
Brothers & Sisters.

Raging Red Tiger Breathing Method Advanced +1




Four hours later.

Nick stopped practising the breathing method as the medicinal food he ate had been digested into life energy and at the same time, he has to get ready for dinner in the city lord's mansion.

Even though it is called dinner the event will start before the dinner as there will be a small meeting between the children of the Wizard Scarlett and a meeting between the husbands of the City lord Scarlett.

Nick returned to his room and took a bath with the help of the personal maids and then changed into a new luxurious white coloured dress with a striking red rose symbol on his chest.

Then he walked out of his room with a few guards and maids following him. Outside the manor of the Robert stands a luxurious carriage with elegant horses to pull the carriage.

Nick walked out of the manor and climbed into the carriage with only one personal maid boarding the carriage with him. Inside the carriage, Robert looked at his son Nick who was sitting opposite him and said.

" Nick, be cautious in your words while talking with your brothers and sisters. As you are not a child with no power anymore. "

Robert is worried that his son Nick will say something he shouldn't say and fall into any trap laid by his brothers and sisters to damage his son's image in form of his wife Scarlett.

Nick calmly replied to his worried father Robert " Don't worry father. I will behave politely and won't cause any scene. "

After saying so Nick looked at the scenery outside his carriage window with a lazy expression on his face. He doesn't practice now because his father Robert is beside him.

His father had already seen the incredible feats he achieved. So if he also practised the breathing method travelling in a sitting position. His father will lose his mind and question him so he doesn't want to stimulate his father anymore unnecessarily.

With silence prevailing in the carriage the trip to the city lord manor is advanced in a very quiet journey.

A few moments later.

A luxurious carriage stopped in front of the crimson rose city lord's manor among numerous luxurious carriages. Then a noble middle-aged man and a twelve-year-old black-haired blue-eyed kid in a white dress walked down the carriage and walked toward the city lord manor at a swift pace.

In a grand meeting hall in the city lord manor, kids and teens wearing luxurious clothes conversed with each other. In one of such groups, Nick is standing and smiling with other kids in his age group.

Looking like he belonged to the group of kids. As Nick is acting with the other kids like he truly liked his conversation with them.

An eighteen-year-old blonde-haired black-eyed boy came to Nick's group and said to Nick straightforwardly with a gentle expression on his face " Nick, could you come with me? for a moment. "

Nick looked at the boy who requested him to come with him. His name is Leo one of the people who has become a knight and has no chance to become a wizard in this life.

Because once anyone from Scarlett's children become fifteen year old. She will test their talent to see if they have any talent to become a wizard.

If they don't have a talent they will continue to practice the breathing method. If they possess the talent to become a wizard they will be kept under Scarlett's monitoring.

So the people above fifteen years old who appear before anyone without any grand knight protection are the people who don't have the talent to become a wizard in Scarlett's family.

These people will try to befriend the young talented people who have the potential to become wizards with kindness. Nick is one of the people who is considered to be talented in this group of people.

As he become a knight at a such young age so they decided to befriend him and increase their favorability towards him. As all the people in this world have unwavering admiration for the wizards for some reason.

Because of the various mysterious means of the wizards. Nick looked at Leo and said with a smile on his face " Ok, brother Leo. "

After that Nick bid farewell to his age group of friends and followed Leo. As he doesn't want to appear to be out of place so he accepted Leo's invitation.

Leo led Nick to a group of teenagers consisting of four boys and two girls and introduced Nick to them " Hello, this is Nick our young brother who become a knight at such a young age. "

Hearing the hint in Leo's tone the people who don't know about Nick previously realised the situation and most of the people in the group already know about Nick's incredible feat.

Only two fourteen to fifteen-year-old boys and girls in the group joined newly as Nick because of their talent to become a knight doesn't know about newly joining Nick.

Because both of them worked hard to become a knight and continued to work hard even after becoming a knight. So they don't know much about what's happening outside their circle.

Even with Leo's hint, they didn't realise Nick's potential. So Leo's warning becomes waste of time. But the remaining people introduce themselves to Nick.

An eighteen-year-old boy with brown hair and black eyes with a smiling face said to Nick " Hello Nick, I am Gabriel your older brother. If you have any troubles you can reach me and I'll solve them for you. "

Nick nodded his head and said some words to him. After Gabriel's rest of them said the same lines to Nick to them Nick just nodded his head and looked like he truly pays attention to them.

But Nick doesn't even bother to remember their names. At last, Leo introduced Nick to the two guys with the same potential as him " Nick this is Thomas and Elisa who also become knights at young age same as you. "

Next chapter