
Star Immortal 2

Wang Wei reincarnated into the lost world from Earth and cultivated immortality up to the peak of the world. After numerous struggles, he finally achieved what he desired only to abandon everything due to imminent danger and entered a new realm full of expectations for a brighter future. Then he reincarnated into the New Realm with Upgrade Panel which he designed for himself as a cornerstone for his brighter future to become the powerhouse of the multiverse. -------------- If you like this story. Please Vote, Review and comment. The story update frequency will increase according to the number of collections and votes the readers provide.

Black_phoenix8 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Uncovering a new clue.

Compared to people who like to take their rage out and vent it on others, people like Elijah taking steps to do some good right after their misfortune is relatively uncommon.

People like him are rare and widely appreciated by everyone, including even those without morals. After all, they also need someone to trust with important matters.

After hearing all of Elijah's activities, Captain Caleb and the Vice-Captains' remained silent after understanding what had happened in the dark wood village. Then everybody else also became quiet after a while without knowing how to respond to the sad story of Elijah. But Nick isn't having any of it.

He has more important things to do other than feeling sad about the pitiful life of Elijah. So he said something to move the task to the next stage " Ok since you all know that the beast is dangerous and possibly has the strength and will to treat a village as its food and will probably return tonight to hunt you all. What do you guys decide? "

After listening to Nick's words, they also realized that they are currently on the food list of beasts and also have no means to move anywhere else from the village quickly and make a livelihood soon.

So they all remained silent, not knowing what to say or do. As for the city's people, they will not give anything freely, as even they won't have much after paying taxes to the city lord.

Even if they could, the time it will take them to adapt to city life is a long and challenging process, and if they could avoid all of these with the help of these two people, they would gladly accept it.

Seeing their reluctant expression and silence, Nick shook his head and said disappointedly, " Since you guys don't know what to do, I'll take care of this myself. "

After saying so, Nick didn't wait for the villager's response as he began to walk forward with Caleb and others following him. Nick already sees that nobody wants to say anything openly to him with the savior besides them, as doing so will make the situation look embarrassing for Elijah. They will also appear ungrateful to Elijah.

Elijah looked at what was happening without care and with a numb expression. He just fulfilled his duty as guardian and did nothing special according to him. So he didn't care how the villagers behaved as he didn't expect anything from them for what he did.

Nick turned around and looked at the knight Caleb who followed him silently without saying anything. He thought for a moment and said to him in a very casual tone " Follow me and do what I say. Don't do anything out of my order. "

Hearing Nick's ordering tone without no respect for Caleb. The vice-captain and some of the old soldiers showed startled and vigilant expressions on their faces.

They are all startled because they can hear that young master Nick is dissatisfied with Captain Caleb and has no intention of hiding it and they are vigilant because this small dissatisfaction may become a disaster for them, If they are not careful,

Nick sees all of this without much surprise on his face as he predicted their reactions. Even Knight Caleb showed no surprised expression on his face.

As he also expected such a response when he began to behave unruly in front of Nick beforehand. So he faced the situation with acceptance. As he isn't worried that Nick may kill some of his soldiers to quench the dissatisfaction caused by him.

Because if he did so that would mean Nick isn't good at handling things and this information will also reach Commander Robert and damage Nick's reputation more. At the end of the day, Knight Caleb will get to satisfy his ego.

But Knight Caleb is bound to be disappointed as Nick is not gonna do anything that drastic to vent his none existent anger on unknown innocent soldiers.

Nick led the city guards ad his guards out of the mountain and towards the village. After entering the village Nick stopped before the village center and said to Knight Caleb " We are gonna camp here in this village and hunt down the beast that hunts humans in Datkwood village. "

Then Nick turned around and asked Elijah who also followed them " Do you have any details about the unknown beast that hunts the villagers? If so explain, as it will be helpful in the process of hunting down the beast. "

Hearing the words 'hunting down the beast' sparkled a little light inside the dead eyes of Elijah. But it didn't last long as he replied in a hoarse voice to Nick.

" Nobody who has seen a beast has lived. We have only seen it from a far distance and it only hunts at night. So no one has seen the beast and we only know it stands upright like a human with vicious red eyes and has claws like the devil. "

Hearing this everyone showed helpless expressions on their face. As they didn't find any clue that specified the beast's origin so they won't be able to set a trap that targets the beast.

Nick showed a thinking expression on his face for a few moments and then questioned Elijah " Do you remember anything else? Because what you said is not enough. Can you think deeper and then tell us? "

Elijah thought for a few minutes after Nick asked him to think deeper. Nick and others waited patiently with no one disturbing Elijah or others. Because they all putting their life on the line here.

As any new information would make the hunting process easier and less risky for them. A few minutes after, Elijah said with a little hesitant expression on his face.

" The beast left paw prints in the places where it hunted humans the paw prints are a few inches deep. The paw prints are all shaped like a bear's paw. "