
Star Holder

Hayashi Arashi, a rebellious orphan, is kidnapped by the mysterious Star Holder Organization (SHO). What secrets will he uncover in their shadowy world?

AzwaadGD · Action
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16 Chs

Fish hunts us

Arashi is left on the lab just to practice his abilities while victor's team is checking out on Ryu, Arashi is checking all his attacks and meters says it's about 9k to 10k voltage.

Arashi continues practicing and then he sees few pictures of Ryu's shapeshift, it's like werewolves, so he decided to do some research about werewolves

Scene shows Arashi opening a door and saying to himself, never knew these would come handy

As Victor's team landed on the station, a thick fog all over the station, muffling all sound. The cold silence left Victor, Ashura, and Raven bewildered, their surroundings abnormally deserted. Suddenly, two figures materialized before them, The monkeys, without a sound, approached Victor, their intentions unclear.

Victor, sensing danger, warned his team to avoid the monkeys' bites. He hastily summoned a barrier of black flames to shield them. But to their shock, the creatures walked through the flames without flinching, meeting their brutal death without resistance.

Realizing the monkeys were possessed, Victor felt a pang of sorrow. Ashura, unfazed, admitted he had suspected it. Victor, undeterred, led his team away from the station, the encounter a chilling reminder of the darkness lurking within.

Scene changes, Arashi was up on a mountain in SHO village, working on something mysterious. He tied it up tightly, then lifted it with his hands. It was a damn hang glider! He said he found it all beaten up with scratches and cuts in Winston's backyard storeroom, but he fixed it. Arashi figured if he combined his electro-impact powers with his ideas, he could easily reach Shirakawa-go, even though it was 500 kilometers away.

Arashi loved playing with paper planes as a kid, so gliding with this hang glider felt like a dream come true. He sprinted at full speed, then slammed his foot into the ground with an electro-impact so strong it broke the cliff and sent him flying over 2000 feet high. Scared but alive, he couldn't contain his excitement. He used another electro-impact in the air, propelling himself even further and high speed. It wasn't just gliding anymore, he was practically flying! With his phone's map guiding him, Arashi set off towards Victor and the others, thrilled by the freedom of the open sky.

Scene changes, victor and others got to the bus successfully, As the bus rolled towards Shirakawa-go, tension crackled in the air, mingling with the scenic beauty outside. Ashura's irritation at Arashi's absence simmered beneath the surface, but Victor's steady leadership kept them focused on their mission. Little did they know, their journey would soon take a dark turn.

In the shadow of the forest, an unsettling energy pulsed, disturbing the tranquility of the surroundings. Victor's instincts screamed danger, his brain forced him to activate his heat radar, revealing the unsettling sight of people running in the jungle for no literal reason. These were no ordinary villagers – their twisted movements and vacant stares hinted at something far more Weird at play.

With a sense of urgency, Victor instructed Ashura to lead the group into the dense woods, determined to uncover the source of the disturbance. The air grew heavy with apprehension as they delved deeper, the rustling of leaves and distant whispers heightening their anxiety.

Emerging into a clearing, they were met with a unexceptionable – humans, their faces dry and Unhuman, under the thrall of some unseen force. Before they could react, suddenly a Shock to everyone, Ryu appeared.

his imposing werewolf form casting a shadow over the group. Panic surged as they realized the true extent of the danger they faced.

In a desperate bid to regain control, Victor urged his companions to capture Ryu,


As they Chased Ryu deeper into the jungle, their senses heightened with each step, the oppressive atmosphere thickening around them. Eventually, they emerged into a vast clearing, a dark aura hanging heavy in the air. In the center stood a massive stone, ominous and foreboding.

Ryu stood over the stone, his imposing figure Shined against the dim light. Victor and his companions approached cautiously, a sense of dread gnawing at their insides.

Victor's voice Lowered as he uttered, "Oh no..."

Ashura's brow furrowed in confusion.

"What's wrong? We've got him cornered. He's got nowhere to run."

Victor's gaze darted around the clearing, his heart pounding with fear. "We're not the ones who've cornered him..."

Suddenly, Ryu unleashed a deafening roar that echoed through the jungle, causing their ears to bleed and their hearts to race. The chilling sound echoed ominously, sending shivers down their spines.

Echoing through the whole Shirakawa-go.

Realization dawned on Victor as he turned to his companions, eyes wide with terror.

"You don't understand. Ryu isn't just controlling those people. He's a genius... He's fully harnessed the power of his star. He's in complete control. We're done"

With a surge of adrenaline, Victor's warning rang out, his voice tinged with desperation.


In a flurry of panic, they turned and fled, the echoes of Ryu's roar haunting their every step as they disappeared into the depths of the jungle, their minds racing with the terrifying truth of what they faced.

As Ryu's roar shattered the stillness, the ground trembled beneath their feet, and lightning danced in the darkening sky, illuminating the scene in a sinister glow. With their backs against the wall, Victor knew they were facing their greatest challenge yet, with the fate of Shirakawa-go hanging in the balance.

Ryu's voice boomed with authority as he demanded, "Tell me everything you know."

Before anyone could respond, a deafening crack split the air as lightning struck in their midst, illuminating the clearing with an eerie glow. The sudden flash of light cast menacing shadows across Ryu's face, intensifying the fear that gripped Victor and his companions.

Please share your reviews and what I need to improve.

This is nothing Infront of what's coming in the future bro.

AzwaadGDcreators' thoughts