
Star of hope

DaoistHrzaMU · War
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5 Chs

Death of Soldiers

Young man clad in cheap armor was surrounded by a tranquil lake. It felt like he was slowly floating towards the surface from the deep and relaxing bottom.

'Peaceful, so peaceful..

On the edge of his vision, slight tremors revebrated the water. He didnt pay it much attention, but the closer he got to the surface, the stronger and more urgent became the shaking. Just as he resurfaced, the water all around him was bubbling and exploding like crazy. He slightly turned his head to the right, just in time to see a massive boulder flying by and shattering when it hit the water few meters away from him. The impact sent thousands of droplets flying his way. Instead of gently soaking his face, he felt the sharp and hard shards cutting his skin.

"...of it...out of it...snap out of it Raph!"

The voice screaming in his ear slowly became clear. He opened his eyes and tried to concentrate on the shaky vision. Chunks of stone ripped out of the wall in front of them were laying everywhere, with dozens of blurry figures moving and fighting all around. He felt two strong arms grab him under the shoulders as he was slowly being dragged away from the fight.

'ah, i remember.. we were supposed to hold the wall..'

He licked his parched lips as fragments of memories slowly kept coming to him. His throat was on fire and his right arm kept painfully pulsating.

'All was going well till the damn fanatics came..'

"The southern district is lost. We will be lucky to reach the Emerald gate alive."

Shouted the voice behind him to overpower the sounds of battle.

"What did you think was going to happen when you attacked that apprentice? You're lucky to be alive. Damn careless bastard. Ordinary soldiers can't fight someone blessed by a god. Get it inside your shitty head!"

Continued the voice angrily. He didn't have enough strength to protest so he just closed his eyes and kept quiet. Over the course of what felt like eternity moving back they finally reached a makeshift camp in front of a massive stone gate. It was reinforced with steel bars and decorated with beautiful Green emeralds.

'they couldn't break through this even with a ram..'

The voice, which he by now recognized as his companion Lewis, kept discussing something with the guards on top of the gatewall. He couldn't hear them clearly but imagined they were reluctant to open the gate. Wounded soldiers were pooling all around him, also pleading to be let in. After few minutes of haggling they seemed to have finally come to a decision and the gate slowly started opening.

"Great." started Lewis.

"Now we alteast won't turn into ground me.."


Raph rapidly turned his head to the source of the voice. A majestic being dressed in blue and gold robes was floating above the gate. Its eyes were Like two balls of light burning right where the pupils should be. It raised its arms and a ball of pure energy quickly formed between them. For a moment everything went quiet. Then it lowered its hands and the ball hit the gate.

In the next moment, Raph was flung across the square and smashed into one of the walls. His eyes were blinded by the flash and he went momentarily deaf from the boom. He started violently coughing out what felt like chunks of his lungs. After a while, the white slowly receded and Raph started recognizing shapes. In the spot where the gate used to be, was now a large smoking hole. Pieces of mangled bodies and scorched blood were laying everywhere. He slowly dragged himself to his feet with the help of the wall, while vomiting a pool of blood.

The being that caused All this was seemingly disinterested and kept hovering above the destruction. He gripped the wall and took a step forward. It suddenly turned around and stared directly at him. Raph froze and felt his heart being gripped by a cold hand. The being slowly floated towards him until it was right in front. Sharp features composed what turned out to be the man's stern face. The light in his eyes cleared out and now Raph could see deep blue irises looking at him.

"Pitiful rat. Have more luck in your next life."

Said the man in a melodical voice and flicked his wrist. A wave of energy crashed into Raph's chest and tossed him through the wall's gap. He flew out of the Fortress and plummeted into the raging sea below.