected some leaves, stones, and sticks to enlarge them and finally make a sort of blockade.

Thank you for the lunchbox, Mum. Tired by the end, he silently relaxed and ate half of the lunch before trying to lie down and rest as well.

But right away, an issue arose. There wasn't enough space. Since they were inside a tree, the area was round, and only the middle part had enough space for them to actually lie down, and even that was cramped.

"Ugh…" Ron looked at Madam Bones sleeping, her back towards him while her knees were folded a little. "I… I hope she won't arrest me for this."

He gulped and laid down behind Madam Bones. He tried his best to maintain some distance between their bodies, but it was hard. Any moment he relaxed; he'd feel himself spooning the slender woman from behind.

No, no… Why am I getting hard now? Ron cursed under his breath, and instead of falling asleep, he started to feel wide awake. This is bad.

"Hmm?" Madam Bones suddenly made some noise.

Ron froze in his place, but to his rotten luck, Madam Bones tried to look behind herself and pushed her entire back against him, searching for warmth. Ron felt her soft, shapely firm rear against his rock-hard wood.

Ah, she noticed it too! Ron sensed the short twitch from her as she tried to make some space, but only to fail since there was none.

"I'm sorry," he apologized and instantly wondered if he was too dumb.

I'm sorry? Really? I should have just kept my mouth shut. Now she'll have to respond too.

"T-Thank you for saving me, Mr. Weasley. Let's rest now. We don't know what we'll have to fight against in the morning," Madam Bones replied, as she smartly changed the topic and closed her eyes again, slowly feeling better as time passed.

Thankfully, there was no light, so Ron didn't feel as conscious about it and tried to close his eyes to sleep. In the moments that followed, he never realized when he drifted into sleep and entered the realm of dreams.

With the back of Madam Bones against his firm chest, her rear pressing against his erection, the dreams couldn't be anything but ordinary. When they started, and where they started, Ron had no idea, but he saw a beautiful blonde girl moaning as he spooned her from behind, undressed all the way, and his cock sliding in and out with increasing moans from her mouth.

"Umm… Fleur…" Ron mumbled, squeezing the blonde beauty against himself in his dreams, sliding his hands to her front and fondling her ample breast. His humps, slow and deep, drew great pleasure for both.

He kept at it for a while until he felt an intense tension in his groins. It became unbearable, and eventually, the dream popped, and he woke up from deep slumber, only to realize his body was shivering cold.

Beyond that, he noticed the predicament he was in.

Somehow, he could feel satin-smooth skin underneath his palm that now rested on the side of Madam Bones' thighs, her long skirt raised all the way up to her waist. While his other arm squeezed underneath her neck, and his hand gripped her covered breast, groping it.

"Ugh!" But Ron groaned for a different reason. He couldn't believe it. His cock had found itself in the open air, and Madam Bones' hand reaching from under her body had squeezed to the back, gripping his length and gently stroking it.

W-What the hell happened? Ron asked himself and breathed heavily onto Madam Bones' nape. Her light brown, short fragrant hair teased his face. She's stroking me… Why?


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