
Star Of Rex: A hero nobody likes

Arthur was a normal kid who dreamed of being a powerful hero, he would always go to the library to read about heros in fantasy novels, how the hero is always more powerful than everyone and he defeats the Bad guy gets the girl then he and his friends live happily ever after. Arthur gets his chance to be a hero when he opens a mysterious book that teleports him to another world, now he has the power and chance to become a hero but there is one problem, everybody hates him

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 18: Untouchable

The next match was about to start when the instructor of class D came up.

This duel is over, the winner is Arthur, there was noise I'm the crowd, some of the students complained saying those from class A would have defeated Arthur while others just wanted to see more epic fights. Arthur didn't mind, with all the big moves he was learning on the fly he needed to practice it more and ingrain it in his arsenal better but one group wasn't happy with the sudden halt to the duel.

Wait a minute it's not yet my turn!! Harvey yelled

he hasn't gotten to class A yet, we can take him said another

it's not fair, I've finally found a worthy opponent, let me handle him!! a noble girl yelled but all the protest where to no avail the instructors weren't listening and ended the duel then and there.

Now Arthur you... where's Arthur? the teacher asked, the moment the teacher halted the duel Arthur immediately went on his way. Far off in the bath house, Arthur's chiseled body slowly entered the bath, the hot water sueding his strained muscles.

that was something? I didn't expect them to pull such a stunt but it was nice he thought to himself, a devilish smile appeared in his face, now I've learned almost all they're techniques, for now I'll practice them and hone them to perfection then learn the rest, I'm sure those dumbasses in class A will secretly challenge me, I'll just have to bide my time well.

After taking a bath Arthur went to the field and sat down image training, he imagined all the techniques he learned and started putting them into action in his mind, mixing it up by performing two to three techniques at once, flash step, combo move, phantom blade, even Eren's explosive speed was being used. When he felt tired he finally took a quick nap, meanwhile the students where looking for him everywhere. Harvey was waiting for him in they're room but he never showed, he even missed dinner and stayed out late.

The next morning they noticed Arthur in his bed and next to him where some fruits and a basket of food. They wondered how he got food from the outside the school but that didn't matter to Harvey, he went up to Arthur and grabbed him waking him up violently.

You he said putting his fingers in front of Arthur, we'll have a duel tonight at the arena you got it?

Arthur just looked at him and nodded acting scared. During class everyone was busy practicing they're sword styles but Arthur was off on his own.

Flash step into a quick draw then a burst of speed into a phantom blade, he kept practicing all the techniques and sword stiles he learned during the fights, after a while he sat down and meditated,it was something he hadn't done or awhile. What Arthur was doing now was sensing the mana round him, he could feel the mystical energy in the air and the ground, he could also sense the mana of his other classmates far of in the distance, focusing more he began to gather the mana around him and condense it, he wrapped it around his body and then made a barrier round him.

So this is how to properly do the phantom blade technique he said to himself. For the rest of the day he trained using mana, he trained the phantom blade technique under trees, any leaf that fell into his range he sliced it to pieces. Night came and as expected, when he got to his room there were letters on his bed, they here all letters asking him to duel at the arena at night but he put them all under his bed and slept off.

For the next few days, Arthur was ostracized by the other students, most feared his strength while others loathed him and wanted to challenge him, they felt he was being arrogant and proud after the duel, saying his strength came from the sword. Regardless of what they thought Arthur was happy with they're actions, he despised them as well and didn't want anything to do with them as well, to him he was better of being left alone than getting involved.

With the situation and the actions of the teachers making sure no one could fight or challenge Arthur he was practically untouchable. The second and third years had heard of his duel, those who sort to prove they're strength wanted to test they're sword against his but the instructors made sure to not let that happen. It went as far as the instructors telling the students to avoid Arthur at all cost, a guard was even stations in his room for this purpose but Arthur was unaware of this and frankly didn't care what they did. So for the next two months Arthur trained to his hearts content, he also achieved a breakthrough in his swordsmanship but kept it to himself and kept training with it.

One could say these past two months where the best days for Arthur as he wasn't bothered by anybody and was free to do as he wished, unfortunately that was short lived as one night, while training he was caught by someone.

While training he felt someone approaching him so he stopped and looked towards they're direction, it was Harvey and not just him, violet and Drax where there as well. Arthur stared at them as they approached him.

Impressive that you can sense our presence from far away Harvey said


you've grown strong these last few months violet said


stop with the silent and come clean, the reason your this strong is because of I and violets duel's wasn't it, you learned from watching us so it goes without saying if anyone could beat you it would be the both of us. Arthur was a little surprised at drax's change in attitude, he was originally a hot headed person who took pride in his strength and claimed it was unmatched, but now he was talking like he had acknowledged another as his equal, if I remember correctly I overheard sold guys saying they had been spending some time together Arthur thought, are they? no I doubt that, she doesn't look like the kind to do stuff like that.

I'll cut to the chase violet said, you know why I'm here, why we're all hear

you've come to challenge me?

yes they sad in unison

Arthur smirked devilishly, then fight each other and the winner gets to have the duel.